Subject |
This document covers all the phases of the SafeKit implementation: architecture, installation, tests, administration & troubleshooting, support, and command line interface. |
Intended |
Architectures |
“High availability architectures” page 15 “SafeKit cluster in the cloud” page 315 |
Installation |
“Installation” page 25 |
Console |
“The SafeKit web console” page 35 “Securing the SafeKit web service” page 177 |
Advanced configuration |
“Cluster.xml for a SafeKit cluster configuration” page 227 “Userconfig.xml for a module configuration” page 235 “User application scripts for the module configuration” page 293 “Examples of userconfig.xml and user scripts” page 299 |
Administration |
“Mirror module administration” page 95 “Farm module administration” page 105 “Command line interface” page 141 “Advanced administration” page 153 |
Support |
“Tests” page 69 “Troubleshooting” page 109 “Access to Evidian support” page 133 “Log Messages Index” page 337 |
Other |
“Table of Contents” page 5 “Third-Party Software” page 333 |
Release |
SafeKit 7.5 |
Supported OS |
Windows and Linux; for a detailed list of supported OS, see here |
Web Site |
Evidian marketing site: Evidian support site: |
Ref |
39 A2 19MC 01 |
If you have any comments or questions related to this documentation, please mail us at |
Copyright © Evidian, 2023
The trademarks mentioned in this document are the propriety of their respective owners. The terms Evidian, AccessMaster, SafeKit, OpenMaster, SSOWatch, WiseGuard, Enatel and CertiPass are trademarks registered by Evidian.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. Consult your Evidian Marketing Representative for product or service availability.
SafeKit User's Guide High Availability Software for Critical Applications
1.... High availability architectures
1.1..... SafeKit cluster definition
1.2..... SafeKit module definition - application integration
1.3..... Mirror module: synchronous real time file replication and failover
1.3.1 File replication and failover
1.3.2 Step 1. Normal operation
1.3.4 Step 3. Failback and reintegration
1.3.5 Step 4. Return to normal operation
1.3.6 Synchronous, fault-tolerant replication that loses no data when a server fails
1.4..... Farm module: network load balancing and failover
1.4.1 Network load balancing and failover
1.4.2 Principle of a virtual IP address with network load balancing
1.4.3 Load balancing for stateful or stateless web services
1.5..... Combining mirror and farm modules
1.5.1 Active/Active: 2 mirror modules backuping each other
1.5.2 N-to-1: N mirror modules with a single backup
1.5.3 Mixed farm/mirror: network load balancing, file replication, failover
1.6..... The simplest high availability cluster in the cloud
1.6.1 Mirror cluster in Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS and Google GCP
1.6.2 Farm cluster in Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS and Google GCP
2.1.2 Installation directories and disk space provisioning
2.1.4 Use the SafeKit console or command line interface
2.1.6 System specific procedures and characteristics
2.2..... Mirror installation recommendation
2.2.3 Application prerequisites
2.2.4 File replication prerequisites
2.3..... Farm installation recommendation
2.3.3 Application prerequisites
2.4.1 When proceed to an upgrade?
2.5..... SafeKit full uninstall
2.5.1 On Windows as administrator
2.6..... SafeKit documentation
3.1..... Start the web console
3.1.2 Connect to a SafeKit server
3.2..... Configure a SafeKit Cluster
3.2.3 Configuration with command line
3.3.1 Select the module to configure
3.3.3 Configuration with command line
3.4.4 Control with command line
3.5..... Snapshots of module for support
3.5.2 Snapshot with command line
3.7.1 Advanced configuration of a module
3.7.2 Advanced configuration wizard
3.7.4 Configure a module stored into Application_Modules
3.8..... Create a new module template (.safe) for deployments
3.8.1 Create a new module template
3.8.2 Deploy a new module template
3.9..... Secure access to the web console
3.10... The clusters inventory of the web console
3.10.1 Define the clusters inventory of the web console
3.10.2 Administer one cluster of the inventory with the web console
3.10.3 Administer all the clusters of the inventory with the web console
4.1..... Installation and tests after boot
4.1.1 Test package installation
4.1.2 Test license and version
4.1.3 Test SafeKit services and processes running after boot
4.1.4 Test start of SafeKit web console
4.2..... Tests of a mirror module
4.2.1 Test start of a mirror module on 2 servers STOP
4.2.2 Test stop of a mirror module on the server PRIM
4.2.3 Test start of a mirror module on the server STOP
4.2.4 Test restart of a mirror module on the server PRIM
4.2.5 Test swap of a mirror module from one server to the other
4.2.6 Test virtual IP address of a mirror module
4.2.7 Test file replication of a mirror module
4.2.8 Test mirror module shutdown on the server PRIM
4.2.9 Test mirror module power-off on the server PRIM
4.2.10 Test split brain with a mirror module
4.2.11 Continue your mirror module tests with checkers
4.3..... Tests of a farm module
4.3.1 Test start of a farm module on all servers STOP
4.3.2 Test stop of a farm module on one server UP
4.3.3 Test restart of a farm module on one server UP
4.3.4 Test virtual IP address of a farm module
4.3.5 Test TCP load balancing on a virtual IP address
4.3.6 Test split brain with a farm module
4.3.7 Test compatibility of the network with invisible MAC address (vmac_invisible)
4.3.8 Test farm module shutdown of a server UP
4.3.9 Test farm module power-off of a server UP
4.3.10 Continue your farm module tests with checkers
4.4..... Tests of checkers common to mirror and farm
4.4.1 Test <errd>: checker of process with action restart or stopstart
4.4.2 Test <tcp> checker of the local application with action restart or stopstart
4.4.3 Test <tcp> checker of an external service with action wait
4.4.4 Test <interface check="on"> on a local network interface and with action wait
4.4.5 Test <ping> checker with action wait
4.4.6 Test <module> checker with action wait
4.4.7 Test <custom> checker with action wait
4.4.8 Test <custom> checker with action restart or stopstart
5.... Mirror module administration
5.1..... Operating mode of a mirror module
5.2..... State automaton of a mirror module (STOP, WAIT, ALONE, PRIM, SECOND - red, magenta, green)
5.3..... First start-up of a mirror module (prim command)
5.4..... Different reintegration cases (use of bitmaps)
5.5..... Start-up of a mirror module with the up-to-date data ( STOP
(red) -
5.6..... Degraded replication mode ( ALONE
(green) degraded)
5.7..... Automatic or manual failover (failover="off" - STOP
(red) -
WAIT (red) )
5.8..... Default primary server (automatic swap after reintegration)
5.9..... Prim command fails: why? (command primforce)
6.... Farm module administration
6.1..... Operating mode of a farm module
6.2..... State automaton of a farm module (STOP, WAIT, UP - red, magenta, green)
6.3..... Start-up of a farm module
7.1..... Connection issues with the web console
7.2..... Connection issues with the HTTPS web console
7.2.1 Check server certificates
7.2.2 Check certificates installed in SafeKit
7.2.3 Check client certificates
7.2.4 Revert to HTTP configuration
7.3..... How to read logs of the module?
7.4..... How to read the commands log of the server?
7.5..... Stable module (green) and
7.6..... Degraded module (green) and
7.7..... Out of service module (red)
7.8..... Module STOP (red): restart the module
7.9..... Module WAIT (red): repair the resource="down"
7.10... Module oscillating from (green)
7.11... Message on stop after maxloop
7.12... Module (green) but non-operational application
7.13... Mirror module ALONE (green) /
WAIT or STOP (red)
7.14... Farm module UP (green) but problem of load balancing in a farm
7.14.1 Reported network load share are not coherent
7.14.2 virtual IP address does not respond properly
7.16... Analysis from snapshots of the module
7.16.1 Module configuration files
7.17... Problem with the size of SafeKit databases
7.18... Problem for retrieving the certification authority certificate from your PKI
7.18.1 Export CA or CLCA certificate(s) from public certificates
7.18.2 Export public certificate
8.... Access to Evidian support
8.1..... Home page of support site
8.2..... Permanent license keys
8.4..... Access to your account
8.5..... Call desk to open a trouble ticket
8.5.4 Answers to a call and exchange with support
8.6..... Download and upload area
8.6.1 Two areas of download and upload
9.2..... Command lines for boot and for shutdown
9.3..... Command lines to configure and monitor safekit cluster
9.4..... Command lines to control modules
9.5..... Command lines to monitor modules
9.6..... Command lines to configure modules
9.7..... Command lines for support
10.1... SafeKit environment variables and directories
10.2... SafeKit processes and services
10.3.1 Firewall settings in Linux
10.3.2 Firewall settings in Windows
10.4... Boot and shutdown setup in Windows
10.5... Securing module internal communications
10.5.1 Configuration with the SafeKit Web console
10.5.2 Configuration with the Command Line Interface
10.6... Configuration of the SafeKit web service
10.6.2 Connection ports configuration
10.6.5 HTTPS <-> HTTP configuration
10.7.1 Mail notification on the start and the stop of the module
10.7.2 Mail notification on the failover of the module
10.8.1 The SNMP agent configuration
10.9... Commands log of the SafeKit server
11.. Securing the SafeKit web service
11.2.2 Unsecure setup based on identical role for all
11.3.1 HTTPS setup using the SafeKit PKI
11.3.2 HTTPS setup using an external PKI
11.4... User authentication setup
11.4.1 File-based authentication setup
11.4.2 LDAP/AD authentication setup
11.4.3 Client certificate authentication setup using the SafeKit PKI
11.4.4 Client certificates authentication setup using an external PKI
11.5... Setup example for HTTPS and personal certificate authentication
11.5.2 Setup HTTPS and personal certificate authentication
11.5.3 Test the web console and distributed command
11.6... SafeKit PKI advanced configuration
11.6.1 Configuring with the command line interface
11.6.4 Commands for certificate generation
12.. Cluster.xml for a SafeKit cluster configuration
12.1.3 <lans>, <lan>, <node> attributes
12.2... SafeKit cluster Configuration
12.2.1 Configuration with the SafeKit web console
12.2.2 Configuration with command line interface
13.. Userconfig.xml for a module configuration
13.1... Macro definition (<macro> tag)
13.2... Farm or mirror module (<service> tag)
13.3... Heartbeats (<heart>, <heartbeat > tags)
13.3.3 <heart>, <heartbeat > attributes
13.4... Farm topology (<farm>, <lan> tags)
13.4.3 <farm>, <lan> attributes
13.5... Virtual IP address (<vip> tag)
13.5.1 <vip> example in farm architecture
13.5.2 <vip> example in mirror architecture
13.5.3 Alternative to <vip> for servers in different networks
13.5.6 <loadbalancing_list>, <group>, <cluster>, <host> attributes
13.5.7 <vip> Load balancing description
13.6... File replication (<rfs>, <replicated> tags)
13.6.3 <rfs>, <replicated> attributes
13.7... Enable user scripts (<user>, <var> tags)
13.7.3 <user>, <var> attributes
13.8... Virtual hostname (<vhost>, <virtualhostname> tags)
13.8.3 <vhost>, <virtualhostname> attributes
13.9... Process or service death detection (<errd>, <proc> tags)
13.9.3 <errd>, <proc> attributes
13.11. TCP checker (<tcp> tags)
13.12. Ping checker (<ping> tags)
13.13. Interface checker (<intf> tags)
13.15. Custom checker (<custom> tags)
13.16. Module checker (<module> tags)
13.17. Splitbrain checker (<splitbrain> tag)
13.17.3 <splitbrain> attributes
13.18. Failover machine (<failover> tag)
14.. User application scripts for the module configuration.
14.2... Script execution automaton
14.3... Variables and arguments passed to scripts
14.4... SafeKit special commands for user scripts
15.. Examples of userconfig.xml and user scripts
15.1... Generic mirror module example with
15.2... Generic farm module example with
15.3... A Farm module depending on a mirror module example
15.4... Dedicated replication network example
15.5... Network load balancing examples in a farm module
15.5.1 TCP load balancing example
15.5.2 UDP load balancing example
15.5.3 Multi-group load balancing example
15.6... Virtual hostname example with
15.7... Software error detection example with
15.10. Interface checker example
15.12. Custom checker example with
15.13. Module checker example with and
16.. SafeKit cluster in the cloud
16.1... SafeKit cluster in Amazon AWS
16.1.1 Install a SafeKit cluster with the AWS CloudFormation template for SafeKit
16.1.2 Install a SafeKit cluster without the AWS CloudFormation template for SafeKit
16.2... SafeKit cluster in Microsoft Azure
16.2.1 Install a SafeKit cluster with the Azure resource template for SafeKit
16.2.2 Install a SafeKit cluster without the Azure resource template for SafeKit
16.2.3 Mirror cluster in Azure
16.3... SafeKit cluster in Google GCP
16.3.1 Install a SafeKit cluster with the Google Marketplace solution for SafeKit
16.3.2 Install a SafeKit cluster without the Google Marketplace solution for SafeKit
1.1 “SafeKit cluster definition” page 15
1.2 “SafeKit module definition - application integration” page 15
1.3 “Mirror module: synchronous real time file replication and failover” page 16
1.4 “Farm module: network load balancing and failover” page 19
1.5 “Combining mirror and farm modules” page
1.6 “The simplest high availability cluster in the cloud” page 23
A SafeKit cluster is a set of servers where SafeKit is installed and running.
All servers belonging to a given SafeKit cluster share the same cluster configuration (list of servers and networks used) and communicate with each other’s to have a global view of SafeKit modules configurations. The same server can not belong to many SafeKit clusters.
Setting the cluster configuration is a prerequisite to SafeKit modules installation and configuration since the 7.2 release of SafeKit and of the web console. The cluster configuration is set through the web console as described in section 3.2 page 37. The web console provides the ability to administer one or more SafeKit clusters.
A SafeKit module is associated with an application. A module is customizable by the user, and it defines the behavior of the high availability solution for the application. Different modules can be defined for different applications.
In practice, an application module is an easy-to-setup file that contains:
a main configuration file userconfig.xml, which lists networks used for communication between servers, files
to replicate in real time (for a mirror module), virtual IP configuration, network
load balancing criteria (for a farm module) and more...
application stop and start scripts
SafeKit offers two types of modules detailed in this chapter:
the mirror module
the farm module
Combining multiple application modules allows the implementation of advanced architectures:
active/active: 2 mirror modules backuping each other
N-1: N mirror modules with a single backup
mixed farm
and mirror: mixing network load balancing, file
replication and failover
The mirror architecture is a primary-backup high-availability solution that is suitable for all applications. The application runs on a primary server and is restarted automatically on a secondary server if the primary server fails.
The mirror architecture can be configured with or without file replication. With its file-replication function, this architecture is particularly suitable for providing high availability for back-end applications with critical data to protect against failure. Indeed, the secondary server data are highly synchronized with the primary server and the failover is done on the secondary server from the most up-to-date data. If the application availability is more critical than the application data synchronization, the default policy can be relaxed by allowing a failover on the secondary server when the time elapsed since the last synchronization is below a configurable delay.
Microsoft SQL Server.Safe, MySQL.Safe, and Oracle.Safe are examples of "mirror" type application modules. You can write your own mirror module for your application, based on the generic module Mirror.Safe.
The failover mechanism works as follows.
For replication, only the names of file directories are configured in SafeKit. There are no pre-requisites on the disk organization for the two servers. Directories to replicate can be located in the system disk.
Server 1 (PRIM) runs the application.
SafeKit replicates files opened by the application. Only the changes made by the application in the files are replicated in real time across the network, thus limiting traffic.
Thanks to the synchronous replication of file write operations on the disks of both servers, no data is lost in case of failure.
When Server 1 fails, Server 2 takes over. SafeKit switches the cluster’s virtual IP address and restarts the application automatically on Server 2. The application finds the files replicated by SafeKit in the identical state they were when Server 1 failed, thanks to the synchronous replication. The application continues to run on Server 2, locally modifying its files, which are no longer replicated to Server 1.
The switch-over time is equal to the fault-detection time (set to 30 seconds by default) plus the application start-up time. Unlike disk replication solutions, there is no delay for remounting file systems and running recovery procedures.
Failback involves restarting Server 1 after fixing the problem that caused it to fail. SafeKit automatically resynchronizes the files, updating only the files that were modified on Server 2 while Server 1 was stopped.
This reintegration takes place without disturbing the applications, which can continue to run on Server 2. This is a major feature that differentiates SafeKit from other solutions, which require you to stop the applications on Server 2 to resynchronize Server 1.
To optimize file reintegration, different cases are considered:
1. The module must have completed the reintegration (on the first start of the module, it runs a full reintegration) before enabling the tracking of modification into bitmaps
2. If the module was cleanly stopped on the server, then at restart of the secondary, only the modified zones of modified files are reintegrated, according to a set of modification tracking bitmaps.
3. If the secondary crashed (power off) or was incorrectly stopped (exception in nfsbox replication process), the modification bitmaps are not reliable, and are therefore discarded. All the files bearing a modification timestamp more recent than the last known synchronization point minus a graceful delay (typically one hour) are reintegrated.
4. A call to the special command second fullsync triggers a full reintegration of all replicated directories on the secondary when it is restarted.
5. If files have been modified on the primary or secondary server while SafeKit was stopped, the replicated directories are fully reintegrated on the secondary
After reintegration, the files are once again in mirror mode, as in step 1. The system is back in high-availability mode, with the application running on Server 2 and SafeKit replicating file updates to the backup Server 1.
If the administrator wants to run the application on Server 1, he/she can execute a swap command either manually at an appropriate time, or automatically through configuration.
There is a significant difference between synchronous replication, as offered by the SafeKit mirror solution, and asynchronous replication traditionally offered by other file replication solutions.
With synchronous replication, when a disk IO is performed by the application or by the file cache system on the primary server onto a replicated file, SafeKit waits for the IO acknowledgement from the local disk and from the secondary server, before sending the IO acknowledgement to the application or to the file system cache.
The synchronous, in real time, replication of files updated by an application eliminates the loss of data in case of server failure. Synchronous replication ensures that any data committed on a disk by a transactional application is also present on the secondary server.
The bandwidth required to implement synchronous data replication is in the order of magnitude of a typical modern LAN, or extended LAN between two computer rooms located a few kilometers apart.
With asynchronous replication implemented by other solutions, the IOs are placed in a queue on the primary server but the primary server does not wait for the IO acknowledgments of the secondary server. So, the data that did not have time to be copied across the network on the second server is lost if the first server fails. In particular, a transactional application loses committed data in case of failure. Asynchronous replication can be used for data replication through a low-speed WAN, to back up data remotely over more than 100 kilometers.
SafeKit provides an asynchronous solution with no data loss, ensuring the asynchrony not on the primary machine but on the secondary one. In this solution, SafeKit always waits for the acknowledgement of the two machines before sending the acknowledgement to the application or the system cache. But on the secondary, there are 2 options asynchronous or synchronous. In the asynchronous case (option <rfs async="second">), the secondary sends the acknowledgement to the primary upon receipt of the IO and writes to disk after. In the synchronous case (<rfs async="none">), the secondary writes the IO to disk and then sends the acknowledgement to the primary. The async="none" mode is required if we consider a simultaneous double power outage of two servers, with inability to restart the former primary server and requirement to re-start on the secondary.
The farm architecture provides both network load balancing, through transparent distribution of network traffic, and software and hardware failover. This architecture provides a simple solution for increasing system load. The same application runs on each server, and the load is balanced by the distribution of network activity between the different servers of the farm.
Farm architecture accommodates/implements well with front-end applications like web services. Apache_farm.Safe and Microsoft are examples of farm application modules. You can make your own farm module, modified to suit your application, from the generic module
The virtual IP address is configured locally on each server of the farm. The input traffic for this address is split among them at low level by a filter inside each server's kernel.
The load balancing algorithm inside the filter is based on the identity of the client packets (client IP address, client TCP port). Depending on the identity of the client packet input, a single filter instance in a server farm transmits the packet to the upper network layers; the other filter instances in other servers drop it. Once a packet is accepted by the filter on a server, only the CPU and memory of this server are used by the application that responds to the request of the client. The output messages are sent directly from the application server to the client.
If a server fails, the SafeKit membership protocol reconfigures the filters in the farm to re-balance the traffic on the remaining available servers.
With a stateful server, there is session affinity. The same client must be connected to the same server on multiple HTTP/TCP sessions to retrieve its context from the server. In this case, the SafeKit load balancing rule is configured on the client IP address. Thus, the same client is always connected to the same server on multiple TCP sessions. And different clients are distributed across different servers in the farm. This configuration is used when there is a need for session affinity.
With a stateless server, there is no session affinity. The same client can be connected to different servers in the farm on multiple HTTP/TCP sessions; because there is no context stored locally on a server from one session to another. In this case, the SafeKit load balancing rule criteria is the TCP client session identity. This configuration is the best solution to distribute sessions between servers, but it can only loadbalance a TCP service without session affinity.
Other load balancing algorithms are available for UDP services.
Two active servers mirroring each other
In an active / active architecture, there are two servers and two mirror application modules in mutual takeover (Appli1.Safe and Appli2.Safe). Each application server is a backup of the other server.
If one application server fails, both applications will be active on the same physical server. After restart of the failed server, its application will run again on its default primary server.
A mutual takeover cluster is a more economical solution than two separate mirror clusters, because there is no need to invest in back-up servers that will spend most of their time sitting idle waiting for the primary server to fail. Note that during a failure, the remaining server must be able to handle the combined workload of both applications.
Shared backup for multiple active servers
In N-to-1 architecture, there are N mirror application modules installed on N primary servers and one backup server.
If one of the N active servers fails, the single backup server restarts the module of the failed server. Once the problem is fixed and the failed server is restarted, the application switches back to its original server.
In case of failure, unlike the active/active architecture, the backup server doesn't have to handle a double workload when a primary server fails. Assuming that there is only one failure at a time - the solution can support multiple primary server failures at the same time, but in this case the single back-up server will have to handle the combined workload of all the failed servers.
Network load balancing, file replication and failover
You can mix farm and mirror application modules on the same cluster of servers.
This option allows you to implement a multi-tier application architecture, such as Apache_farm.Safe (farm architecture with load balancing and failover) and (mirror architecture with file replication and failover) on the same application servers.
As a result, load balancing, file replication and failover are managed coherently on the same servers. Specific to SafeKit, this mixed architecture is unique on the market!
SafeKit brings in the Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS and Google clouds the simplest solution for a high availability cluster. It can be implemented on existing virtual machines or on a new virtual infrastructure, that you create by simply clicking on a button that deploys and configures everything for you in Azure or AWS clouds.
For a full description, see section 16 page 315.
SafeKit brings in the Azure, Aws and GCP clouds the simplest solution for a high availability cluster with real-time replication and failover (mirror module).
For a quick start, refer to mirror cluster in Azure, mirror cluster in AWS or mirror cluster in GCP.
the critical application is running on the PRIM
users are connected to a primary/secondary
virtual IP address which is configured in the cloud load balancer
SafeKit brings a generic checker for the load
balancer. On the PRIM server, the checker returns OK to the load balancer and NOK on the SECOND
in each server, SafeKit monitors the critical
application with process checkers and custom checkers
SafeKit automatically restarts the critical
application when there is a software failure or a hardware failure thanks to
restart scripts
SafeKit makes synchronous real-time replication
of files containing critical data
a connector for the SafeKit web console is installed
in each server. Thus, the high availability cluster can be managed in a very
simple way to avoid human errors
SafeKit brings in the Azure, AWS and Google clouds the simplest solution for a high availability cluster with load balancing and failover (farm module).
For a quick start, refer to farm cluster in Azure, farm cluster in AWS or farm cluster in GCP.
the critical application is running in all
servers of the farm
users are connected to a virtual IP address
which is configured in the cloud load balancer
SafeKit brings a generic checker for the load
balancer. When the farm module is stopped in a server, the checker returns NOK
to the load balancer which stops the load balancing of requests to the server.
The same behavior happens when there is a hardware failure
in each server, SafeKit monitors the critical
application with process checkers and custom checkers
SafeKit automatically restarts the critical
application in a server when there is a software failure thanks to restart
a connector for the SafeKit web console is
installed in each server. Thus, the load balancing cluster can be managed in a
very simple way to avoid human errors
2.1 “SafeKit install” page 25
2.2 “Mirror installation recommendation” page 29
2.3 “Farm installation recommendation” page 30
2.4 “SafeKit upgrade” page 30
2.5 “SafeKit full uninstall” page 32
2.6 “SafeKit documentation” page 33
1. Connect to
2. Go to <Version 7.5>/Platforms/<Your platform>/Current versions
3. Download the 64-bit package
SafeKit is installed in:
SAFE=/opt/safekit |
Minimum free disk space: 80MB
SAFEVAR= C:\safekit\var if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C:
SAFEVAR=/var/safekit |
Minimum free disk space: 20MB + at least 20MB (up to 3 GB) per module for dumps
1. log-in as administrator
2. locate the downloaded file safekitwindows_7_5_x_y.msi
3. install in interactive mode by double-clicking it and go through the installer wizard
msiexec /qn /i safekitwindows_7_5_x_y.msi
1. in a PowerShell console as administrator
2. run SAFE/private/bin/firewallcfg add
It configures the Microsoft firewall for SafeKit. For details or other firewalls, see section 10.3 page 156
Web service initialization for the SafeKit console and distributed
This step is mandatory to initialize the default configuration of the web service. Since SafeKit 7.5, the web service requires authentication to access the service. This script makes it easy to implement by initializing it with the admin user and the given password pwd, for example.
1. in a PowerShell console as administrator
2. run SAFE/private/bin/webservercfg -passwd pwd
This then allows to access to all the web console's features, by logging in with admin/pwd, and to run distributed commands. For details, see 11.2.1 page 179.
The password must be identical on all nodes that belong to the same SafeKit cluster. Otherwise, web console and distributed commands will fail with authentication errors. |
On upgrade, this step can be skipped if it has already been done in a previous version of SafeKit 7.5. If it is reapplied, it will reset the password with the new value. |
SafeKit package install
auto extractible zip file
3. run chmod +x safekitlinux_7_5_x_y.bin
4. run ./safekitlinux_7_5_x_y.bin
it extracts the package and the safekitinstall script
5. install in interactive mode by executing ./safekitinstall
ü reply to “Do you accept that SafeKit automatically configure the local firewall to open these ports (yes|no)?”
If you answer yes, it configures firewalld or iptable Linux firewall for SafeKit. For details or other firewalls, see section 10.3 page 156.
ü reply to “Please enter a password or "no" if you want to set it later :”
This step is mandatory to initialize the default configuration of the web service. Since SafeKit 7.5, the web service requires authentication to access the service.
It initializes it with the admin user and the given password pwd, for instance. It then allows to access to all the web console's features, by logging in with admin/pwd, and run distributed commands. For details, see 11.2.1 page 179.
The password must be identical on all nodes that belong to the same SafeKit cluster. Otherwise, web console and distributed commands will fail with authentication errors. |
Use the option -nofirewall for disabling the firewall automatic setup
Use the option -passwd pwd for initializing the web service authentication (where pwd is the password set for the admin user)
No action required when firewall automatic configuration has been performed during install. Otherwise see section 10.3 page 156.
Web service initialization for the SafeKit console
and distributed commands
No action required when the web service initialization has been performed during install. Otherwise, see section 11.2.1 page 179.
Once installed, the SafeKit cluster must be defined. Then modules can be installed, configured, and administered. All these actions can be done with the SafeKit console or the command line interface.
The SafeKit console
1. start a web browser
2. connect it to the URL http://servername:9010 (where servername is the name or IP address of one of the SafeKit nodes)
3. in the login page, enter admin as user’s name and the password you gave on initialization as password (e.g., pwd). Then click on Connect
4. the loaded page contains all the tabs that correspond to the Admin role by default
role: Configuration,
Monitoring and
Advanced Configuration
For details see section 3 page 35
The SafeKit command line interface
It relies on the single command safekit located into the SAFE directory (in Windows, SAFE=C:\safekit if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C: ; in Linux, SAFE=/opt/safekit). Almost all safekit commands can be applied locally or on a list of nodes in the SafeKit cluster. This is called distributed command.
For details, see section 9 page 141.
If you do not install any license keys, the
product will stop every 3 days
You can download a one-month trial key (which is
accepted on any hostname/any OS) from the following address:
To obtain permanent keys see section 8.2 page 134
Save the key into the SAFE/conf/license.txt
file on each server
Check the key conformance with the command safekit level
Apply a special procedure to properly stop
SafeKit modules at machine shutdown and to start safeadmin service at
boot: see section 10.4 page 161.
For network interfaces with teaming and with
SafeKit load balancing, it is necessary to uncheck "Vip" on physical
network interfaces of teaming and keep it checked only on teaming virtual
In RedHat/CentOS the following packages are
ü for SafeKit core: coreutils, sed, gawk, bind-utils
ü for file replication: nfs-utils
ü for load balancing: make, gcc, kernel-devel and elfutils-libelf-devel in CentOS 8
The user "safekit" and a group
"safekit" are created: all users of the "safekit" group +
"root" can execute SafeKit command lines
For a farm with SafeKit load balancing on a
bonding interface, no ARP should be set in the bonding configuration. Otherwise
the association <virtual IP address, invisible virtual MAC address> is
broken in client ARP caches with physical MAC address of the bonding interface:
see section 4.3.4 page 80
For a mirror, if using file replication, remove
the logwatch package (rpm -e logwatch); otherwise NFS service and SafeKit are
stopped every night
ip 1.1 ip 1.2
virtual ip = ip 1.10 mirror(app1)= app1 files1 files1 |
2 servers with the same Operating System
Supported OS:
Disk drive with write-back cache recommended for
the performance of the IOs
1 physical IP address per server (ip 1.1 and ip
If you need to set a virtual IP address (ip
1.10), both servers must be in the same IP network with the standard SafeKit
configuration (LAN or extended LAN between two remote computer rooms). For
setting a virtual IP address with servers in different IP networks, see section
13.5.3 page 243.
The application is installed and starts on both
Application can be started and stopped using command
On Linux, command lines like service
"service" start|stop or su –user "appli-cmd"
On Windows, command lines like net start|stop "service"
If necessary, application with a procedure to
recover after crash
Remove automatic application start at boot and
configure the boot start of the module instead
File directories that will be replicated are
created on both servers
They are located at the same place on both
servers in the file tree
It is better to synchronize clocks of both
server for file replication (NTP protocol)
On Linux, align uids/gids on both servers for
owners of replicated directories/files
See also system specific procedures and
characteristics in section 2.1.6 page 28
ip 1.1 ip 1.2 ip 1.3 |
virtual IP = ip 1.20 ip 1.20 ip 1.20 farm (app2) = app2 app2 app2 |
At least 2 servers with the same Operating
Supported OS:
Linux: kernel compilation tools installed for
vip kernel module
1 physical IP address per server (ip 1.1, ip
1.2, ip 1.3)
If you need to set a virtual IP address (ip
1.20), servers must be in the same IP network with the standard SafeKit
configuration (same LAN or extended LAN between remote computer rooms). For
setting a virtual IP address with servers in different IP networks, see section
13.5.3 page 243.
See also system specific procedures and
characteristics in section 2.1.6 page 28
The same prerequisites as for a mirror module described in section 2.2.3 page 29
If you encounter a problem with SafeKit, see the Software Release Bulletin (English – HTML) on containing the list of fixes on the product
If you want to take advantage of some new features, see the Release Notes on This document also tells you if you are in the case of a major upgrade (ex. 7.4 to 7.5) which requires a different procedure from the one presented here.
The upgrade procedure consists in uninstalling the old package and then installing the new package. All servers should be upgraded at the same time.
1. note the state "on" or "off" of services and modules started automatically at boot safekit boot webstatus; safekit boot snmpstatus; safekit boot status -m AM (where AM is the name of the module).
Since SafeKit 7.5, the start at boot of the module can be defined in its configuration file. If so, the use of the safekit boot command becomes unnecessary. |
2. for a mirror module
note the server in the ALONE or PRIM status to know which server holds the up-to-date replicated files
3. optionally, take snapshots of modules
Uninstalling/reinstalling will reset SafeKit logs and dumps of each module. If you want to keep this information (logs and last 3 dumps and configurations), run the command safekit snapshot –m AM /path/ (replace AM by the module name)
On Windows as administrator and on Linux as root:
1. stop all modules using the command safekit shutdown
For a mirror in the PRIM-SECOND status, stop first the SECOND server to avoid an unnecessary failover
2. close all editors, file explorers, shells, or terminal under SAFE and SAFEVAR (to avoid package uninstallation error)
3. uninstall SafeKit package
in Windows, using the Control Panel-Add/Remove
Programs applet
in Linux, using the command safekit uninstall
4. undo all configurations that you have done manually for the firewall setup (see section 10.3 page 156)
Uninstalling SafeKit includes creating a backup of the installed modules in SAFE/Application_Modules/backup, then unconfiguring them.
1. install the new package as described in section 2.1 page 25
2. check with the command safekit level the installed SafeKit version and the validity of the license (which has not been uninstalled)
If you have a problem with the new package and the old key, take a temporary license: see section 2.1.5 page 28
3. if you use the web console, clear the browser cache and refresh pages in the web browser
4. reconfigure all the installed modules
web console/ Configuration/
on the module/
Edit the configuration/ or
the command safekit
config –m AM (replace AM by the module name)
5. if necessary, reconfigure the automatic start of modules at boot.
Since SafeKit
7.5, the start at boot of the module can be defined in its configuration file.
If so, skip this step. Otherwise, run web console/ Control/ on the node/Admin submenu/Configure
boot start/ or command safekit boot –m AM on
(replace AM by the module name)
Moreover, in the special cases:
the automatic start at boot of the safewebserver service was disabled
reconfigure it with the command safekit boot weboff
the automatic start at boot of the safeagent
service was enabled
reconfigure it with the command safekit boot snmpon
SAFE/web/conf/ or SAFE/snmp/conf/snmpd.conf files were customized
set back customizations in newly installed files (customizations have been saved in SAFE/web/conf/<file name>.conf.<date> and SAFE/snmp/conf/snmpd.<date>)
To restart modules after upgrade:
ü farm module
web console/ Control/
on the module/
Start/ or command safekit
start –m AM (replace AM by the module name)
ü mirror module
On the server
that has the up-to-date replicated files (former PRIM or ALONE): web console/ Control/
on the node/Expert/Force start/as prim/ or command safekit
prim –m AM (replace AM by the module name)
On the other
server (former SECOND): web console/ Control/
on the node/Expert/Force start/as second/ or command safekit
second –m AM (replace AM by the module name)
For completely removing the SafeKit package, follow the procedure described below.
1. stop all modules using the command safekit shutdown (SAFE=C:\safekit if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C:)
2. close all editors, file explorers, shells, or cmd under SAFE and SAFEVAR (to avoid package uninstallation error)
3. uninstall SafeKit using the Control Panel-Add/Remove Programs applet
4. reboot the server
5. delete the folder SAFE that is the installation directory of the previous install of SafeKit
6. undo all configurations that you have done for SafeKit boot/shutdown (see section 10.4 page 161)
7. undo all configurations that you have done for firewalls rules setting (see section 10.3 page 156)
8. if present, delete the user created by the previous install (default is SafeKitUser) with the command: net user SafeKitUser /delete
1. stop all modules using the command safekit shutdown (SAFE=/opt/safekit)
2. uninstall SafeKit using the safekit uninstall –all command and answer yes when prompted to delete all SafeKit folders
3. reboot the server
4. undo all configurations that you have done for firewalls rules setting
See section 10.3 page 156
SafeKit User's Guide (English, French - PDF and
It is this guide. Be sure to consult the guide corresponding to your SafeKit release number.
Available at
SafeKit Release Notes (English –PDF)
It presents:
ü latest install instructions
ü major changes
ü restrictions and known problems
ü migration instructions
Available at
Software Release Bulletin (English – HTML)
It details:
ü up-to-date list of supported operating systems
ü list of fixes and changes
Available at
SafeKit Knowledge Base (English – HTML)
It provides a selected list of KBs. Other KBs are available but require an account on See access to Evidian support described in section 8 page 133
Available at
SafeKit training
3.1 “Start the web console” page 35
3.2 “Configure a SafeKit Cluster” page 37
3.3 “Configure a module” page 41
3.4 “Control a module” page 50
3.5 “Snapshots of module for support” page 54
3.6 “Monitor modules” page 55
3.7 “Manage modules” page 56
3.8 “Create a new module template (.safe) for deployments” page 63
3.9 “Secure access to the web console” page 65
3.10 “The clusters inventory of the web console” page 66
See the Release Notes, at, for restrictions and known problems with the SafeKit web console. |
Since SafeKit 7.5, by default, access to the web console requires the user to authenticate himself with a name and password. On SafeKit install, you had to initialize it with the user admin and assign a password. This admin name and password are sufficient to access all the console's features. For more details on this configuration, see 11.2.1 page 179.
The web browser runs on any allowed SafeKit
nodes or workstation that can reach the SafeKit servers over the network.
Network, firewall and proxy configuration must allow
access to the administration network of all the servers that are administered
with the web console
JavaScript must be available and enabled in the web
Tested browsers are Microsoft Edge, Firefox, and
Chrome. The web console can also run-on smartphone and tablet. See the Release
Notes on for the supported versions of browsers
To avoid security popups in Microsoft Edge, you
may add the SafeKit servers addresses into the Intranet or Trusted zone
The messages in the web console are displayed in
French, English, Japanese languages, according to the preferred language
configured into the web browser (for not supported languages, English is
displayed). The message catalogs are in SAFE/web/htdocs/jquery.lang/langpack/.
After SafeKit upgrade, you must clear the browser’s
cache to get the new web console pages. A quick way
to do this is a keyboard shortcut that works on IE, Firefox, and Chrome. Open
the browser to any web page and hold CTRL and SHIFT while tapping
the DELETE key. The dialog box will open to clear the
browser. Set it to clear everything and click Clear Now or Delete at the
bottom. Close the browser, stop all background processes that may be still
running and re-open it fresh to reload the web console.
The web console permits to administer one or more SafeKit clusters. A SafeKit cluster is a set of servers where SafeKit is installed and running. All servers belonging to a given SafeKit cluster share the same cluster configuration (list of servers and networks used) and communicate with each other’s to have a global view of SafeKit modules configurations. The same server can not belong to many SafeKit clusters.
To manage a SafeKit cluster, connect to the default URL http://servername:9010 (servername is the name or IP address of one of the nodes in the cluster). If HTTPS is configured, there is an automatic redirection to https://servername:9453.
The localhost and values for servername are not allowed. If used, there is redirection on a page that requires the fill of another address or DNS name for the server.
The web console provides:
Cluster Configuration panel: configure the servers
that belong to the SafeKit cluster (see section 3.2 page 37)
Configuration tab: module quick
installation and configuration on the cluster (see section 3.3 page 41)
Control tab: runtime administration
of modules of the cluster (start/stop…) (see section 3.4 page 50)
Monitoring tab: status monitoring
of modules of the cluster (see section 3.6 page 55)
Advanced Configuration tab: expert
configuration and management of modules of the cluster (see section 3.7 page 56)
Cluster inventory panel. By default, there is only one managed cluster that is named cluster1.
If you want to change this default name or manage another cluster with the same
browser window, see section 3.10 page 66.
The web
console offers contextual help by clicking on the |
The SafeKit cluster must be defined before installing, configuring, or starting a SafeKit module. A Safekit cluster is defined by a set of networks and the addresses, on these networks, of a group of SafeKit servers. These servers implement one or more modules. Each server is not necessarily connected to all the networks, but at least one.
With the Cluster
Configuration panel, you can manage its configuration. In Control and
Monitoring tabs, you can only
display the current configuration of the SafeKit cluster. In
Configuration and
Advanced Configuration tabs, you
can edit the configuration and apply it on all the nodes that belong to the
cluster. The SafeKit cluster configuration is saved on the servers’ side into
the cluster.xml file (see section 12 page 227). For a correct
behavior, it is required to apply the same cluster configuration on all the
nodes. If you need to re-apply the configuration, switch to the Advanced edit mode, then click on the Apply button.
You must fully define the SafeKit cluster configuration before installing and configuring modules since the modification of the SafeKit cluster can affect the configuration or the execution of installed modules. |
The simplest cluster configuration consists in defining all the nodes and their address on one network. For displaying or configuring the list of SafeKit cluster nodes:
Click on
Configuration or
Advanced Configuration tabs
Click on
Cluster Configuration to open the panel
(1) Click on the New
node button for adding a new node into the cluster
(2) Fill in the administration IP address of the
node and then press the Tab key to check the server connectivity and
automatically insert the server hostname. The protocol and port used to access
the node is the same as the one used to connect to the SafeKit web service.
Do not use localhost or as IP address. The server connected to the SafeKit web console must be included into the SafeKit cluster. |
Change the node name if necessary. This name is the one that will be used by
the SafeKit administration service for uniquely identifying a SafeKit server.
It is also the one displayed into the SafeKit web console.
The name field background color reflects the reachability of the node.
Green color means that the SafeKit server is available. |
Red color means that the web console had no reply from the server within the timeout delay. Fix the problem to be able to administer this node. It may be a bad address, a network or host failure, a bad configuration of the web browser or the firewall, the stop of the SafeKit web service on the node. For solving the problem, refer to the section 7.1 page 109. |
(4) Click on the – button
for removing the node from the SafeKit cluster.
When removing a node from the cluster, all the modules installed on this node will not be any more usable. |
(5) Once the configuration is completed, click
on the Apply button for saving changes and
applying the configuration on all nodes. Click on the Reload button to discard changes and reload the initial configuration. When
the Apply button becomes blue Apply, it means that some changes have been done and must be applied.
(6) Click on
Cluster Configuration to close the panel.
With Simple edit mode, you can define only one network, that is the one used to connect the web console.
You can define more networks, for communication redundancy, by switching to the Advanced edit mode. The node name is used to identify the various IP addresses for the same node. The lan name provides the network topology abstraction and is used for configuring the networks used by a module.
Click on
Configuration or
Advanced Configuration tabs
Click on
Cluster Configuration to open the panel
Click on the Advanced radio
The Cluster Nodes panel
is the same as the one in simple edit mode
The Cluster Networks panel
displays the network that the web console connected to and then the additional
(1) Click on the New
lan button for adding a new network
Fill in a friendly name for the new network and set the IP address for the SafeKit
cluster nodes on the new network. The lan name is used for configuring networks
used by a module (see section page 47).
Check or uncheck the boxes to specify the network use:
ü a Framework network is a network used for internal communications within the cluster. These are global cluster and module internal communications, as well as communications for executing distributed commands. You must define at least one framework network that includes all nodes in the cluster. It is recommended to define several framework networks to tolerate at least one network failure.
ü a Console network is a network on which the web console can connect for communicating with cluster nodes. This network must include all the cluster nodes. You can define multiple console networks according to administrative requirements and network topology.
(4) Click on the – button
for removing the network
When removing a lan, all the modules configured for using this lan will need to be stopped and reconfigured. |
(5) Once the configuration is completed, click
on the Apply button for saving and applying the
configuration on all nodes. Click on the Reload button to discard changes and reload the initial configuration. When
the Apply button gets blue Apply, it means that
some changes have been done.
Click on
Cluster Configuration to close the panel
The command line equivalent to the SafeKit cluster configuration is described below. Replace node1 and node2 by the name of your cluster nodes set into the SafeKit cluster configuration.
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window on one node
2. Edit the file SAFEVAR/cluster/cluster.xml
SAFEVAR is C:\safekit\var on Windows if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C:, /var/safekit on Linux
The file content is for instance:
version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<lan name="default" console="on"
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
<lan name="private" console="on"
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
3. Run safekit cluster config
To locally apply the cluster configuration in SAFEVAR/cluster/cluster.xml
4. Run safekit -H "*" -G
to apply the local configuration on all SafeKit nodes defined into cluster.xml
For more details, refer to section 12 page 227.
This tab offers, thanks to the Configuration wizard, the quick installation and configuration of a new module or the quick reconfiguration of a module already installed.
The Configuration
wizard allows setting only major parameters and user scripts edition.
If you need to edit other userconfig.xml fields or advanced management, complete the quick configuration
then go to the
When reconfiguring an installed module,
the Configuration wizard forces to apply the
configuration on all the nodes of the module. If you need to apply it only on
a subset, use instead the Advanced configuration
wizard available in the |
Configuration tab
Install and configure a new module
Click on to open
the panel for installing and configuring a new module.
For each SafeKit cluster node, it lists the modules templates that are stored on the server.
ü Generic modules
Lists the generic modules and Use a generic module for integrating a new application based on a mirror or farm architecture. These modules are stored in the SAFE/Application_Modules/generic directory on the server side.
ü Application modules
Lists all the modules customized for a specific business application. These modules are stored into SAFE/Application_Modules/demo (that may not exist if empty)
ü Advanced modules
Lists all advanced modules for advanced integration. These modules are stored into SAFE/Application_Modules/other.
ü Backup modules
Lists all the modules stored into SAFE/Application_Modules/backup. This directory is used for saving module’s configuration on module uninstall.
You can make
your module template available from Configuration tab by copying the template into one of these areas (see section 3.8 page 63).
Configure and monitor installed modules
Click on to open
the panel for re-configuring and monitoring installed modules.
This panel displays the modules installed (under the SAFE/modules directory) on all the nodes set into the SafeKit cluster (see section 3.2 page 37), and their current state. The list is empty after a fresh SafeKit install. Installed modules can be re-configured to modify general parameters for instance, started, stopped, or uninstalled.
Configuration tab
Install and configure a new module
Click on the name of the module to configure among the generic, application, advanced or backup modules. You first have to set the new module name. Then click on the - button to open the Configuration wizard.
Configure and monitor installed modules
For installed
modules, click on the button (next to the module name) for opening the actions menu and
Edit the configuration. First, select
the node that you want to use for editing the configuration (this node is
called the source server). Then click on the Confirm button
to open the Configuration wizard that offers
the configuration files edition from the selected node.
The configuration wizard is a multi-step interface that helps you configure and install a module on one or many servers of your cluster. You just have to fill intended parameters and click on the button to go to the next step.
For a first test of SafeKit, configure a new generic module or
The Configuration wizard is (example of the new module configuration from template):
The wizard walks you through the process of configuring a module: “Select nodes and networks for the module” page 44
This tab is used to set the nodes on which the module is configured. It also defines the networks for the module. “Edit the configuration of the module” page 47
This tab allows setting only major parameters for quick configuration of the module. “Apply the configuration of the module” page 48
In this tab, you can apply the changes to take effect. It forces to apply the configuration on all the nodes (set into the first tab) and requires that the module is stopped on all of them. “Check the configuration result” page 49
This tab shows the result of the previous step. “Finish” page 49
If you close the Configuration wizard before applying the configuration, it aborts the module configuration. But if you have made changes in previous tabs and have validated, these changes have been saved on the source server. Once you click on the button to apply the configuration, this one cannot be cancelled. |
In Configuration wizard
Select Nodes and Networks tab
This form is used to select the nodes on which the module will be configured and to define the networks used by the module.
For old module templates, the networks selection panel is not available. |
Check the box for selecting the nodes that
implement the module.
The name field color reflects the reachability of the node.
Green color means that the SafeKit server is available. |
Red color means that the web console had no reply from the server within the timeout delay. You can either choose to: ü Fix the problem to be able to configure this node. It may be a bad address, a network or host failure, a bad configuration of the web browser or the firewall, the stop of the SafeKit web service on the node… ü Uncheck the box to not configure it ü Keep the node checked (if you think the node is temporarily unreachable). |
Add new node(s) when necessary (2 nodes for
mirror architecture, at least 2 nodes for farm architecture). This is a
shortcut for the SafeKit cluster configuration (see section 3.2 page 37).
(2) Check the box for selecting the networks used
by the module. Select at least one network for synchronizing the module nodes
and detecting its failures. But it is strongly recommended to set two
monitoring networks to avoid the split-brain case.
The lan name is the one used in next tab for the configuration of the module.
Add new monitoring network when necessary and
check the box for using this network for the module. This is a shortcut for the
SafeKit cluster configuration (see section 3.2 page 37).
(3) Click on the Apply button
to save changes and go to the next step
Node list or network list modification is equivalent to modifying the SafeKit cluster configuration. In that case, the Apply button apply the changes on all the SafeKit cluster nodes. |
For a first test of SafeKit:
Follow this procedure to define the cluster nodes
and monitoring networks for the module
This form allows setting only major
parameters for quick configuration of the module. If you need to edit other userconfig.xml fields or advanced configuration, complete this configuration then
go to the Advanced Configuration tab (see
section 3.7.1 page 58).
Note that the heartbeat networks are defined with network name set into the previous tab. For module templates before SafeKit 7.2, you must fill the IP address for each node.
For a first test of SafeKit:
Follow this procedure to configure mirror or
Get familiar with the module control and
monitoring before inserting application specific start and stop commands into
user scripts
In Configuration wizard
Apply the Configuration tab
Check the module state for the cluster. When “not
configured”, go to (3).
If the module in not in the STOP (red)
state, click on the
button to stop the module and then
wait for STOP (red) state on all nodes before going to (3). The configuration
will be allowed only when the module is stopped on all nodes.
Click on the Apply button
to apply the configuration on all the nodes
The configuration may take some time to run commands on all the cluster nodes. Once finished, the Check Result tab is enabled.
If you do not
want to apply the configuration on all nodes, use instead the Advanced configuration wizard available in the |
When reconfiguring installed modules, the entire module configuration directory SAFE/modules/AM is deleted (where AM is the module name) and rebuild it from the changes made in the console: on the server side, close all editors, file explorers, shells or cmd under SAFE/modules/AM before configuring (otherwise there is a risk that the deployment of the new module files goes wrong). |
In Configuration wizard
Check Result tab
This tab is red if the configuration has failed on one or more nodes. It is green if the configuration is successful on all nodes.
Read the configuration result for each node:
ü success means that configuration is successful on the node.
ü connection error signals a connection failure with the node. Once the connectivity problem is fixed, you can go back to the Apply the Configuration tab and Apply again.
ü failure is displayed when one of the server-side commands run during configuration has failed. Click on Result of command to read the output of the commands and find out the error. You may need to change parameters or connect to the server to address the problem. Once the problem is fixed, go back to the Apply the Configuration tab, and Apply again.
Click on the Next button
or close the window to dismiss the Configuration
In Configuration wizard
Finish tab
This tab ends the configuration wizard. Its main interest is for the first configuration and start of a mirror module with replicated directory. In that case, it proposes to select the server that has got the up-to-date replicated directories and to start it as primary (see section 5.3 page 97).
The command line equivalent to the Configuration wizard is described below. Replace AM by your module name; replace node1 and node2 by the name of your cluster nodes set during the SafeKit cluster configuration.
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window on one node
For instance, log-in node1
2. Run safekit module install –m AM SAFE/Application_Modules/generic/
to install a new module named AM, from template
3. Edit the module configuration and scripts in SAFE/modules/AM/conf and SAFE/modules/AM/bin
4. Run safekit module genkey –m AM or safekit module delkey –m AM
to create or delete cryptographic key for the module
5. Run safekit -H "node1,node2" -E AM
to (re)install the module AM and apply its configuration, that is get from the node running the command (node1 in this example). It applies it on all listed nodes (node1 and node2).
For more details on commands, refer to section 9.6 page 149.
Control tab
By default, modules that can be controlled are the modules installed on all the nodes from the SafeKit cluster.
For each module:
ü the name of installed modules and of the cluster
ü the current state of the module instances on all cluster nodes are displayed
ü you can run a global action on all nodes in the cluster or local action only on one node, and view the detailed status
ü the detailed state for the selected module/node
(1) For viewing the detailed status of the
module on a given node, click on the node
All nodes set during module configuration are listed under the module. The selected node is highlighted with a blue color.
(2) Look at the panel, with the blue background
color, to check the status on the selected module/node
ü select
the Resources tab to view the current resources
status of the module. Place the mouse cursor over the resource name to get the
internal name of the resource. Resource’s state is controlled by the failover
machine to trigger a failover on failures (see section 13.18 page 288). Click on to display the value of the
resource over time. This history may be empty for some resources (unassigned or
Since SafeKit 7.5, the date displayed is the last date the resource was assigned. Before SafeKit 7.5, this is the first time the resource has been assigned to the current value. |
ü select the Module Log tab to read the execution log of the module. Set or clear the verbose log’s checkbox to display the short log (with only E messages) or the verbose log (all messages including debug ones); See also the troubleshooting section 7 page 109 for messages examples.
ü select the Application Log tab to read application output messages of start and stop scripts. These messages are saved on the server side in SAFEVAR/modules/ AM/userlog.ulog (where AM is the module name).
ü select the Commands Log tab to display the safekit commands that have been executed on the node (commands applied on the module and all global commands).
ü select the Informations tab to check the server level and the module configuration. It is the active configuration that is the last configuration successfully applied.
In Module Log, Application
Log and Commands Log tabs, click on
the |
If you prefer, you can click on the
icon to
display the detailed status into a new window
(3) Click on the
button of the module. It opens a menu for running a global
Start or
Stop of
the module on all the nodes in the cluster
(4) Click on the
button of one node. It opens a menu with all actions that will be
executed only on the selected node. It includes local
Start or
Stop of
the module and many commands to control, monitor, and support the module on the
For a first test of SafeKit on the farm module:
Refer to sections listed below:
To continue the tests, see 4 Tests page 69
To understand and check the correct behavior of
a farm module, see section 6 page 105
For the first start of the mirror module, you cannot use the global start of the cluster. Instead, you must:
Refer to sections listed below:
For the first start-up of a mirror module, see
section 5.3 page 97
For the start-up of a mirror module with the
up-to-date data, see section 5.5 page 99
To continue the tests, see 4 Tests page 69
To understand and check the correct behavior of
a mirror module, see section 5 page 95
The command line equivalent to the module start is described below. Replace AM by your module name; replace node1 and node2 by the name of your cluster nodes set during the SafeKit cluster configuration.
For the global start:
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window on one node
For instance, log-in node1
2. Run safekit -H "node1,node2" start -m AM
To start the module AM on all listed nodes (node1 and node2). For a mirror module, it will start as primary or secondary according to the last module state.
For the local start:
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window on one node
For instance, log-in node1
2. Run safekit start -m AM or safekit prim -m AM or safekit second -m AM
To start the module AM locally (that is on node1).
For a mirror module, use prim for starting it as primary; second for starting it as secondary. When using start, it will start as primary or secondary according to the last module state
All control and monitor commands are detailed in sections 9.4 page 146 and 9.5 page 148.
When the problem is not easily identifiable, it is recommended to take a snapshot of the module on all nodes as described below. Snapshots allows an offline and in-depth analysis of the module and node status as described in section 7.16 page 123. If this analysis fails, send snapshots to support as described in section 8 page 133.
Monitoring, or
Advanced Configuration tab
Choose the module and the node
ü (1)
Click on the button of the node. It opens a menu with all actions that can be executed
on the selected node.
ü (2) Select the Support submenu, then Snapshot command. The Web console relies on the web browser download settings for saving the snapshot file on your workstation.
Repeat this operation for the other nodes in the
The command line equivalent to the module snapshot is described below. Replace AM by your module name.
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window on one node
For instance, log-in node1
2. Run safekit snapshot -m AM /tmp/
To save the snapshot of the AM module in /tmp/ (absolute path mandatory) locally (that is on node1).
Repeat all these commands on the other nodes in
the cluster
For more details on support commands, refer to section 9.7 page 151.
Notes (below AM is the module name):
dump command creates a directory dump_year_month_day_hour_mn_sec on the
server side under SAFEVAR/snapshot/modules/AM. The dump directory contains the module logs (verbose and not verbose) and
information on the system state and SafeKit processes at the time of the dump
A snapshot command creates a dump and gathers
under SAFEVAR/snapshot/modules/AM the last 3 dumps and last 3 configurations to archive them in a
.zip file
Monitoring tab
By default, modules that can be monitored are all the modules installed on the nodes from the SafeKit cluster. You can choose the display format for modules according to your needs.
For each module, it displays:
the current state of the module instances on all
cluster nodes are displayed
You can run a global action on all nodes in the
cluster or some local actions only on one node. Click on the
to open the menu of actions.
For more information on state changes:
for a mirror module, see section 5.2 page 96
for a farm module, see section 6.2 page 106
Advanced Configuration tab
There is a tab for each node from the SafeKit cluster. Click on the Node tab for switching server.
Node tab
The node tab provides a file and module manager for the server and is divided into 5 areas.
All entries
listed on the left panel open a contextual menu on right-click on when
clicking on |
Installed modules on the selected server
Lists all the modules installed on the selected server (stored into SAFE/modules on the server side). Module icon is:
ü (blue) when the module is installed, and
its configuration is not modified compared to the last applied configuration
ü (purple)
when the module is installed but at least one of its configuration files has
been modified compared to the last applied configuration. In that case, you must
apply the new configuration for the changes to take effect
ü (grey)
when the module is packaged into a unique file .safe
You can browse and edit the module content for advanced configuration (see section 3.7.1 page 58). On right-click, it opens a contextual menu of operations allowed on the installed module (apply the configuration, check configuration …) or on directory/file (common operations: copy, paste ...). Click on a directory to open or close it.
Click on the installed module name for enabling the control panel (b) on the module.
(b) Control panel of a module installed on the
selected server
Allow control of
the selected module and detailed view of the module for each node of the
cluster. It is like the one provided into the Control tab.
The Informations tab displays the summary of the active
configuration of the module that is the last configuration successfully
applied. It may be different from the one into Installed
modules tree if configuration has been modified but not applied. In
that case, the icon for the module is |
(c) Last Configs of
the module installed on the selected server
SafeKit keeps
the 3 last successful configuration files for each module (stored in SAFE/modules/lastconfig on the server side), packed in a .safe file abiding
by the AM_<date>_<time> naming convention (where AM is the module name). To restore a previous configuration,
right click on the
.safe and select the operation
Restore the configuration. It opens
the Configuration wizard (described in section 3.3.2 page 44) with the content of the saved
(d) Application_Modules
folder on the selected server
It displays the content of the SAFE/Application_Modules directory on the server side.
It is used as a:
ü repository for module templates (in generic, demo and other)
ü backup storage for modules (in backup)
ü workspace for implementing new module templates
To copy installed module and last module configuration files into Application_Modules folder, right-click on the source and select the operation Save to Application_Modules. Right-click on the entry to get more actions.
(e) Commands Log of
the selected server
This area is a nice display of the safekit commands that have been executed on the server (see section 10.9 page 175).
For advanced configuration, go throw the following steps: “Edit configuration files” page 58 “Apply the configuration” page 59
Edit configuration files to:
set advanced configuration options into userconfig.xml (described in section 13 page 235)
insert your application start/stop into scripts
(described in section 14 page 293)
See also examples listed in section 15 page 299.
For this:
Advanced Configuration tab
Node tab
Installed modules
Navigate through the
module tree (content of the directory SAFE/modules/AM on
the server side, where AM is the module name). Click to open directories
(2) Click on a file to edit it. userconfig.xml is located under conf; user scripts are located under bin.
The editor features an XML syntaxic mode for the userconfig.xml file. Click on the Text/Xml radio button to toggle between raw text mode and smart XML mode. In XML mode:
ü clicking on the Insert button activates the insert mode. In this mode, allowed additional tags appear in green, bold font, whereas allowed additional attributes appear in green, italic font. Clicking on an allowed tag or attribute inserts an instance of it at the appropriate place.
ü clicking on the Erase button activates the erase mode. In this mode, clicking on a tag or attributes removes it (and its children) from the edited document. When the mouse is over such an element, the part of the document that would be removed on mouse click is highlighted in red, stricken text.
(3) Save the modifications to the server
(4) Close the editor window
For a first test of SafeKit:
apply this procedure to mirror or farm module
open userconfig.xml file to see the module
open start and stop scripts
The wizard walks you through the process of advanced configuration of a module. It allows applying the configuration of a module that can be modified by directly editing configuration files (see section page 58). “Select nodes” page 60
Use this tab to select the nodes on which to apply the configuration. It may be useful to apply the configuration on only one node, for testing the new configuration on that node before applying it to other nodes in the cluster. “Apply the configuration on selected nodes” page 61
The configuration is applied only on the previously selected nodes. “Check the configuration result” page 61
This tab is enabled when the configuration has been applied in the previous step.
In Advanced
Configuration wizard
Select Nodes tab
By default, all the module cluster nodes are selected.
Check the box to apply the configuration on the node;
uncheck for not applying it.
If necessary, add a new node in the same way as
described in the configuration wizard (as
described in section page 44).
(2) Click on the Apply button
when the form has been modified and go to the next step
In Advanced
Configuration wizard
Apply the configuration tab
This tab is the same as the one into the configuration wizard (described in section page 48), but with the following major differences:
ü Only the nodes selected in the previous step are displayed
ü When clicking on the Apply button, there is no check that the module is stopped on all nodes. That implies that the configuration may be applied while the module is running. In that case, there is an attempt to make a dynamic reconfiguration. This one is successful only if:
§ The module is in the ALONE (green) or WAIT (red) states
§ You have modified into the userconfig.xml file, only parameters that can be dynamically changed (see section 13 page 235)
If you do not want to run dynamic configuration, stop the module on all nodes before clicking on the Apply button. |
In Advanced
Configuration wizard
Check Result tab
This tab is the same as the one into the configuration wizard (described in section page 49).
Configuration or
Advanced Configuration tabs
It opens a dialog for selecting the nodes on which the module will be uninstalled.
before uninstalling, close all editors, file
explorers, shells or cmd under SAFE/modules/AM and SAFEVAR/modules/AM (where AM is the module name). Otherwise, there is a risk that
uninstalling the module fails
after uninstalling, the uninstalled module is
stored under the SAFE/Application_Modules/backup directory on the server side
The command line sequence equivalent for uninstalling is (replace below AM by the module name):
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window on one node
For instance, log-in node1
2. Run safekit deconfig –m AM
To unconfigure the module AM locally
3. Run safekit module package –m AM SAFE/Application_Modules/backup/
To save the module in SAFE/Application_Modules/backup/
4. Run safekit module uninstall –m AM
To uninstall the module locally
Repeat all these commands on the other node.
You may need to configure a module from a template stored into Application_Modules such as a template (in demo folder), a backup (in backup/) or a saved module. For this:
Advanced Configuration tab
Node tab
Application_Modules folder
Right-click on
.safe, then
Edit the configuration. It opens
the Configuration wizard (described in section 3.3.2 page 44). This wizard offers only quick
configuration for the module. If you need advanced configuration, Unpack the .safe and edit the files into the
extracted module tree.
Right-click on the
module entry, then
Apply the configuration. It opens
the advanced configuration wizard (described in
section 3.7.1 page 58).
You can store an external module into the Application_Modules area for configuring it later:
Advanced Configuration tab
Node tab
Right-click on Application_Modules
folder, then Load .safe from your
workstation storage
Once your module is built and validated, you may want to reuse it on a new customer site. For this, create first the module template on your test site, and then deploy it on the new site.
You now must modify the configuration files of the module so that it can be used as a template:
Browse appli folder for editing files
Edit conf/userconfig.xml to remove values
specific to your cluster. Click on the file to open the editor. It opens the
file for editing as text.
Edit other files if they also contain parameters
specific to your installation
Optionally, edit web/index.html to change the html page displayed in Enter Parameters tab of Configuration wizard. When index.html is not present (in previous versions modules for instance), the web console instead proposes to edit the userconfig.xml file.
After a new SafeKit installation on new
servers, you can make your module template available from Configuration tab.
Manually copy the file on the new
SafeKit server in SAFE/Application_Modules/demo (create it if necessary)
Choose Load .safe from your workstation storage. Then move
At the next web console connection to the
new server (or after refreshing the web page), is visible in Configuration tab.
The module template can be installed and configured in the same way as other module templates (see section 3.3 page 41).
Admin role
This role grants all administrative rights by allowing access to the tabs:
Control role |
This role grants control and monitoring rights by allowing access to the tabs:
Monitor role |
This role only grants monitoring rights by allowing access to the tab:
SafeKit provides different setups for the web service to enhance the security of the SafeKit web console. The predefined setups are listed below from least secure to most secure:
HTTP. Same role for all users without
This solution can only be implemented only in HTTP and is not compatible with user authentication methods.
HTTP/HTTPS with user authentication based on
Apache files and optional role management
It relies on Apache files to store username/password for authenticating users and, optionally, to store the associated role for restricting their access. To connect to the console, the user must enter the username and password as configured with the Apache mechanisms.
Since SafeKit 7.5, this is the default active configuration, applied for HTTP and initialized with a single admin user with the Admin role. The default setup can be extended to add users or to switch to HTTPS.
HTTP/HTTPS with user authentication based on
LDAP/AD authentication. Optional role management
It relies on LDAP/AD authentication server to authenticate users and, optionally, restricts their access based on roles. To connect to the console, the user must enter the username and password as configured into the LDAP/AD server. It supports HTTP or HTTPS.
HTTPS with client certificate authentication and
role management
It relies on client certificates to authenticate users and assign their role. To connect to the console, the user must import the appropriate client certificate into its browser. It requires HTTPS configuration.
To implement them, refer to the section 11 page 177.
Each entry in the inventory corresponds to a SafeKit cluster and points to one of the nodes in the cluster. This is the main connection used by the web console to get this cluster configuration and administration.
Clusters inventory is stored into the cache of the web browser. Therefore, it must be reassigned after the cache clean or when using another browser. |
To display the inventory, click on to open the menu, then select Clusters inventory. Apply the same procedure to hide
the inventory.
It displays the clusters inventory panel at the top of the page:
On the first connection with the web console, the connection server is automatically added into the inventory with the name cluster1.
In Clusters inventory
Right-click or click on
of the entry to open the menu and edit, delete or add an entry to the
You can edit cluster1 or add a new entry cluster2:
Set the name of the cluster. This name is
displayed into the web console for identifying the cluster
Check the server identity
Click on Confirm to
add/change the cluster to the inventory
The clusters inventory can also been set with a query string in the URL. For instance:,cluster2@ open the console with the inventory set in parameter. |
In Clusters inventory panel
(1) Click on the name of the cluster you want to
(2) The administration panel displays the full
tools for the selected cluster
In Clusters inventory panel
(1) Click on the Clusters
inventory entry
(2) The administration panel displays a
restricted set of tools, but for all the clusters
Since SafeKit 7.5, this global administration of modules from all clusters is incompatible with the configuration of user authentication based on file or LDAP/AD server. This means that it is incompatible with the default configuration of the SafeKit web service. If you need this feature, change the default configuration to the unsecure one or the secured one based on HTTPS and client certificates. Refer to section 11 page 177.
4.1 “Installation and tests after boot” page 69
4.2 “Tests of a mirror module” page 72
4.3 “Tests of a farm module” page 79
4.4 “Tests of checkers common to mirror and farm” page 86
Package installation:
Host : <hostname>
See also section 9.2 page 142.
Test safeadmin service:
"Waiting for safeadmin .........."
Test safewebserver service:
Test safeagent service:
Test modules:
<heart> Note: If you want to make a test with double simultaneous electrical fault on both servers, check that <rfs async="none"> is set in userconfig.xml. For more information, see section 1.3.6 page 18 |
"Resource heartbeat.default set to
down by heart"
"Script start_prim"
"Action start called at boot time"
"Previous halt unexpected"
Go to section 4.4 page 86 for tests of checkers.
Farm module in the userconfig.xml with load balancing on the safewebserver service (TCP port 9010): <farm> On a remote workstation (or server) in the same LAN, ping of the 2 physical IP addresses + virtual IP + arp –a |
"Vitual IP <virtip of farm> set"
ping node1_ip_address; ping
node2_ip_address; ping virtip; arp –a
| Network prerequisiteA unicast MAC Ethernet address 5a-fe-xx-xx-xx-xx is associated with the virtual IP address of a farm module. It is never presented by SafeKit servers as source Ethernet address (invisible MAC). Switches cannot locate this address. When they follow a packet to the destination MAC address 5a-fe-xx-xx-xx-xx, they must broadcast the packet on all ports of the LAN or VLAN where the virtual IP address is (flooding). All servers in the farm therefore receive packets destined to the virtual MAC address 5a-fe-xx-xx-xx-xx. Note that this prerequisite does not exist for a mirror module: see section 4.2.6 page 74 Server prerequisiteThe packets are captured by Ethernet cards set in promiscuous mode by SafeKit. And the packets are filtered by the module kernel <vip> according the load balancing bitmap. To make a test, you need network monitor tool. Network monitoring on Windows 2003 (CD2):
Network monitoring on Linux:
ping virtip This test may be carried out for several hours by storing the output of the ping in a file and then ensuring that there was (DUP!) all the time: date > /tmp/ping.txt ; ping virtip >> /tmp/ping.txt |
Go to section 4.4 page 86 for tests of checkers.
<errd> <proc
name="appli.exe" atleast="1"
Kill of process appli.exe on the server in
"event atleast on proc
message in the log: "Action start called automatically" Note: a
stopstart on
Repeat the test on the same server if it
still runs the application (i.e.
"Stopping loop" |
ident="id" when="prim "> <failover>
Stop the application listening on port
idport on the server in state
"Resource set to down by tcpcheck"
message in the log: "Action start called automatically" Note: a stopstart on
Repeat the test on the same server if it still
runs the application (i.e.
"Stopping loop" |
<tcp ident="id"
when="pre"> <failover>
Stop the external TCP service (ip.external, idport), on the server in
"Resource set to down by
tcpcheck" Note: a wait
Restart the external TCP process and services:
"Resource set to up by tcpcheck"
Repeat the test on the same server:
"Stopping loop" Note: This test allows testing of
connectivity to an external service. But if the external service is down or
is unreachable on all servers, all servers are in state |
<vip> Default failover rule = wait
Note: do not use check="on" on bonding or teaming interface because these interfaces bring their own failover mechanisms from interface to interface |
Unplug the Ethernet cable from ip.0
network on the server in
"Resource intf.ip.default set to down by intfcheck" "Action wait from failover rule interface_failure" "Transition WAIT_TR from failover rule interface_failure" Note: a wait
Plug the cable again:
"Resource intf.ip.0 set to up by
Repeat the test on the same server:
"Stopping loop"
disabling the interface (instead of unplugging the ethernet cable) leads to |
ident="id" when="pre">
Break the link between the pinged
external device and the server the server in
"Resource set to down by
pingcheck" Note: a wait
Restore the network connection:
"Resource set to up by
Repeat the test on the same server:
"Stopping loop" Note: this test allows testing of
connectivity from the server to the network. But if the external device is
down and if the ping fails on all servers, all servers are in |
ident="id" when="pre"
Manage the resource to perform the action:
on success: SAFE/safekit set -r–v up –i customscript
Cause the error tested by custom checker
on the server in state
"Resource set to down by
customscript" Note: a wait
Fix error tested by custom checker:
"Resource set to up by
Repeat the test on the same server:
"Stopping loop" |
In userconfig.xml: <custom
ident="id" when="prim " exec="customscript"
Manage the resource to perform the action:
on success: safekit set -r–v up –i customscript in userconfig.xml: or <failover>
Cause the error tested by custom checker
on the server in state
"Resource set to down by customscript" "Action restart from failover rule customid_failure" "Transition RESTART from failover rule customid_failure"
message in the log "Action start called automatically" Note: a
stopstart on
Repeat the test on the same server if it
still runs the application (i.e.
In userconfig.xml: <custom ident="id" when="prim " exec="customscript" > </custom>
On error, run command restart|stopstart:
or safekit stopstart -i customscript
Cause the error tested by custom checker
on the server in state
"Action restart called by customscript" Or "Action stoptart called by customscript"
message in the log "Action start called automatically" Note: a
stopstart on Repeat the test on the same server if it
still runs the application (i.e.
Note: on a direct action in the custom checker, the loop counter is incremented if –i identity is passed to the command restart or stopstart. Without identity, SafeKit considers the command is as an administrative operation. The counter is reset and there is no stop after 4 restarts. |
5.1 “Operating mode of a mirror module” page 95
5.2 “State automaton of a mirror module (STOP, WAIT, ALONE, PRIM, SECOND -
red, magenta, green)” page
5.3 “First start-up of a mirror module (prim command)” page 97
5.4 “Different reintegration cases (use of bitmaps)” page 98
5.5 “Start-up of a mirror module with the up-to-date data (
(red) -
(red))” page 99
5.6 “Degraded replication mode (
(green) degraded)” page 100
5.7 “Automatic or manual failover (failover="off" -
(red) -
WAIT (red) )” page 101
5.8 “Default primary server (automatic swap after reintegration)” page 103
5.9 “Prim command fails: why? (command primforce)”
page 104
To test a mirror module, see section 4.2 page 72 |
ip 1.1 ip 1.2
virtual ip= ip 1.10 mirror(app1)= app1 files1 files1 |
ip 1.1 ip 1.2
virtual ip= ip 1.10 mirror(app1)= failure app1 files1 files1 |
ip 1.1 ip 1.2
virtual ip= ip 1.10 mirror(app1)= app1 files1 files1
To analyze a problem, see section 7 page 109 |
At first start-up of a mirror
module, if both servers are started with the start command, both go into At first start-up of a mirror module, use the special prim command on the server with the up-to-date directory, and the second command on the other one. Data is synchronized from the primary server to the secondary one. For next start-up, use the start command on both servers.
1. initial state
(red) (red) Up-to-date empty |
2. command prim on server 1
"Action prim called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root" |
(green) (red) Up-to-date empty |
3. command second on server 2
"Action second called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root" |
(green) (green) Up-to-date up-to-date |
To optimize file reintegration, different cases are considered: 1. The module must have completed the reintegration (on the first start of the module, it runs a full reintegration) before enabling the tracking of modification into bitmaps 2. If the module was cleanly stopped on the server, then at restart of the secondary, only the modified zones of modified files are reintegrated, according to a set of modification tracking bitmaps. 3. If the server crashed (power off) or was incorrectly stopped (exception in nfsbox replication process), or if files have been modified while SafeKit was stopped, the modification bitmaps are not reliable, and are therefore discarded. All the files bearing a modification timestamp more recent than the last known synchronization point minus a grace delay (typically one hour) are reintegrated. 4. A call to the special second fullsync command triggers a full reintegration of all replicated directories on the secondary when it is restarted. |
1. secondary server2 has been stopped
(green) (red) Up-to-date not up-to-date |
2. start command on server 2
(green) (magenta) Up-to-date up-to-date |
3. end of reintegration
(green) (green) Up-to-date up-to-date |
The replication system also keeps track of
the last date on which data was synchronized on each node. This synchronization
date, named synctimestamp, is assigned at the end of the reintegration and changes in the PRIM
(green) and
SECOND (green)
states. When the module is stopped on the secondary node and then restarted,
the synctimestamp is one of the reintegration criteria: all files modified around
this date are potentially out of date on the secondary and must be
reintegrated. Since SafeKit, the synchronization date is also used to
implement an additional security. When the difference between the
synchronization date stored on the primary and on the secondary is greater than
90 seconds, the replicated data is considered unsynchronized in its entirety.
The reintegration is interrupted with the following message in the module log:
| 2021-08-06 08:40:20.909224 | reintegre | E | Automatic synchronization cannot be applied due to an abnormal delta between the dates of the last synchronization
If the administrator considers that the server is valid, he can force the start in secondary with full synchronization of the data, by executing the command: safekit second fullsync -m AM.
SafeKit determines which server must start as primary or not. SafeKit retains the information on the server with the up-to-date replicated directories. To take advantage of this feature, use the command start and NOT the command prim |
1. initial state
(green) (red) Up-to-date not up-to-date |
2. command stop on server 1
(red) (red) Up-to-date not up-to-date |
3. command start on server 2
"Data may
be not uptodate for replicated directories (wait for the start of the remote
(red) (red) Up-to-date not up-to-date rfs.uptodate = down |
See also 5.9 “Prim command fails: why? (command primforce)” page 104 |
If the replication process nfsbox fails on the primary server (for instance because of an unrecoverable replication problem), the application is not swapped on the secondary server The primary server goes to the ALONE state in a degraded replication mode. Degraded is displayed in the web console/ The primary server continues in ALONE state with a nfsbox process which does not replicate anymore. You must stop and start the ALONE server to come back to a PRIM – SECOND state with replication |
1. initial state
(green) (green) |
2. failure of replication process nfsbox on server 1
"Resource rfs.degraded set to up by nfsadmin". safekit state –v AM returns resource rfs.degraded=up (where AM is the module name)
"Action wait from failover rule degraded_server" and with rfs.uptodate=down |
(green) (red) rfs.degraded=up rfs.uptodate=down |
3. come back to replication
(green) (green) |
Automatic or manual failover on the secondary server is defined in userconfig.xml by <service mode="mirror" failover="on"|"off">. By default, if the parameter is not defined, failover="on" The failover="off" mode is useful when the failover must be controlled by an administrator. This mode ensures that an application runs always on the same primary server whatever operations are made on the server (reboot, temporary stop of the module for maintenance...). Only an explicit administrative action (prim command) may promote the other server as primary. Note: Failover mode could be set dynamically on a running cluster with the safekit failover on|off –v AM line command (replace AM by the module name) or from the web console in action menu. |
1. initial state
(green) (green) |
2. restart with failover="on"
(red) (green) |
3. behavior with failover="off"
"Failover-off configured"
(red) (red) |
See also section 5.9 page 101 |
After reintegration at failback, a server becomes by default secondary. The administrator may choose to swap the application back to the reintegrated server at an appropriate time with the swap command. This is the default behavior when userconfig.xml <service> is defined without the defaultprim variable If the application must automatically swap back to a preferred server after reintegration, specify a defaultprim server in userconfig.xml: <service mode="mirror" defaultprim="hostname server 1"> |
1. initial state
(red) (green) |
2. reintegration without defaultprim
(green) (green) |
3. reintegration with defaultprim="hostname server 1"
"Transition SWAP from
(green) (green) |
A prim command may fail to start a server as primary: after trying a start-up, the server goes back to STOP (red). |
1. initial state
(green) (magenta) Up-to-date partially reintegrated |
2. command stop on server 2 then on server 1
(red) (red) Up-to-date partially reintegrated |
3. command prim on server 2
"Data may be inconsistent for replicated directories (stopped during
"Action primforce called by SYSTEM/root" |
(red) (red) Up-to-date partially reintegrated command
prim fails |
Note: The safekit primforce –m AM command forces a full reintegration of replicated directories on the secondary when it is restarted. |
6.1 “Operating mode of a farm module” page 105
6.2 “State automaton of a farm module (STOP, WAIT, UP - red,
magenta, green) page 106
6.3 “Start-up of a farm module” page 107
To test a farm module, see section 4.3 page 79. |
ip 1.1 ip 1.2 ip 1.3
virtual ip= ip 1.20 ip 1.20 ip 1.20 farm(app2)= app2 app2 app2 |
ip 1.1 ip 1.2 ip1.3
virtual ip= ip 1.20 ip 1.20 farm(app2)= app2 app2 |
ip 1.1 ip 1.2 ip1.3
virtual ip= ip 1.20 ip 1.20 ip 1.20 farm(app2)= app2 app2 app2 |
To analyze a problem, see section 7 page 109 |
Note: This is also the state automation of a light module. A light module is identified by <service mode="light"> in userconfig.xml file under SAFE/modules/AM/conf (where AM is the module name). The light type corresponds to a module that runs on a server without synchronizing with other servers (as can-do mirror or farm modules). A light module includes the start and stop of an application as well as the SafeKit checkers that can detect errors.
Use the start command on each server running the module. An example with a farm of 2 servers is presented below. |
1. initial state
(red) (red) |
2. command start on server 1 and server 2
"farm membership: node1 node2 (group FarmProto)"
(green) (red) |
7.1 “Connection issues with the web console” page 109
7.2 “Connection issues with the HTTPS web console”
page 111
7.3 “How to read logs of the module?” page 114
7.4 “How to read the commands log of the server?” page 115
7.5 “Stable module
(green) and
page 115
7.6 “Degraded module
(green) and
(red)” page 115
7.7 “Out of service module
(red) and
(red)” page 116
7.8 “Module
STOP (red): restart the module” page 116
7.9 “Module
WAIT (red): repair the resource="down"”
page 117
7.10 “Module oscillating from
(magenta)” page 118
7.11 “Message on stop after maxloop” page 119
7.12 “Module
(green) but non-operational application” page 120
7.13 “Mirror module
ALONE (green) /
WAIT or STOP (red)” page 121
7.14 “Farm module
UP (green) but problem of load balancing in a farm” page 122
7.15 “Problem after Boot” page 122
7.16 “Analysis from snapshots of the module” page 123
7.17 “Problem with the size of SafeKit databases” page 127
7.18 “Problem for retrieving the certification authority certificate from
your PKI” page 128
7.19 “Still in Trouble” page 132
If you encounter problems for connecting to the SafeKit web console to SafeKit node, such as no reply or connection error, run the following checks and procedures:
Then, it may be necessary to reload the console into the browser.
For the web browser, check:
ü that it is a supported browser and its level (Chrome works better than Internet Explorer in many environments)
ü change the proxy settings for direct or indirect connection to the server
ü with Internet Explorer, change the security settings (add the URL into the trusted zones)
ü clear the browser's state on upgrade as described below
ü that the web console and the server are at the same level (backward compatibility may not be fully preserved)
1. Clear the browser cache
A quick way to do this is a keyboard shortcut that works on IE, Firefox, and Chrome. Open the browser to any web page and hold CTRL and SHIFT while tapping the DELETE key. (This is NOT CTRL, ALT, DEL). The dialog box will open to clear the browser. Set it to clear everything and click Clear Now or Delete at the bottom
2. Clear the browser SSL cache if HTTPS is used
Look at advanced settings for the browser and search for SSL cache.
Finally close all windows for the browser, stop the browser process still running in the background if necessary, and re-open it fresh to test what wasn't working for you previously.
On each SafeKit cluster node check:
ü the firewall
If this has not yet been done, run the SAFE/bin/firewallcfg add command which configures the operating system firewall. For other firewalls, add an exception to allow connections between the web browser and the server. For details, see section 10.3 page 156.
ü the web server configuration
Since SafeKit 7.5, HTTP access to the web console requires authentication. If it has not yet been done, run the SAFE/bin/webservercfg -passwd pwd to initialize (or reinitialize) this configuration with the password of the user admin. For details, see 11.2.1 page 179.
ü the network and the server availability
ü the safeadmin and safewebserver services
They must be started.
ü the SafeKit cluster configuration
Run the command safekit cluster confinfo (see section 9.3 page 144). This command must return on all nodes, the same list of nodes and the same value for the configuration signature. If not, reapply the cluster configuration on all nodes (see section 12.2 page 231).
If you encounter problems for connecting the secure SafeKit web console to SafeKit nodes, you can run the following checks and procedures:
The SafeKit web console connects to a SafeKit node that is identified by a certificate. To get the SafeKit node certificate content with Internet Explorer or Chrome, run the following:
1. Click on the lock next to the URL to open the security report 2. Click on the View certificates link. It opens a window that displays the certificate content |
3. Check the issuer that must be the appropriate certification authority 4. Check the validity date and the workstation date. If necessary, change the workstation date 5. Check the validity date. If the certificate is expired, you must renew. For certificate generated with the SafeKit PKI, see section 11.6.2 page 221 |
6. Click on Details tab 7. Select Subject Alternate Name field. Its content is displayed into the bottom panel. The location set into the URL for connecting the SafeKit web console must be included into this list. Change the URL if necessary 8. localhost and must be present 9. The address value for the node, set into the SafeKit cluster configuration, must be one of the values listed. If it is not, change the cluster configuration as described in 12.2 page 231. When using DNS name, you must use lower case.
You can use the checkcert command for checking all the certificates.
On each SafeKit nodes:
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
2. Change directory to SAFE/web/bin
3. Run checkcert -t all
It checks all installed certificates and returns a failure if an error is detected
4. You can check that the server certificate contains some DNS name or IP address with:
checkcert -h ”DNS name value”
checkcert -i ”Numeric IP address value”
The server certificate must contain all DNS names and/or IP addresses used for HTTPS connection. These ones must also be included into the SafeKit cluster configuration file. |
When client certification authentication is configured, Certificate Authority and client certificates for the console must have been imported into the certificate store of the user’s workstation. Check that certificates are present into the expected store. Below is the procedure in Windows:
1. Log on to the workstation from which the user launches the console
2. Open a PowerShell console
3. Run certmgr
4. Locate Certificates - Current User\Personal\Certificates
It must contain the client certificate for the web console
If the certificate is not in the proper store, remove it from the store and import it again as described in section page 201.
5. Locate Certificates - Current User\Trusted Root Certification Authorities\Certificates
It must contain the certificate of the Certification Authority used to generate the client certificate
If the certificate is not in the proper store, remove it from the store and import it again as described in section page 202.
You must also clear the browser cache as described in 7.1.2 page 110.
If the problem can not be solved, you can revert to the HTTP configuration (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2:
On S1 and S2:
You must then clear the browser cache as described in 7.1.2 page 110.
With the module log, you can understand
why the module is no longer in its stable state Do not forget to also check output
messages of Application log in the web
console/ Note that a module can leave its stable
state |
start called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root" web@<ip>: via the SafeKit console
There is a log of the safekit commands ran on the server. SafeKit commands log may be displayed using:
See section 10.9 page 175 for more details. |
A degraded mirror module is in the state A degraded farm module is in the state
An out of service mirror or farm module
is in the state
To restart the stopped module (replace below AM by the module name):
And see results of start in the module and application logs:
If the module is in the state You must identify and fix the problem that caused the resource state to go down. To determine the resource involved, see the log messages:
Notes: A wait checker is started after the prestart script and stopped before poststop The checker is active on all servers The action of the checker upon detecting an error is to set a resource to down A failover rule referencing the resource performs the stopwait action The module is locally in state The module exits the |
Messages from wait checkers:
"Data may be not uptodate for replicated directories (wait for the
start of the remote server)"
"Resource intf.ip.0
set to down by intfcheck"
set to down by pingcheck"
"Resource module.othermodule_ip
set to down by modulecheck"
set to down by tcpcheck"
set to down by customscript"
… "Action wait from failover rule splitbrain_failure" Files not up-to-date locally due to split-brain: see section 13.17 page 287 |
If a module oscillates from state By default, after the 4th
unsuccessful restart on a server, the module stops, and the server stabilizes
in Use the SafeKit log to determine which checker is the source of the oscillation:
Notes: A restart or stopstart checker is defined in userconfig.xml by when="prim"|"both" (mirror|farm) when="prim": checker started on the server when="both": checker started on all servers The action of a checker on an error is to
restart or stopstart the module. stopstart on The module is in the state After several oscillations, the modules stop with "Stopping loop" in SafeKit log: see section 7.11 page 119 |
Messages from restart or stopstart checkers:
atleast on proc appli.exe"
set to down by tcpcheck"
set to down by customscript" or "Action restart|stopstart called by customscript" |
If a server has a status of
In case of a non-operational application,
execute a restart on the module
If this procedure does not work, apply a
stopstart of the module
If a mirror module stays in state Possible root causes are:
Check your network configurations on the two nodes.
For details, see section 10.3 page 156
To communicate, cluster nodes must belong to the same cluster and have the same configuration (see section 12 page 227):
If the cluster
configuration is not identical, re-apply the cluster configuration on all
cluster nodes. (web console/
cryptographic has been enabled for the module (the encryption resource is
“on” in web console/
In SafeKit <=, the key for encrypting the module communication has a validity period of 1 year. When it expires in a mirror module with file replication, the secondary fails to reintegrate and the module stops with an error message into the log: reintegre | D | XXX clnttcp_create: socket=7 TLS handshake failed In SafeKit >, the message is: reintegre | D | XXX clnttcp_create: socket=7 TLS handshake failed. Check server time and module certificate (expiration date, hash) To solve this problem, see page 165 |
Even though all servers in the farm are 7.14.1 Reported network load share are not coherentIn a farm module, the sum of the network
load share of all If it’s not the case, there is probably a communication problem between module nodes. Possible root causes are the same as for a mirror module. See section 7.13 page 121 for possible solutions. See also section 4.3.6 page 83 7.14.2 virtual IP address does not respond properlyIf the virtual IP does not respond properly to all requests for connections:
either in the web console/ · or run the command safekit stop –m AM (replace AM by the module name)
For a more detailed analysis on this topic, see:
If you encounter a problem after boot, see section 4.1 page 69. Note that by default, modules are not automatically started at boot. For this, you must setup the boot start into the module’s configuration:
When the problem is not easily identifiable, it is recommended to take a snapshot of the module on all nodes as described in section 3.5 page 54. A snapshot is a zip file that collects, for one module, the configuration files, dumps, ... Its content allows an offline and in-depth analysis of the module and node status.
The structure and content of the snapshot varies depending on the version of SafeKit. |
Since SafeKit 7.5, the structure of the snapshot is as follows:
snapshot for the module AM get from the node named nodename |
module name |
Last 3 configurations for the module, including the current one |
Last 3 dumps for the module, including the last one |
The module configuration files are saved as follows:
module directory contains the user configuration files
scripts start_xx, stop_xx, …
XML configuration userconfig.xml |
the user configuration file and scripts for troubleshooting with the
application integration into SafeKit
The dump contains the state of the module and the SafeKit node as it was at the time of the dump.
logs and status in csv format
SafeKit licenses get from SAFE/conf directory
Extract of the SAFEVAR directory
web server configuration get from SAFE/web/conf directory |
Various information about the node (list and status of installed modules, OS version, disk, and network configuration, ...) |
Or |
last.txt and systemevt.txt in Linux Or applicationevt.txt and systemevt.txt in Windows |
the license file(s) into licenses directory for troubleshooting with the SafeKit license check
the Apache configuration files into web directory for troubleshooting with
the SafeKit web service
the module logs, in log.txt and logverbose.txt, for troubleshooting with the module behavior
the user scripts log userlog.ulog for troubleshooting with application start/stop
necessary, look at heartplug file for some information on the node and search the system logs
for events that occurred at the same time as the problem being analyzed
the commands log commandlog.txt for troubleshooting with cluster management or distributed commands
The var directory is mainly for the level 3 support. It is a copy of some part of the SAFEVAR directory. In the var/cluster directory:
look at the cluster.xml file for
checking the cluster configuration
look at the cluster_ip.xml file
for checking the DNS name resolution of names into the cluster configuration
Since SafeKit 7.5, the logs and reports are also exported into csv format in the csv directory:
Verbose log Application log Resources status Resources status history |
Commands log List of installed modules For the level 3 support For the level 3 support |
the csv files into an Excel sheet to facilitate their analysis
To import a file:
1. Create a new sheet
2. From the Data tab, import From Text/CSV
3. In the dialog box, locate and double-click the csv file to import, then click Import
4. Then click on Load
You can use the Excel features to filter rows according to the level of the messages, ... and load in different sheets the csv of each node.
For the exact date, format cells with Number/Custom jj/mm/aaaa hh:mm:ss,000 |
Since SafeKit 7.5, SafeKit uses SQLite3 storage to save:
The log and the status of the node
ü SAFEVAR/log.db contains the commands log
ü SAFEVAR/resource.db contains the list of installed modules and its history
These are referred to as node databases.
The log and the resources of the module
ü SAFEUSERVAR/log.db contains the module log
ü SAFEUSERVAR/resource.db contains the state of the module resources and its history
These are referred to as module databases.
The size of the logs and histories increases as events occur on the SafeKit node and modules. Therefore, they should be purged regularly by deleting the oldest entries. This is automatically done thanks to a periodic job (task scheduler in Windows; crontab in Linux) that is controlled by the safeadmin service. The clean of the node databases is always active. The clean of the module databases is active only when the module is running. To check that the jobs are ready:
Job for cleaning node databases
ü In Windows, run schtasks /QUERY /TN safelog_clean
ü In Linux, run crontab -u safekit -l
The output of this command must contain the safelog_clean entry
Job for cleaning AM module databases (where AM is the module name)
ü In Windows, run schtasks /QUERY /TN safelog_AM
ü In Linux, run crontab -u safekit -l
The output of this command must contain the safelog_clean_AM entry
The clean-up is implemented by a script located into SAFEBIN (in Linux, SAFEBIN=/opt/safekit/private/bin; in Windows, SAFE=C:\safekit\private\bin - if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C:):
dbclean.ps1 in Windows and in Linux |
Clean the log and history in the node databases |
dbclean.ps1 AM in Windows and AM in Linux |
Clean the log and history in the databases of the module named AM |
If necessary, you can run this script outside the scheduled period to force the databases clean-up.
When using your PKI, you must provide the certificate (the chain of certificates for the root and intermediates Certification Authorities) of:
the certification authority CA (cacert.crt
file) used to issue server certificates
the certification authority CLCA (clcacert.crt file) used to issue client certificates, when client certificates
authentication is used
If you have trouble retrieving these files from your PKI, you can build them using the procedure described below.
The following procedure explains how to build from a public certificate, the chain of certificates for the root and intermediates Certification Authorities, into the file combined.cer. This one can be used as:
the SAFE/web/conf/cacert.crt file when it is
generated from a server certificate
the SAFE/web/conf/clcacert.crt file when it is
generated from a client certificate. If different CLCAs are used to generate
the different types of client certificates (distributed commands and web
console certificates), run the following procedure for each client
certificates. Then, concatenate each resulting combined.cer files
into the final clcacert.crt file.
When using a personal certificate for the web console, you may not have the associated public certificate. To get it, apply the procedure described in 7.18.2 page 130.
When you have the public certificate (.crt or .cer file in Base-64 encoded X.509 format) generated by your PKI:
1. Copy the .crt (or .cer) file on a Windows workstation
2. Double click on this file to open it with “Crypto Shell Extensions”
3. Select the “Certification Path” tab to view the tree of certification authorities
4. Select an entry (from top to down except the leaf)
5. Click on “View Certificate”. A new window is opened with details for the selected certificate
6. In this new window, select the “Details” tab and click “Copy to File”
7. It opens the Certificate Export Wizard:
a. Click on “Next” to continue
b. On the “Export File Format” page, select “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER).”, and then click “Next”
c. For “File to Export”, “Browse” to the location to which you want to export the certificate. Fill “File name” with the name of the certificate file. Then, click “Next”
d. Click “Finish” to export the certificate
e. Your certificate is successfully exported
8. Now repeat steps 4-7 for all entries (except the last one) to export all intermediate CA certificates in the Base-64 encoded X.509(.CER) format. For the example, you would repeat steps 4-7 on RSA subCA intermediate CA to extract it as its own certificate.
9. Concatenate all your CA certificates into one file combined.cer
Run the following command with all the CA certificates you extracted earlier:
In Windows:
type intermediateCA.cer rootCA.cer > combined.cer
In Linux:
cat intermediateCA.cer rootCA.cer >> combined.cer
The resulting combined certificate should look something like the following:
When using your personal certificate for the web console, you may not have the associated public certificate. To get it, apply the following procedure:
1. On your Windows workstation, open “Manage user certificates” (certmgr.msc)
2. Locate the certificate, typically in “Certificates - Current User\Personal\Certificates”, and right-click. If the user has several certificates, select the one with "Client Authentication" as "Expected Roles" and whose "Expiration Date" has not passed
3. Click “All Tasks”, and then click “Export”. This opens the Certificate Export Wizard.
If you can't find the certificate under “Current User\Personal\Certificates”, you may have accidentally opened "Certificates - Local Computer", rather than "Certificates - Current User". If you want to open Certificate Manager in current user scope using PowerShell, you type certmgr in the console window.
4. In the Certificate Export Wizard, click “Next”
5. Select “No, do not export the private key”, and then click “Next”
6. On the “Export File Format” page, select “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER).”, and then click “Next”
7. For “File to Export”, “Browse” to the location to which you want to export the certificate. Fill “File name” with the name of the certificate file. Then, click “Next”
8. Click “Finish” to export the certificate
9. Your certificate is successfully exported
The exported certificate looks like this:
At this step, you can apply the procedure described in 7.18.1 page 128, to export the Certification Authority certificate(s) from this public certificate.
8.1 Home page of support site” page 133
8.2 “Permanent license keys” page 134
8.3 “Create an account” page 134
8.4 “Access to your account” page 135
8.5 “Call desk to open a trouble ticket” page 135
8.6 “Download and upload area” page 139
8.7 “Knowledge base” page 140
Software Keys: get permanent keys
Subscription Request: create an account
Download: download product or upload snapshots
Call desk: tool for opening a call on problem
Knowledge Base: base of KB
In the header, specify the SafeKit version,
problem type and priority as well as the module name and the OS
Summarize the problem and then describe with
more details the scenario and the date and time of the problem
Snapshots of the SafeKit module causing problem
are necessary for the analysis. See next section for attaching snapshots
Create the call by pressing "Submit"
When there is a problem on a SafeKit module,
snapshots of the module on all servers are necessary for analysis
To get snapshots, see section 3.5 page 54
If the snapshots size is smaller than 10 MBytes,
you can attach them with the opening of the call by clicking on "Add"
Otherwise, downloading snapshots on the support
site may take several minutes. In this case indicate in "Remark text"
that you download them into your private upload area: see section 8.6.3 page 140
All exchanges between the support and the
customer are made with "Remarks"
When support adds a remark on a call, the
customer is notified by mail. This is the case for first response of the
support after the opening of the call
After consultation of the last remark of
support, the customer can add a new remark in turn
The exchange takes place until the closure of
the call by agreement between the customer and Evidian support
9.1 “Distributed commands” page
9.2 “Command lines for boot and for shutdown” page 142
9.3 “Command lines to configure and monitor safekit cluster” page 144
9.4 “Command lines to control modules” page 146
9.5 “Command lines to monitor Modules” page 148
9.6 “Command lines to configure Modules” page 149
9.7 “Command lines for support” page 151
Almost all safekit commands can be applied on a list of cluster nodes.
Exceptions are safekit logview, safekit -p and safekit -r commands which can be used only locally.
The distributed command line interface requires the execution of the SafeKit web service on each node of the list (see section 10.6 page 167).
safekit -H <url> [,<url,...] <action> <arg> |
Execute action on servers specified by the URL list. URLs must be separated by commas. Instead of URLs, it is possible to use a comma separated list of server names as they appear in the cluster.xml file. Associated URLs are automatically built as https:9453 or http:9010 (depending on SAFE/web/conf/ssl/ content) The special syntax –H “*” stands for all the nodes declared in the cluster.xml admin lan. To override protocol and port, use the [<protocol>:<port>] syntax. The ‘:<port>’ part is optional. Protocol may be ‘http’ or ‘https’. Default port for http protocol is 9010. Example: safekit -H, module list safekit –H "*" module list safekit –H "[http],*" module list safekit –H "[https:9500],server1,server2" module list |
safekit |
Deploy the locally installed <module> on the servers specified -H parameter. This command performs the following actions:
Example: safekit -E farm will export the local farm module to the list of servers specified in SAFEVAR/default_cluster.txt (see example above for syntax of default_cluster.txt) |
safekit [-H <url>[,…] -G |
Deploy the local cluster configuration files on all the servers specified–H. This command performs the following actions:
Use the following commands for starting/stopping SafeKit services, configuring services and modules automatic start/stop on boot/shutdown, stopping all running modules.
In Windows, you may have to apply the procedure described in 10.4 page 161.
SafeKit main service mandatory and started automatically at boot. safeadmin can be controlled using the Windows Services Control Panel applet |
service safeadmin start (Linux) |
SafeKit main service mandatory and started automatically at boot |
safekit webserver [start | stop | restart] |
Controls start/stop/restart of the safewebserver service. This service is used by the web console, module checkers and distributed command line interface. The command starts the httpd processes and waits for their start-up |
safekit safeagent [start | stop | restart | check] |
Controls start/stop of the safeagent service that implements the SafeKit SNMP agent |
safekit boot [webon | weboff | webstatus] |
Controls the automatic start at boot of the safewebserver service ("on" or "off"; by default, "on") |
safekit boot [snmpon | snmpoff | snmpstatus] |
Controls the automatic start at boot of the safeagent service ("on" or "off"; by default, "off") |
safekit boot [–m AM] [on | off | status] |
Controls whether the AM module starts automatically at boot or not ("on" or "off"; by default, "off") Without the option –m AM, lists the boot status of all modules.
safekit shutdown |
Stops all running modules |
safekit cluster config [filepath .xml or .zip] [lock | unlock] |
Apply the new SafeKit cluster configuration with the content of the file passed as argument, cluster.xml or
configure with new cluster.xml and generate new cryptographic keys
configure with the new cluster.xml and cryptographic keys stored into the zip file When called with no argument, this command keeps the current configuration but generates new cryptographic keys. Ex: safekit cluster config /tmp/newcluster.xml
If the command is called with the parameter lock, future safekit cluster config commands will not be granted until they are called with the unlock parameter. |
safekit cluster confcheck filepath |
Check the cluster configuration, with the content of the xml file passed as argument, without applying it |
safekit cluster confinfo |
Return, for each active cluster node: · the date of last cluster configuration, · the digital signature of last cluster configuration · the state: locked (1) or unlocked (0) status for the cluster configuration
This command allows checking if all node of a cluster have the same configuration. Ex: safekit cluster conf info Node Signature Date Lock rh6server7 6f1032b11a7b2 … 33e67c 2016-05-20T17:06:45 0 rh7server7 6f1032b11a4e0 … 33e67c 2016-05-20T17:06:45 0
safekit cluster deconfig |
Remove the cluster configuration and the cryptographic key. |
safekit cluster state |
Return the global SafeKit modules configuration state
For each installed module on each cluster node, this commands list: · the node name, · module name, · module mode (farm or mirror) · internal module id number, · date of last module configuration, · digital signature of last configuration
This command list which modules are installed on which nodes of the cluster. Signature and date of last configuration on each node allow checking that a module has the same configuration on all nodes, and if not, which node has the most recent configuration. |
safekit cluster genkey |
Create cryptographic key for global SafeKit communication (implemented in the safeadmin process). The cluster configuration must be deployed again (with safekit –G) for this command to take effect. |
safekit cluster delkey |
Suppress cryptographic keys for global SafeKit communication. The cluster configuration must be applied again (with safekit -G) for this command to take effect. |
safekit –H “[http],*” -G |
Redo a name resolution for all names specified in cluster.xml and userconfig.xml of modules, without stopping modules (when possible). |
safekit –H <url>[,<url>] -G |
Distributes the local cluster configuration and associated cryptographic key if it exists, to the target nodes specified in the URL list. Ex: safekit –H, -G |
The commands apply to the module named AM, passed as an argument with the -m option.
Starts the module |
safekit waitstart –m AM |
Waits for the end of the module start |
safekit stop –m AM |
Stops the module |
safekit waitstop –m AM |
Waits for the end of the module stop |
safekit waitstate –m AM STOP | ALONE | UP | PRIM | SECOND |
Wait for the required stable state (red or green). |
safekit restart –m AM |
Executes only application stop and start scripts
safekit swap [nosync] –m AM |
Mirror modules only
Swaps the roles of primary and secondary nodes. Use nosync to swap without synchronizing the replicated directories. |
safekit stopstart –m AM |
Unlike the safekit restart –m AM command, the safekit stopstart –m AM command causes a complete stop of the module followed by a start. If the module was PRIM, there is a failover of the PRIM module on the other server
safekit prim –m AM |
Mirror modules only
Forces the
module to start as primary. It fails if the other server is already primary. |
safekit second [fullsync] –m AM |
Mirror modules only
Forces the module to start as secondary. It fails if the other server is not primary. Use fullsync to force the full synchronization of the replicated directories. |
safekit forcestop –m AM |
Forces the module stop even if some resources are frozen |
safekit errd suspend –m AM safekit errd resume –m AM |
Suspends/resumes the error detection of module processes defined in <errd> section of userconfig.xml Useful if you want to stop the application without changing the module state. The resource variable usersetting.errd reflects the current setting. |
safekit checker off –m AM safekit checker on –m AM |
Used to stop or start all checkers (interface, TCP, IP, custom, etc ...) Useful for maintenance operation, when man knows that some checker will detect a problem because some parts of the IT infrastructure will be stopped, and don’t want that Safekit start a failover. Notes: ü could be used only on a live module in a stable state (ALONE, UP, PRIM, SECOND, WAIT) ü the resource variable usersetting.checker reflects the current setting ü a side effect of this command is the execution of the update command. |
safekit failover off –m AM safekit failover on –m AM
Used to dynamically set the failover attribute to on or off (see section 13.2.3 page 237). Notes: ü could be used only on a mirror live module in a stable state (ALONE, PRIM, SECOND,WAIT). ü this command must be issued on all machines belonging to the same cluster to not have unexpected results. ü the resource variable usersetting.failover reflects the current setting. ü a side effect of this command is the execution of the update command.
The commands apply to the module named AM, passed as an argument with the -m option.
Indicates the version of SafeKit and the license With the AM parameter, the "level" script of the module is called, and its results displayed |
safekit state |
Displays the status of all modules |
safekit state –m AM |
Displays the status of the AM module With the verbose option –v, status of all the module resources are listed: see the usefulness of resources in section 7.9 page 117 With the option –lq, the command returns status (and exit code): STOP (0), WAIT (1), ALONE (2), UP (2), PRIM (3), SECOND (4) |
safekit log –m AM [-s nb] [ -A | -I] [-l en|fr] |
Displays the last nb E(vent) messages of the AM module log. Use -I option for displaying also I(nformation) messages, or -A for displaying all messages (including debug ones). Use -l option for choosing the language, en(glish) or fr(ench).
Default: –s 300 |
safekit logview –m AM [-A | -I] [-l en|fr] |
View in real time the last E(vent) messages of the AM module log. Use -I option for displaying also I(nformation) messages, or -A for displaying all messages (including debug ones). Use -l option for choosing the language, en(glish) or fr(ench). |
safekit logview –m AM –s 300 [-A | -I] [-l en|fr] |
View in real time the AM module log messages starting from the last 300 messages |
safekit logsave –m AM [-l en|fr] [-A] /tmp/f.txt |
Save E(vent) messages of the AM module log in /tmp/f.txt (absolute path mandatory). Use -I option for saving also I(nformation) messages, or -A for saving all messages (including debug ones). Use -l option for choosing the language, en(glish) or fr(ench). |
safekit printi|printe –m AM "message" |
Application start/stop scripts can write messages in the module log with I or E level. |
Apply changes made in SAFE/modules/AM: userconfig.xml, start_prim/both or stop_prim/both (mirror/farm) Makes each plug-in defined in userconfig.xml <errd>, <vip>, <rfs>, <user>... considered in the new module configuration This command could be run on a server in the stable states STOP, ALONE or WAIT (red). In STOP state all the configuration parameters could be modified. Some configuration parameters can be changed while the module is running in ALONE or WAIT (red) states. This feature is called dynamic configuration. Parameters that could be dynamically changed are reported into section 13 page 235 that describes all configuration parameters. |
safekit module genkey –m AM |
Generates cryptographic keys for the module instances network exchanges encryption. Considered after the next configuration of the module. |
safekit module delkey –m AM |
Erase cryptographic keys associated with the module. After the next configuration, module instances network exchanges will be performed without encryption. |
safekit |
Distributes the local configuration for the module AM and associated cryptographic key if it exists, to the target nodes specified in the URL list. Ex: safekit –H, –E mirror |
safekit confinfo –m AM |
Display information on the active and current configuration of the module AM.
This command is useful for checking the configuration of the module. It displays:
When the signature values are different, it means that the configurations are not identical and that you may have to apply the current configuration. You can run this command on all the cluster nodes that implement the module to check that the configuration of the module is identical on all nodes. |
safekit confcheck –m AM |
Check the module configuration under SAFE/modules/AM without applying |
safekit module install
–m AM |
Installs the module under the
AM name [-M id] forces the installation of the module with the id specified as module id |
safekit module package –m AM /…/ |
Packages the AM module in /…/ (absolute path mandatory) Used by the console to create a backup in SAFE/Application_Modules/backup/ |
safekit module uninstall –m AM |
Uninstalls the AM module. Deletes the module configuration directory SAFE/modules/AM |
safekit module list |
Lists the names of the installed modules |
safekit module listid |
Lists the names and ids of the installed modules |
safekit module getports –m AM (or –i id) |
Lists the communication ports used by the module to communicate between servers |
Saves the snapshot of the AM module in /tmp/ (absolute path mandatory) A snapshot creates a dump and gathers under SAFEVAR/snapshot/modules/AM the last 3 dumps and last 3 configurations to collect them in a .zip file To analyse snapshots, see 7.16 page 123 To send snapshots to Evidian support, see 8 page 133 |
safekit dump –m AM |
To solve a problem in real time on a server, make a dump of the AM module A dump creates a directory dump dump_year_month_day_hour_mn_sec on the server side under SAFEVAR/snapshot/modules/AM. The dump directory contains the module log and status, as well as information on the system state and SafeKit processes at the time of the dump |
safekit –r "specialcommand" |
Calls the special command in SAFEBIN with SafeKit environment variables set. |
safekit clean [all | log | process | resource] [-m AM] |
Clean the logs, the resource file, and the main processes of the module AM.
Clean the logs (verbose and not verbose logs) of the module. To be used when these logs are corrupted (e.g.: errors in log view).
Reinitialize the resource file of the module. To be used when this file is corrupted (e.g.: errors in resources display)
Kill the main processes (heart) of the module. To be used when the stop and forcestop of the module did not achieve to kill these processes.
Default value. Clean log, resource, and process. |
10.1 “SafeKit environment variables and directories”
page 153
10.2 “SafeKit processes and services” page 155
10.3 “Firewall settings” page 156
10.4 “Boot and shutdown setup in Windows” page 161
10.5 “Securing module internal communications” page 162
10.6 “Configuration of the SafeKit web service” page 167
10.7 “Mail notification” page
10.8 “SNMP agent” page 173
10.9 “Commands log of the SafeKit server” page 175
Variable |
Description |
SafeKit installation directory: SAFE=/opt/safekit on Linux and SAFE=C:\safekit on Windows if SystemDrive=C: The license is under SAFE/conf/license.txt |
SafeKit working files directory: SAFEVAR=C:\safekit\var on Windows and SAFEVAR=/var/safekit on Linux |
SafeKit binary installation directory: C:\safekit\private\bin on Windows and /opt/safekit/private/bin on Linux. Useful to access SafeKit special commands (see 14.4 page 296) |
SAFE/Application_Modules |
Installable .safe modules directory. Once a module has been installed, the module is located under SAFE/modules |
Variable |
Description |
The name of the module. The safekit command no longer needs the module name parameter (-m AM = -m SAFEMODULE) |
Editing a module, named AM, and its scripts is made inside directory SAFE/modules/AM. There are userconfig.xml file and application start and stop scripts start_prim, stop_prim for a mirror, start_both, stop_both for a farm (online edition or through the SafeKit console) After a module configuration (safekit config –m AM or web console/ |
Module, named A, working files directory Output messages of application scripts are in SAFEVAR/modules/AM/userlog.ulog. To check if there are errors during start or stop of the application. Be careful, sometimes the userlog is disabled because it is too large with <user logging="none"> in userconfig.xml of the module
Directory of dumps and configurations put in a snapshot of the module named AM. See section 9.7 page 151 that describes command lines for support. |
The module tree (packaged into a .safe or installed into SAFE/modules/AM) is the following:
Application module name |
User XML configuration file |
Internal use only |
Optional. Internal use only (encryption of the module internal communications) |
Optional. Internal use only (encryption of the module internal communications) |
User script executed on module start |
User script to start the application in mirror or farm module |
User script to stop the application in mirror or farm module |
User script executed on module stop |
File for the SafeKit web console |
Internal use only |
index.html is an HTML page with JavaScript that is displayed in the web console/Configuration wizard (described in page 47). You can modify this page to customize the Edit the Configuration form in the configuration wizard. When index.html is not present (in previous versions modules for instance), the web console instead proposes to edit the userconfig.xml file.
SafeKit Services |
Processes per module |
safeadmin (safeadmin process): main and mandatory service |
heart: manages the recovery procedures |
vipd: synchronizes a farm of servers |
safewebserver (httpd process): service for the console, for <module> checkers and the distributed commands |
errd: manages detection of process death |
nfsbox, nfsadmin, reintegre: file replication and reintegration |
safeagent (safeagent process): SafeKit SNMP agent (optional) |
checkers (ipcheck, intfcheck, …) |
See page 158 and page 159 for full details on SafeKit processes name and ports used.
If a firewall is active on the SafeKit server, you must add rules to allow network traffic:
between servers for internal
communication (global runtime and module specific)
between servers and
workstations running the SafeKit console
If you opted-in for automatic local firewall configuration during SafeKit installation, you do not have to apply the following procedures, except for configuring the safeagent service for SafeKit SNMP agent is enabled.
If you opted-out for automatic local firewall configuration, you must configure the firewall manually or you may use the firewallcfg command (in SAFEBIN). It inserts (or remove) the firewall rules required by the SafeKit core processes (safeadmin and safewebserver services) and modules processes to communicate with their peers in the cluster.
Administrators should review the script for conflicts with local policy before applying it.
firewallcfg add firewallcfg del |
Add (or delete) the firewalld or iptable firewall rules for the SafeKit safeadmin and safewebserver services SAFEBIN=/opt/safekit/private/bin
add firewall rules for safeadmin and safewebserver
delete firewall rules for safeadmin and safewebserver |
firewallcfg add AM firewallcfg del AM |
Add (or delete) the firewalld or iptable firewall rules for the SafeKit modules SAFEBIN=/opt/safekit/private/bin
add firewall rules for the module named AM
delete firewall rules for the module named AM |
firewallcfg add safeagent firewallcfg del safeagent |
Add (or delete) the firewalld or iptable firewall rules for the SafeKit safeagent service SAFEBIN=/opt/safekit/private/bin
add firewall rules for safeagent
delete firewall rules for safeagent |
When using the operating system firewall (Microsoft firewall), you may use the firewallcfg command (in SAFEBIN). It inserts (or remove) the firewall rules required by the processes of SafeKit services (safeadmin, safewebserver, safeagent, safeacaserv) and modules processes to communicate with their peers in the cluster.
Administrators should review the script for conflicts with local policy before applying it.
firewallcfg add firewallcfg del |
Add (or delete) the Microsoft firewall rules SAFEBIN=C:\safekit\private\bin (if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C:) cd SAFEBIN firewallcfg add add firewall rules for SafeKit core and modules processes
firewallcfg del delete firewall rules for SafeKit core and modules processes |
If you use another firewall or want to check rules against local policy, the following lists processes and ports used by SafeKit services and modules that may be useful to configure the firewall.
Processes for a mirror module
ü errd: manages detection of process death
ü nfsadmin, nfscheck: manage the file replication
Processes for a farm module
ü errd: manages detection of process death
ü heart: manages the recovery procedures
Processes common to all the SafeKit servers, one
process by server, started at boot:
ü safeadmin service (safeadmin process)
main and mandatory administration service
ü safewebserver service (httpd process)
web service for the console, for <module> checkers and the distributed commands
ü safecaserv (httpd process)
web service for securing the web console with the SafeKit PKI (optional)
ü safeagent service (safeagent process)
SafeKit SNMP v2 agent (optional)
Processes for a mirror module (depending
on its configuration):
ü heart: manages the recovery procedures
ü arpreroute: manages arp requests (sends ARP packet)
ü nfsbox, reintegre: manage the file replication and reintegration
ü splitbraincheck: manage the splitbrain detection (sends ICMP ping packets)
Processes for a farm module (depending on its
ü vipd: synchronizes a farm of servers
ü arpreroute: manages arp requests (sends ARP packet)
Processes for a mirror or a farm module depending on checkers
ü intfcheck: for checking interface (interface checker configuration automatically generated when <interface check=on>)
ü pingcheck: for pinging an address (<ping> configuration)
ü ipcheck: for checking a locally defined ip address (virtual ip checker automatically generated when <virtual_addr check=on>)
ü modulecheck: for checking a SafeKit module (<module> configuration)
ü tcpcheck: for checking a TCP connection (<tcp> configuration)
The following list ports used by SafeKit services and modules.
By default, remote access on UDP port 4800 (to communicate with safeadmin instances on other SafeKit servers) and local access on UDP port 6259.
For changing the remote port value, see section 12.1.3 page 229.
The local port value is defined by the attribute mapper into the global SafeKit configuration file safeini.xml (in Linux: /etc/safeini.xml; in Windows: c:\Windows\safeini.xml).
Before upgrading SafeKit, save this file if you have modified it because its content is not preserved. |
Local and remote TCP access, by default, on port 9010 for HTTP or port 9453 for HTTPS. For the ports value definition, see section 10.6 page 167.
This service is accessed locally and from remote SafeKit servers and remote workstation running the SafeKit console.
safecaserv (optional)
Local and remote access on TCP port 9001 by default. For the port value definition, see section 11.6.5 page 225.
This service is accessed locally, and from remote SafeKit servers and remote workstation running the HTTPS configuration wizard with the SafeKit PKI.
safeagent (optional)
Local and remote access on UDP port 3600 by default. For the port value definition, see section 10.8 page 173.
When a module is configured on a SafeKit server, you can run the command safekit module getports -m AM to list the external ports used by the module AM. For firewall configuration, you must configure all SafeKit servers to enable communications targeted at these ports.
The ports values for one module are automatically computed depending on its module id. Run the command safekit module listid to list all the installed modules with their name and id.
You can run the command safekit module getports -i ID to list the ports that could be used by a module that got the id value ID (this command can be run even if the module is not yet installed, but it will return a superset of the really used port by the module).
The following gives rules for computing ports values depending on the module id. When checkers are configured for the module, you may also need to change the firewall configuration according to the checkers configuration. You must enable all communications on localhost between SafeKit processes.
For a mirror module:
ü Port used by heart
UDP port used for sending heartbeats between
SafeKit servers
port=8888 +(id-1)
ü Ports used by rfs (file replication)
TCP port used for replications requests between
SafeKit servers
Example for a mirror module with id 1
safekit module getports -m mirror
List of the ports used by SafeKit
Process Ports
port UDP 4800
port TCP 9010
port UDP 8888
safenfs_port TCP 5600
For a farm module
ü Port used by farm
UDP port used for communications between all
SafeKit nodes
port 4803
+ (id-1)x3
Example for a farm module with id 2
safekit module
getports -m farm
List of the ports used by SafeKit
Process Ports
port UDP 4800
port TCP 9010
port UDP 4806
For configured checkers
ü Ping checker for mirror or farm module
Change ICMP settings to allow ping at destination to the address defined into
the configuration.
ü TCP checker for mirror or farm module
Allow TCP connections at destination to the address defined into the
<tcp> configuration if this address is not local.
ü Module checker
Allow TCP connections at destination to 9010 port of the node running the
module that is checked.
ü Splitbrain checker
Change ICMP settings to allow ping at destination to the witness defined into
the <splitbrain> configuration.
safeadmin service is configured for automatically starting on boot and stopping on shutdown. In turn, this service starts modules configured for starting at boot and shutdown all modules.
On some Windows platforms, the safeadmin boot start fails because the network configuration is not ready, and the modules shutdown does not have time to complete since the timeout for services shutdown is too short. If you encounter such problems, apply one of the following procedures.
When using the SNMP agent, adapt the following procedures to set the manual start of the safeagent service and include its start/stop into SafeKit start-up (safekitbootstart.cmd) and shutdown (safekitshutdown.cmd) scripts. |
You can run the script as follow:
1. open a PowerShell window as administrator
2. cd SAFE\private\bin
3. run addStartupShutdown.cmd
This script sets the manual start for safeadmin service and adds default SafeKit start-up (safekitbootstart.cmd) and shutdown (safekitshutdown.cmd) scripts as part of the computer group policy start-up/shutdown scripts. If the script fails, apply the manual procedure below.
You must apply the following procedure that uses the Group Policy Object Editor.
1. set manual start for safeadmin service
2. start the MMC console with the mmc command line
3. File - Add/Remove Snap-in Add - "Group Policy Object Editor" – OK
4. under "Console Root"/"Local Computer Policy"/"Computer Configuration"/"Windows Settings"/"Scripts (Start-up/Shutdown)", double click on "Start-up". Click on Add then set for "Script Name:" c:\safekit\private\bin\safekitbootstart.cmd. This script launches the safeadmin service.
5. under "Console Root"/"Local Computer Policy"/"Computer Configuration"/"Windows Settings"/"Scripts (Start-up/Shutdown)", double click on "Shutdown". Click on Add then set for "Script Name:" c:\safekit\private\bin\safekitshutdown.cmd. This script shutdowns all running modules.
You can secure communications for the module between cluster nodes by creating cryptographic keys associated with the module. By default, these keys are generated by SafeKit with a “private” certification authority (SafeKit PKI). In SafeKit <=, the generated key has a validity period of 1 year. See section page 165 for solutions when the key expires.
Since SafeKit, you can also provide your own certificates generated with your trusted certification authority (enterprise PKI or commercial PKI). See section page 166 for details.
Since SafeKit, the module can be reconfigured with new keys while it is in ALONE state (dynamic update).
When encryption is not properly configured (e.g.: not the same key on all cluster nodes of the module), the module internal communications between nodes are rejected. In this case, the module configuration is not identical on all nodes. You must apply again the configuration on all nodes. You can check the configuration by running on each node the command safekit confinfo –m AM where AM is the module name (see section 9.6 page 149). This information is also displayed by the SafeKit web console before editing the configuration of the module and before running a global start. |
When encryption is not properly configured (e.g.: not the same key on all cluster nodes of the module), the module internal communications between nodes are rejected. In this case, the module configuration is not identical on all nodes. You must apply again the configuration on all nodes. You can check the configuration by running on each node the command safekit confinfo –m AM where AM is the module name (see section 9.6 page 149). This information is also displayed by the SafeKit web console before editing the configuration of the module and before running a global start. |
The encryption
resource reflects the current communication mode of the module: “on”/”off”
when encryption is active/not active. To see the resources state, display web console/ Since SafeKit 7.5, the resource name is usersetting.encryption. |
When configuring the module with the SafeKit web console (see section 3.3 page 41):
or Check the box Delete Keys for removing cryptographic key
The commands line equivalent for configuring a module, named AM, with cryptographic key are:
1. Stop the AM module on all nodes
2. On one node, log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
3. Run safekit module genkey –m AM
4. Run safekit –H "server1,server2" -E AM
where server1 and server2 are the nodes that implement the module
The commands line equivalent for re-configuring a module without cryptographic key are:
1. Stop the AM module on all nodes
2. On one node, log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
3. Run safekit module delkey –m AM
4. Run safekit –H "server1,server2" -E AM
where server1 and server2 are the nodes that implement the module
For more details on commands, refer to section 9.6 page 149.
In SafeKit <=, the key for encrypting the module communication has a validity period of 1 year. When it expires in a mirror module with file replication, the secondary fails to reintegrate. You must re-configure the module with a new key, as explained in SK-0084, for reverting to normal behavior. In SafeKit >, the validity period has been set to 20 years.
If you cannot upgrade SafeKit, you can generate new keys with a longer validity period. For this apply the following procedure:
1. Stop the AM module on all nodes
2. On one node, log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
3. Run safekit module genkey –m AM
4. Delete the file SAFE/modules/AM/conf/modulekey.p12
5. Change to the directory SAFE/web/bin
6. Run ./openssl req -config ../conf/ssl.conf -subj "/O=SafeKiModule/CN=mirror" -new -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout pkey.key -out cert.crt
Set the -days value to the validity period you want
7. Run ./openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ./pkey.key -in ./cert.crt -name "Module certificate" -out modulekey.p12
This command requires to fill a password. Contact Evidian support to get the correct value for the password
8. Delete the files pkey.key and cert.crt
9. Move the file modulekey.p12 into SAFE/modules/AM/conf
10. Run safekit –H "server1,server2" -E AM
where server1 and server2 are the nodes that implement the module
The module is configured, on the 2 nodes, with the new key and ready to start.
Since SafeKit, you can provide your own key generated with your trusted certification authority (enterprise PKI or commercial PKI). For this apply the following procedure:
1. Stop the AM module on all nodes
2. On one node, log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
3. Run safekit module genkey –m AM
4. Delete the file SAFE/modules/AM/conf/modulekey.p12
5. Append the X509 certificate in PEM format, for your certification authority (certificate of the CA or certificate bundle of all the certificate authorities) to the file SAFE/web/conf/cacert.crt
6. Change to the directory SAFE/web/bin
7. Generate your certificate with your PKI with the subject set to "/O=SafeKiModule/CN=mirror"
8. Copy the generated files pkey.key and cert.crt into the directory SAFE/web/bin
9. Run ./openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey ./pkey.key -in ./cert.crt -name "Module certificate" -out modulekey.p12
This command requires to fill a password. Contact Evidian support to get the correct value for the password
10. Delete the files pkey.key and cert.crt
11. Move the file modulekey.p12 into SAFE/modules/AM/conf
12. Run safekit –H "server1,server2" -E AM
where server1 and server2 are the nodes that implement the module
The module is configured, on the 2 nodes, with the new key and ready to start.
SafeKit comes with a web service, safewebserver, which runs on each SafeKit server. It is a standard Apache web service that is mandatory for running:
the web console (see section 3 page 35)
the distributed command line interface (see 9.1 page 141)
the <module> checkers (see 13.16 page 285)
safewebserver starts automatically at the end of SafeKit package install and on server reboot. If you do not need the SafeKit web service and want to remove the automatic boot start, refer to section 9.2 page 142.
Since SafeKit 7.5, the default configuration is HTTP with file-based authentication, initialized with a single admin user that got the Admin role. If you want to change it, refer to section 11 page 177.
The configuration of an instance of safewebserver on a SafeKit server is contained in the SAFE/web/conf directory. It consists in standard Apache configuration files (see The configuration is split into many files that are included or not depending on desired settings.
After changes, you have to restart the service with the command: safekit webserver restart (see section 9.2 page 142). |
If necessary, you should only modify the main configuration file httpd.conf to suit your needs. Comment character # disables the definition. The file contains the definition of:
httpadminport (9010)
Admin role by default. Depending on the desired role, uncomment the corresponding port and comment the others: ü httpadminport for Admin role ü httpcontrolport for Control role ü httpmonitorport for Monitor role When uncommenting httpcontrolport or httpmonitorport, user authentication must be disabled (see below).
httpsport (9453) |
User authentication definition:
Define usefile
Enabled by default. Comment to disable. ü when using httpcontrolport or httpmonitorport, it must be disabled ü when enabled, httpadminport must be enabled and useldap must be disabled
# Define useldap …
Disabled by default. Uncomment to enable. ü when using httpcontrolport or httpmonitorport, it must be disabled ü when enabled, httpadminport must be enabled and usefile must be disabled |
Apache logging definition: It is disabled by default. #Define Loglevel info #Define accesslog
Uncomment these lines to enable the logging for debug purposes. Logging files httpd.log and access.log are in SAFEVAR. |
The other configuration files are listed below. Modifying one of them may cause problems when upgrading SafeKit.
Global configuration |
httpd_main.conf |
HTTP configuration |
httpd.webconsole.conf |
HTTPS configuration and client certificate user authentication |
Form authentication configuration |
File-based authentication configuration |
LDAP/AD authentication configuration |
The HTTP and HTTPS configurations cannot be active simultaneously.
Do not edit .default files in SAFE/web/conf since they are backups of delivered configuration files.
By default, connect the web console with the URL http://servername:9010. The SafeKit web server will redirect to the appropriate page according to your security settings.
If you need to change the default value:
1. Edit SAFE/web/conf/httpd.conf and change the value of httpadminport, httpcontrolport, httpmonitorport or httpsport variables.
2. Restart the service using the command safekit webserver restart.
The default value 9010(HTTP)/9453(HTTPS) is also used by other SafeKit components. Therefore, if the default value is changed, the configuration for these components must also be changed, as follows:
in the global SafeKit configuration file safeini.xml, for the distributed commands:
1. Edit the file safeini.xml (in Linux: /etc/safeini.xml; in Windows: c:\Windows\safeini.xml)
2. Remove the strings <-- and --> that comment the SAFESRVPORT definition
3. Replace the value of SAFESRVPORT by the new value that you have defined in httpd.conf
Before upgrading SafeKit, save this file if you have modified it because its content is not preserved. |
in the configuration of modules that define a
<module> checker:
1. Edit the module configuration file userconfig.xml
2. Add the port attribute and assign it to the new port value
<module name="mirror">
<to addr="" port="9010"/>
3. Apply the new configuration of the module
The default configuration is for HTTP.
The default configuration is also set with file-based authentication, initialized with a single admin user that got the Admin role. This one can be extended for other users or roles ; or replaced by another configuration. For a detailed description, see section 11 page 177.
The HTTPS configuration requires the installation of certificates and the definition of user authentication as described in section 11 page 177. Once done, HTTPS configuration can be enabled:
1. copy SAFE/web/conf/httpd.webconsolessl.conf into the SAFE/web/conf/ssl directory
2. restart the service using the command safekit webserver restart
Skip this procedure if you use the HTTPS configuration wizard since it applies it automatically.
To re-enable the HTTP configuration if it has been changed to HTTPS:
1. remove the file SAFE/web/conf/ssl/httpd.webconsolessl.conf
2. restart the service using the command safekit webserver restart.
All the files necessary for the HTTPS configuration are preserved. It is therefore possible to revert to the HTTPS configuration if necessary:
1. copy SAFE/web/conf/httpd.webconsolessl.conf into the SAFE/web/conf/ssl directory
2. restart the service using the command safekit webserver restart
For mail notification, you have first to
choose a command line program to send mail. For Windows, you can download
windows binary from the mailsend download area. For Linux, you can use
the mail
instead of mailsend
Mail notification is implemented thanks to user scripts of the module. These scripts can be edited with the SafeKit console or on the server side. Each time you modify one of these scripts, you must re-apply the module configuration on all nodes (via the SafeKit console or the command). |
The following lines, inserted into at the end of the prestart script of a module (named AM), send an e-mail with the name of the module and server on which the module is started:
In Windows: c:\safekit\modules\AM\bin\prestart.cmd
if [%3] NEQ [start] goto
rem send mail only on start (not on stopstart or stopwait)
FOR /F "usebackq" %%i IN (`hostname`) DO SET HOSTNAME=%%i
mailsend.exe -d -smtp
–t -f SafeKit -sub "Start module %SAFEMODULE% on
%HOSTNAME%" -M "Running prestart" +cc +bc
In Linux: /opt/safekit/modules/AM/bin/prestart
if [ "$3" = "start" ]; then
send mail only on start (not
on stopstart or stopwait)
echo "Running
prestart" | mail -s "
Start module
$SAFEMODULE on `hostname`"
When the module is stopping, it can be notified using the poststop script. This one is not delivered by default and can be created as follow (for the module named AM):
In Windows: c:\safekit\modules\AM\bin\poststop.cmd
@echo off
rem Script called on module stop, stopstart, stopwait
rem For logging into module log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running poststop %*"
rem send an email only on stop (not on stopstart or stopwait)
if [%3] NEQ [stop] goto nostop
FOR /F "usebackq" %%i IN (`hostname`) DO SET HOSTNAME=%%i
mailsend -d
–t -f SafeKit -sub "Stop module %SAFEMODULE% on
%HOSTNAME%" -M "Running poststop" +cc +bc
In Linux: /opt/safekit/modules/AM/bin/poststop
# Script called on module stop, stopstart, stopwait
# For logging into SafeKit log use:
# $SAFE/safekit printi | printe "message"
# stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running poststop $*"
if [ "$3" = "stop"]; then
# send mail only on stop (not on stopstart or stopwait)
echo "Running
poststop" | mail -s "
Stop module
$SAFEMODULE on `hostname`"
The user script transition can be used to send an e-mail on main local state transitions of the module running on the local server. For instance, it may be useful to know when the mirror module is going ALONE (on failover for instance). The script transition is not delivered by default and can be created as follow. Replace AM by the module name and <mail …> by the command for sending e-mail and its arguments.
In Windows: c:\safekit\modules\AM\bin\transition.cmd
@echo off
rem Script called on module transitions
rem For logging into module log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running transition %*"
rem send an email when transiting from WAIT to ALONE, SECOND to ALONE, PRIM to ALONE
[%1] EQU [WAIT] if [%2] EQU [ALONE] <mail …>
IF [%1] EQU
[SECOND] if [%2] EQU [ALONE] <mail …>
IF [%1] EQU [PRIM] if [%2] EQU [ALONE] <mail …>
In Linux: /opt/safekit/modules/AM/bin/transition
# Script called on module
# For logging into SafeKit log use:
# $SAFE/safekit printi | printe "message"
# stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running transition $*"
# send an email when
transiting from WAIT to ALONE, SECOND to ALONE, PRIM to ALONE
if [ "$1" = "WAIT" -a "$2" = "ALONE" ]
; then <mail …>; fi
if [ "$1" = "SECOND" -a "$2" = "ALONE"
] ; then <mail …> ; fi
if [ "$1" = "PRIM" -a "$2" = "ALONE" ]
; then <mail …> ; fi
For using the SafeKit SNMP agent safeagent, you must:
1. configure it to start on boot, with the command
safekit boot [snmpon | snmpoff | snmpstatus] |
Controls the automatic start at boot of the safeagent service ("on" or "off"; by default, "off") |
2. add the corresponding firewall rule
ü In Linux, when using the default safeagent configuration (port 3600) and operating system firewall, you can use the command:
SAFEBIN/firewallcfg add safeagent
ü In Windows, when using the operating system firewall, the firewall has already been configured for safeagent if you have applied the command:
SAFEBIN/firewallcfg add
3. start it with the command
safekit safeagent [start | stop | restart | check] |
Controls start/stop of the safeagent service that implements the SafeKit SNMP agent. |
The configuration of the safeagent is defined in the self-documented SAFE/snmp/conf/snmpd.conf file. It is a standard net-snmp configuration file as described in By default, the service is listening on UDP agentaddress port 3600 and accepts read request from the public community and write requests from the private community. Read requests are used to get module status and write requests to run actions on the module.
SNMP traps can be sent by SafeKit agent when messages are logged with the I or E levels. The IP address for sending SNMP traps must be set with the line trapsink SNMPManagerIPaddress in snmpd.conf.
You can change the default configuration according to your needs. When you modify snmpd.conf, you must manually change the firewall rule and restart the service to load the new configuration with: safekit safeagent restart
The SafeKit MIB is delivered in SAFE/snmp/mib/safekit.mib (read this file to have the detail of the MIB). Note that the MIB includes a definition of the trap sent by SafeKit.
The SafeKit MIB is accessed with the following identifier (OID, prefix of SafeKit SNMP variables): = (
The SafeKit MIB defines:
module table: skModuleTable
The index on the module table is the ID of the application module as returned by the command safekit module listid.
Through the MIB, you can read and display the status of an application module on a server (STOP, WAIT, ALONE, UP, PRIM, SECOND) or you can take an action on the module (start, stop, restart, swap, stopstart, prim, second).
For example, the status of the module with ID 1 is read by an SNMP get to the variable: = stop (0)
Use the snmp walk command to check all MIB entries.
The resource table: skResourceTable
Each element defines a resource as for instance the one corresponding to the network interface checker "intf." and its status (unknown, init, up, down).
Example: SNMP get request to means name of resource 2 in application module 1.
The trap:
Traps are sent with the OID A trap contains the SafeKit last log message (I and E levels) for each module.
There is a log of the safekit commands ran on the server. It allows auditing the actions performed on the server to help support for instance. The log records all the safekit commands that are run and that modify the system such as a module install and configuration, a module start/stop, the safekit webserver start/stop, …
Since SafeKit 7.5, this log is stored in the SAFEVAR/log.db file in SQLite3 format. In earlier versions, it was stored in the SAFEVAR/commandlog text file. |
For viewing the commands log:
run the command safekit cmdlog
click on the commands log tab into the web
Below is the raw extract of this log:
| 2021-07-27 14:37:33.205122 | safekit | mirror | 6883 | START | config -m mirror
| 2021-07-27 14:37:33.400513 | cluster | mirror | 0 | I | update cluster state
| 2021-07-27 14:37:33.405597 | cluster | mirror | 0 | I | module state change on node centos7-test3
| 2021-07-27 14:37:34.193280 | | | 6883 | END | 0
| 2021-07-27 14:37:34.718292 | cluster | mirror | 0 | I | update cluster state
| 2021-07-27 14:37:34.722080 | cluster | mirror | 0 | I | module state change on node centos7-test4
| 2021-07-27 14:37:37.510971 | | | 6871 | END | 0
| 2021-07-27 14:38:05.092924 | safekit | mirror | 7017 | START | prim -m mirror -u web@
| 2021-07-27 14:38:05.109368 | | | 7017 | END | 0
Each field has the following meaning:
ü The 1st field in the log entry is the date and time of the message
ü The next one is the type of the action
ü The next one is the module name when the action is not global
ü The next one is the pid of the process that runs the command. It is used as the identifier of the log entry
ü The next ones are START when the command starts and the command’s arguments; or END when the command has finished with the return value.
11.1 “Overview” page 177
11.2 “HTTP setup” page 179
11.3 “HTTPS setup” page 182
11.4 “User authentication setup” page 192
11.5 “Setup example for HTTPS and personal certificate authentication” page 213
11.6 “SafeKit PKI advanced configuration” page 218
The SafeKit web service is mainly used by:
the web console (see section 3 page 35)
the distributed command line interface (see 9.1 page 141)
SafeKit provides different setups for this web service to enhance the security of the SafeKit web console and distributed commands.
Protocol |
Authentication |
Role management |
ü None ü File based ü LDAP/AD ü Client certificate |
ü Admin ü Control ü Monitor |
The most secure setups are based on HTTPS and user authentication.
SafeKit provides a configuration wizard to setup HTTPS, and optionally client certificates, with a “private” certification authority (the SafeKit PKI). This allows SafeKit to be quickly secured without the need for an external PKI (enterprise PKI or commercial PKI) that provides trusted certification authority.
SafeKit offers also optional role management based on 3 roles:
Admin role
This role grants all administrative rights by allowing access to the tabs:
Control role |
This role grants control and monitoring rights by allowing access to the tabs:
Monitor role |
This role only grants monitoring rights by allowing access to the tab:
Since SafeKit 7.5, the default setup is the following:
Setup |
Protocol |
Authentication Role management |
Default |
ü HTTP |
ü File-based authentication (username/password stored in an Apache file) ü Initialization with a single user named admin with the Admin role To configure, see 11.2.1 page 179 |
The predefined setups are as follows:
Setup |
Protocol |
Authentication Role management |
Unsecure |
ü HTTP |
ü No authentication ü Same role for all users
To configure, see 11.2.2 page 181 |
File-based |
To configure HTTPS with:
ü username/password stored in an Apache file ü Optional role management stored in an Apache file
To configure, see 11.4.1 page 192
To configure HTTPS with:
ü LDAP/AD authentication ü Optional role management
To configure, see 11.4.2 page 195 |
Client certificate |
To configure HTTPS with:
ü Client certificate authentication ü Integrated role management
To configure
By default, after the SafeKit install, the web service is configured for HTTP with file-based authentication that must be initialized.
This default configuration can be extended as described in 11.2.1 page 179.
It can also be replaced by the unsecure setup described in 11.2.2 page 181 or anyone of the predefined setups.
Since SafeKit 7.5, the default setup relies on HTTP with file-based authentication. It requires some initialization described below. It is a mandatory step.
This default configuration can be extended:
ü to add users and assign them a role as described in page 192
ü to switch to HTTPS with:
the SafeKit PKI described in 11.3.1 page 183
your PKI described in 11.3.2 page 188
After the installation of SafeKit, the configuration and restart of the web service is not necessary since this is the default configuration and the web service has been started with it.
If you have changed the default configuration and want to revert to it, see 11.4.1 page 192.
SafeKit provides a script to get the web console and distributed commands up and running quickly.
In Linux, this script can be automatically called during the install of SafeKit; in Windows, it must be manually executed. In both cases, you will have to give the password value, pwd for the admin user.
webservercfg -passwd pwd
On S1 and S2:
SAFE/private/bin/webservercfg.ps1 -passwd pwd
SAFE/private/bin/webservercfg -passwd pwd
You must set the same password on all nodes. |
The password must be identical on all the nodes of the cluster. Otherwise, web console and distributed commands will fail with authentication errors. |
Once this initialization is done on all the cluster nodes:
you can authenticate in the web console with the
name admin and the password you provided. The role is Admin by default
(unless you change the default behavior by providing the group.conf
file as described in in page 192)
On authentication failure in the web console, you may need to reinitialize the admin password. For this, run again webservercfg -passwd pwd on all nodes.
you can run distributed commands. It is based on
a dedicated user rcmdadmin with the Admin role. It is managed in a different, private user
file that you do not have to change.
On authentication failure for distributed commands, you may need to reset rcmdadmin password. To reset only this one, without changing the admin password, run webservercfg -rcmdpasswd pwd on all nodes.
The setup is complete; you can now test that it is operational.
Test the web console
1. Start a browser on the user’s workstation
2. Connect it to the default URL http://servername:9010 (where servername is the name or Ip address of one of the SafeKit nodes)
3. In the login page, enter as user’s name admin and as password the one you gave when you initialized it (e.g., pwd). Then click on Connect
4. The loaded page contains all the tabs that correspond to the Admin role by default
Test the distributed command
1. Connect on S1 or S2 as administrator/root
2. Open a system console (PowerShell, shell, …)
3. Change directory to SAFE
4. Run safekit -H "*" level
that should return the level for all nodes
It is based on the configuration of a single role that is applied to all users without requiring authentication. This solution can only be implemented only in HTTP and is incompatible with user authentication methods.
To configure where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2:
#Define usefile … #Define useldap
httpadminport (9010)
ü httpadminport for Admin role ü httpcontrolport for Control role ü httpmonitorport for Monitor role |
On S1 and S2, disable HTTPS if you had configured it:
On S1 and S2:
The setup is complete; you can now test that it is operational.
Test the web console
1. Start a browser on the user’s workstation
2. Connect it to the default URL http://servername:9010 (where servername is the name or Ip address of one of the SafeKit nodes)
3. The loaded page contains only the tabs allowed according to the previously selected port
1. Connect on S1 or S2 as administrator/root
2. Open a system console (PowerShell, shell, …)
3. Change directory to SAFE
4. Run safekit -H "*" level
that should return the level for all nodes
The HTTPS web service relies on the existence of a set of certificates listed below:
The certificate of the Certification Authority CA used to issue the server certificate for S1 and S2 |
The server
certificate of S1 and S2 used to assert the nodes’ identity |
Apply one of the following 2 procedures to configure HTTPS and associated certificates:
11.3.1 “HTTPS setup using the SafeKit PKI” page 183
Go to this section to quickly setup HTTPS with the SafeKit “private” certification authority.
11.3.2 “HTTPS setup using an external PKI” page 188
Go to this section to setup HTTPS with your PKI (enterprise PKI or commercial PKI) that provides trusted certification authority.
At the end of HTTPS setup, you must implement one of the authentication methods described in 11.4 page 192.
Apply the following steps to configure HTTPS with the SafeKit PKI and the associated wizard:
First, select one node, which belongs to the
SafeKit cluster, to apply the first configuration. The selected node will be
hereafter called the first
server (or CA server). This server will also act as
the Certificate Authority server for the other SafeKit cluster nodes. Apply
steps from to to setup HTTPS on the first server,
S1 for example.
The other cluster nodes are called additional server (or non-CA
server). For all additional
servers apply steps from to to
setup HTTPS on them. S2 in the example.
Apply step for stopping the CA web service on all
additional servers. S2 in the example. If you want to setup client certificates
as authentication method, before stopping the CA web service on the first
server, S1 in the example, apply the procedure described in 11.4.3 page 197.
Verify that the system clock is set to the current date and time on all SafeKit nodes and workstations that will run the HTTPS SafeKit web console. Certificates are timestamped, and a time difference between systems may have an impact on certificate validity. |
On the server:
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
2. Change to the directory SAFE/web/bin
3. Run the command ./startcaserv
When prompted, enter a password to protect the access to this service for the CA_admin user (for instance, PasW0rD). This command starts the safecaserv service.
Remember this password since it will be required to connect to this service in next steps. The CA web service running on the first server is also accessed by the additional servers and SafeKit web console clients for downloading certificate signatures and certificates. |
Since the service listens to TCP port 9001, make sure TCP port 9001 is not used, and is allowed in the firewall configuration. On Linux, the TCP 9001 port is automatically opened in local firewall by the startcaserv command. In Windows, the firewallcfg command opens safecaserv service communications. |
Launch the HTTPS configuration wizard by starting a local web browser on the server and connecting it to https://localhost:9001.
The certificate associated with the local CA web service is self-signed; therefore, the browser will display a security warning saying the certificate is invalid. This is expected, and you must click "Continue to this website (not recommended)" to continue
At the login prompt, enter CA_admin as username, and the password you specified when you started the CA web service (for instance, PasW0rD)
At this step, the HTTPS configuration wizard is opened.
ü Some advanced configuration methods are present into the … panel not described in this document
ü The commands log panel at the bottom of the wizard displays the output of actions that have been executed
This step setup the first server for HTTPS:
In HTTPS configuration
Go to Configure HTTPS
server tab
Open First server panel
Click on the Confirm button
When the processing is completed, the Certification Authority is initialized and the certificates necessary to run the SafeKit web service (safewebserver service) in HTTPS mode are locally installed. Moreover, this service has been reconfigured for HTTPS and restarted (by applying the procedure described in section 10.6.4 page 170).
In HTTPS configuration
Go to Change the
firewall rules tab
Select yes to automatically
change rules
It consists in running the firewallcfg script, that applies default rules for SafeKit to the operating system default firewall (in Windows, Microsoft Windows Firewall ; in Linux, firewalld or iptables).
Select no to not
change rules
Choose this option if you want to configure the firewall yourself or if you use a different firewall than the system one. For the list of SafeKit processes and ports, see 10.3 page 156.
Click on the Confirm button
to apply your selection
Once the first server is configured, you must configure all the additional servers. Apply the same procedure as the one described in page 183, for starting the CA web service (safecaserv service) on the other server(s).
Apply the same procedure as the one described in page 184, for launching the configuration wizard on the additional server(s).
This step enables HTTPS on a server different from the first server:
In HTTPS configuration
wizard that is running on the additional server
Go to Configure HTTPS
server tab
Open Additional server panel
Fill in the IP address of the first server
Fill in the password you specified when you
started the CA web service on the first server (for instance, PasW0rD)
Click on the Confirm button
When the processing is completed, the certificates necessary to run the SafeKit web service (safewebserver service) in HTTPS mode are locally installed. Moreover, this service has been reconfigured and restarted for HTTPS (by applying the procedure described in 10.6.4 page 170).
Apply the same procedure as the one described in page 186, for configuring the firewall on additional server.
If you want to setup client certificates as authentication methods, before stopping the CA web service on the first server, apply the procedure described in 11.4.3 page 197.
Once all SafeKit nodes and clients have been configured, bring the CA web service (safecaserv service) offline on all servers, to limit the risk of accidental or malicious access to the configuration wizard.
To stop the SafeKit CA web service:
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
2. Change to the directory SAFE/web/bin
3. Run the command ./stopcaserv
On Windows, this command also removes the service entry to prevent any accidental start of the service afterwards. On Linux, the 9001 port is automatically closed on local firewall. |
Apply steps below to setup HTTPS with your trusted certification authority (your enterprise PKI or commercial PKI).
You must get server certificates from your PKI with the expected format.
Be aware that you must provide all names and/or IP addresses, for S1 and S2, that are used for HTTPS connections. These ones must also be included into the SafeKit cluster configuration file. See the example in page 189. |
The certificate of the Certification Authority CA used to issue the server certificates |
The server certificate to assert the S1 identity. |
The server certificate to assert the S2 identity. |
server1.crt server2.crt |
The subfield CN (Common Name) into the subject field, or the Subject Alternative Name field of the certificate, must contain : ü localhost and ü S1 name(s) and/or IP address(es) for server1.crt ü S2 names and/or IP address(es) for server2.crt
server1.key server2.key |
Install the certificates as follow (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
server1.crt server1.key |
On S1:
server2.crt server2.key |
On S2:
You can check the installed certificates with:
cd SAFE/web/bin
checkcert -t server
It returns a failure if an error is detected.
You can check that the certificate contains some DNS name or IP address with:
checkcert -h ”DNS name value”
checkcert -i ”Numeric IP address value”
Check that it also contains localhost and
checkcert -h ”localhost”
checkcert -i ””
Consider the following architecture:
The corresponding SafeKit cluster configuration file, SAFEVAR/cluster/cluster.xml must contain these values into addr field:
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="default" console="on" framework="on">
<node name="s1" addr=""/>
<node name="s2" addr=""/>
<lan name="console" console="on"
<node name="s1" addr=""/>
<node name="s2" addr=""/>
The server certificates must contain the same values (DNS names and/or IP addresses) as those in the cluster configuration. If not, the SafeKit web console and distributed commands will not work properly.
To check that the certificate file is correct:
1. Copy the .crt (or .cer) file on a Windows workstation
2. Double click on this file to open it with Crypto Shell Extensions
3. Click on the Details tab
4. Verify the Subject Alternative Name field
If you prefer the command line interface, you can run on each the SafeKit node: SAFE/web/bin/openssl.exe x509 -text -noout -in SAFE/web/conf/server.crt and look for the value after Subject Alternative Name |
You must get these certificates from your PKI with the expected format.
cacert.crt |
The Certification Authority CA certificate used to issue the server certificates.
The chain of certificates for the root and intermediates CA |
Server certificates for S1 and S2 |
If you have trouble retrieving this file from your PKI, you can build it using the procedure described in 7.18 page 128.
Install certificates files as follow (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
cacert.crt |
On S1 and S2:
You can check the installed certificates with:
cd SAFE/web/bin
checkcert -t CA
It returns a failure if an error is detected.
You must also check that the cacert.crt contains the chain of certificates for the root and intermediates Certification Authorities.
To enable HTTPS (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2:
On S1 and S2:
You can run the firewallcfg script to change the firewall rules. It set SafeKit rules into the operating system default firewall (in Windows, Microsoft Windows Firewall ; in Linux, firewalld or iptables).
Firewall |
On S1 and S2:
Don’t run this command if you want to configure the firewall yourself or if you use a different firewall than the system one. For the list of SafeKit processes and ports, see 10.3 page 156.
Setup one of the following user authentication methods:
11.4.1 “File-based authentication setup” page 192
11.4.2 “LDAP/AD authentication setup” page 195
11.4.3 “Client certificate authentication setup using the SafeKit PKI” page 197
11.4.4 “Client certificates authentication setup using an external PKI” page 204
At the end of this setup, you can start using the secure SafeKit web console.
File-based authentication setup can be applied in HTTP or HTTPS. It relies on the following files:
User file configuration that defines authorized users |
Optional file to restrict the user’s role. If the group.conf file is not present, all authenticated users will have the Admin role. |
The users and groups must be identical on S1 and S2, as well as passwords. It is defined by the files user.conf and group.conf into SAFE/web/conf directory (SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux).
During the default setup initialization, described in 11.2.1 page 179, the user named admin has been created and thus is present into user.conf. You can decide to remove this user if you create others. |
Create a new user
Users are created with the SAFE/web/bin/htpasswd command.
For instance, to add the new user manager and set its password managerpassword, run:
SAFE/web/bin/htpasswd -b SAFE/web/conf/user.conf manager managerpassword
The new user is inserted into SAFE/web/conf/user.conf the file.
admin:$2y$05$oPquL6Z2Y78QcXpHIako.O58Z6lWfa5A86XD.eCbEnbRcguJln9Ce manager:$apr1$U2GLivF5$x39WKmSpq6BGmLybESgNV1 operator1:$apr1$DetdwaZz$hy5pQzpUlPny3qsXrIS/z1 operator2:$apr1$ICiZv2ru$wRkc3BclBhXzc/4llofoc1 |
Assign the role of the new user
By default, all users have the Admin role. If you want to assign different roles to different users, you must create the SAFE/web/conf/group.conf file and assign user’s role. The group file can contain the 3 groups Admin, Control, Monitor. Users in these groups will have the corresponding roles.
Each line of the group file must contain the group name followed by a colon, followed by the member users name separated by spaces. See the example above. |
For instance, assign the Control role to the new user manager:
Admin : admin Control : manager Monitor : operator1 operator2 |
If you enable the role management, you must insert the user admin into group.conf. Otherwise, this user will no longer be operational. |
Use htpasswd -? for all user management commands (add/delete, ...).
Install the files as follow (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2:
On S1 and S2 if groups are set:
These files must be identical on all nodes.
To configure the file-based authentication (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2:
Define usefile
# Define useldap
httpadminport (9010) |
On S1 and S2:
Since SafeKit 7.5, this is the default content of httpd.conf.
The setup is complete; you can now test that it is operational.
Test the web console
1. Start a browser on the user’s workstation
2. Connect it to the default URL http://servername:9010 (where servername is the name or Ip address of one of the SafeKit nodes). If HTTPS is configured, there is an automatic redirection to https://servername:9453
3. In the login page, fill in the user’s name and password then click on Connect
With the SafeKit 7.5 default configuration, you can log-in with the user admin by giving the password you assigned during initialization.
4. The loaded page contains only the tabs allowed according to the user's role. If the groups have not been defined, all users have the Admin role.
1. Connect on S1 or S2 as administrator/root
2. Open a system console (PowerShell, shell, …)
3. Change directory to SAFE
4. Run safekit -H "*" level
that should return the level for all nodes
LDAP/AD authentication setup can be applied in HTTP or HTTPS. It requires:
LDAP/Active Directory account configuration used to assert the user identity |
Optional LDAP/Active Directory group configuration to restrict the user’s role. When groups are not defined, all authenticated users have the Admin role. |
On some Linux distributions (such as RedHat 8 and CentOS 8), the web server start fails when it is configured with LDAP/AD authentication. In this case, apply the solution described in SK-0092. |
Apply the steps described below after verifying that S1 and S2 can connect to the LDAP controller domain port (default is 389).
If necessary, ask your LDAP administrator to create users of the SafeKit web console.
If you want to define user’s role, ask your LDAP administrator to create groups for Admin, Control, Monitor roles and assign users to groups. When groups are not defined, all users will have the Admin role.
To configure the LDAP/AD authentication (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2: Initialize the authentication for the distributed command. This may have already been done if you initialized the default configuration after SafeKit installation. Otherwise:
where pwd is the password for the private user rcmdadmin. You don’t need to memorize it. |
On S1 and S2:
#Define usefile
Define useldap
httpadminport (9010)
Define binddn "CN=bindCN,OU=bindOU1,OU=bindOU2,DC=domain,DC=fq,DC=dn" Define bindpwd "Password0" Define searchurl "ldap://ldaporad.fq.dn:389/OU=searchou, DC=domain, DC=fq, DC=dn?sAMAccountName, memberOf?sub?(objectClass=*)"
ü the binddn and bindpwd variables must contain the credentials of an account with search rights on the directory ü the searchurl variable defines the RFC2255 search URL to authenticate the user
If the group configuration is not enabled, all authenticated users will have the Admin role. |
On S1 and S2 To enable group management:
Define admingroup "CN=Group1CN,OU=Group1OU1,OU=Group1OU2,DC=domain,DC=fq,DC=dn" Define controlgroup "CN=Group2CN,OU=Group2OU1,OU=Group2OU2,DC=domain,DC=fq,DC=dn" Define monitorgroup "CN=Group3CN,OU=Group3OU1,OU=Group3OU2,DC=domain,DC=fq,DC=dn"
Users set into the LDAP/AD groups associated to admingroup, controlgroup and monitorgroup, will respectively have Admin, Control and Monitor roles. For more sophisticated authentication, read Apache web service documentation (see |
On S1 and S2:
The setup is complete; you can now test that it is operational.
Test the web console
1. Start a browser on the user’s workstation
2. Connect it to the default URL http://servername:9010 (where servername is the name or Ip address of one of the SafeKit nodes). If HTTPS is configured, there is an automatic redirection to https://servername:9453
3. In the login page, fill in the user’s name and password then click on Connect
5. The loaded page contains only the tabs allowed according to the user's role. If the groups have not been defined, all users have the Admin role.
Test the distributed command
1. Connect on S1 or S2 as administrator/root
2. Open a system console (PowerShell, shell, …)
3. Change directory to SAFE
4. Run safekit -H "*" level
that should return the level for all nodes
Once the HTTPS setup has been completed, as described in 11.3.1 page 183, you can go on client certificates authentication setup:
1. the web service configuration must be modified to enable client certificates authentication as described in
2. the Client certificate configuration wizard helps to create, download, and import client certificates on the user’s workstation. To do this, apply sections to on each workstation of the users concerned
Verify that the system clock is set to the current date and time for all clients. Certificates are timestamped, and a time difference between systems may have an impact on certificate validity. |
The configuration wizards associated with the SafeKit PKI manage the creation of all the certificates required for setting up the client certificate authentication for the web console and distributed commands:
The certificate of the Certification Authority CLCA used to issue the client certificates |
The client certificates used to assert the user identity and its role in the console |
The client certificates used to assert the administrator identity on S1 and S2 for distributed commands |
The client certificates used to assert the administrator identity on S1 and S2 for the console in proxy mode. They are built from admin1 and admin2 certificates. |
This implementation corresponds to the one supported since SafeKit 7.4. It has been slightly simplified since SafeKit 7.5 but only for the configuration with an external PKI.
To enable client certificates authentication (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2:
# Define useldap … # Define usefile
httpadminport (9010) |
On S1 and S2:
Log on the workstation of the user that will
access to the console
Connect a browser to https://firstserver:9001/adduser.html where firstserver is the IP address of the first server configured for HTTPS
The certificate associated with the CA web
service is self-signed; therefore, the browser will display a security warning
saying the certificate is invalid. This is expected, and you must click through
the warning to continue.
At the login prompt, enter CA_admin
as username, and the password you specified when you started the CA web service
on the CA server (for instance, PasW0rD)
At this step, the Client certificate configuration wizard is opened.
Create a new client certificate for the user if it does not already exist.
Create a new client certificate
1. Fill in the user name, password and role fields of the form. Please note that the username must be unique.
2. Click on Confirm
After the form is processed, the resulting client certificate (the user_Admin_administrator.p12 file) is downloaded
Once the client certificate is downloaded (the new one or the existing one), import it into the user’s workstation certificate store. Web console access is denied until you import the client certificate.
The procedure depends on the browser and/or the operating system used. The following describes the installation in Windows.
The browser will issue security warnings when you connect to the SafeKit web console unless you import the CA certificate. The procedure depends on the browser and the operating system used. The following describes the installation in Windows.
Click on Confirm to
download the CA certificate
The setup is complete; you can now test that it is operational.
Test the web console
Once certificates are imported on the user workstation, the secure SafeKit web console can be used.
1. Click on the Confirm button
1. Start a browser on the user’s workstation
2. Connect it to the default URL http://servername:9010 (where servername is the name or Ip address of one of the SafeKit nodes. Since HTTPS is configured, there is an automatic redirection to https://servername:9453
3. Depending on the browser and the server IP address, you may sometimes need to select the client certificate to use (the friendly name is displayed)
4. The loaded page contains only the tabs allowed according to the user's role
1. Connect on S1 or S2 as administrator/root
2. Open a system console (PowerShell, shell, …)
3. Change directory to SAFE
4. Run safekit -H "*" level
that should return the level for all nodes
Client certificates authentication relies on the existence of a set of certificates listed below:
The certificate of the Certification Authority CLCA used to issue the client certificates |
The client certificates used to assert the user identity and its role in the console |
The client certificates used to assert the administrator identity on S1 and S2 for distributed commands
The client certificates used to assert the administrator identity on S1 and S2 for the console in proxy mode. They are built from admin1 and admin2 certificates. |
Apply the following steps to setup user authentication based on client certificates get from your PKI. Previously, HTTPS must have been configured as described in 11.3.2 page 188.
The server certificates are the one generated during HTTPS configuration described in 11.3.2 page 188.
To verify that these certificates can be used as client certificates, read their contents. Below is the procedure in Windows:
1. Copy the server.crt file on a Windows workstation
2. Double click on this file to open it with “Crypto Shell Extensions”
3. Select the “Details” tab
4. Verify the content of the Enhanced Key Usage field
If you prefer the command line interface, you can run on each the SafeKit node: SAFE/web/bin/openssl.exe x509 -text -noout -in SAFE/web/conf/server.crt and look for the value TLS Web Client Authentication under the field X509v3 Extended Key Usage. |
Note the CN value into the Subject field, that is used later to configure roles. |
Since the Key Usage field contains the Client Authentication value, this server certificate can be used as client certificate for the distributed command:
The client certificate to authenticate S1 when running distributed command. |
admin1.crt |
admin1.key |
The client certificate to authenticate S2 when running distributed command. |
admin2.crt |
admin2.key |
When server certificates cannot be used, you must get new client certificates from you PKI with the expected format described below:
The client certificate to authenticate S1 when running distributed command. |
The client certificate to authenticate S2 when running distributed command. |
admin1.crt admin2.crt |
The Key Usage field contains the Client Authentication value. The subfield CN (Common Name) into the subject field contains the name of the server.
admin1.key admin2.key |
Install the client certificates as follow (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
admin1.crt admin1.key |
On S1:
admin2.crt admin2.key |
On S2:
proxy.crtkey |
On S1 and S2: Build the SAFE/web/conf/proxy.crtkey file as follow:
SAFE/web/bin/openssl rsa -in SAFE/web/conf/admin.key -out SAFE/web/conf/rsa-admin.key
You can check the installed certificates with:
cd SAFE/web/bin
checkcert -t client
It returns a failure if an error is detected.
In some companies, each user has a personal certificate as a digital ID, which is stored in the certificate store on the user's workstation.
The personal certificate is used to assert identity of the user in the console |
Personal certificate |
To verify that this certificate can be used as client certificate for the web console, read its contents. Below is the procedure in Windows:
1. Log-in the user’s workstation
2. Open a PowerShell console
3. Run certmgr
4. Locate the certificate, typically in “Certificates - Current User\Personal\Certificates”, and right-click
5. Right-click et select “Open” to open the Certificate window
6. In the Certificate window, select the “Details” tab
7. Verify the content of the Enhanced Key Usage field
For instance, the personal certificate of Mary Smith contains:
Note the CN value into the Subject field, that is used later to configure roles. |
Since the Key Usage field contains the Client Authentication value, this personal certificate can be used as client certificate for the console. In that case, there is no need to import it since it is already present in the certificates store on the user’s workstation.
When personal certificates cannot be used, you must get a new client certificate from you PKI with the expected format described below:
user.p12 |
The client certificate to authenticate the user of the web console
The Key Usage field contains the Client Authentication value. The subfield CN (Common Name) into the subject field contains the name of the user.
For each web console user, you must import their certificate into their certificate store. Below is the import procedure in Windows:
1. Log-in the user’s workstation
2. Double click on the user.p12 file for opening the certificate window
3. Click on Install Certificate button
It opens the Certificate Import Wizard
4. Select Current User and click on the Next button
5. Go on and let the wizard automatically select the certificate store
It must be the Personal store
6. Then complete the certificate import
You must retrieve this certificate from your PKI with the expected format.
clcacert.crt |
The Certification Authority CLCA certificate used to issue the client certificates.
The chain of certificates for the root and intermediates CLCA
If different CLCAs are used to generate the different client certificates, the clcacert.crt file must contain the concatenation of each CLCA certificates. |
Client certificates for distributed command |
Client certificates for web console users |
If you have trouble retrieving this file from your PKI, you can build it using the procedure described in 7.18 page 128.
If your PKI uses the same certification authority for issuing server and client certificates, the files cacert.crt and clcacert.crt are identical. The cacert.crt file was installed during the HTTPS configuration procedure (see page 191). |
Install the certificate as follow (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if System Drive=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
clcacert.crt |
On S1 and S2:
You can check the installed certificates:
cd SAFE/web/bin
checkcert -t CLCA
It returns a failure if an error is detected.
In addition, you must check that the clcacert.crt contains the chain of certificates for the root and intermediates Certification Authorities.
If the CA certificate has not been imported, the browser issues security alerts when the user connects to the web console with his client certificate. If the import has not already been done, apply the procedure below in Windows:
1. Log-in the user’s workstation
2. Click on the clcacert.crt file for opening the certificate window
3. Click on Install Certificate button
It opens the Certificate Import Wizard
4. Select Current User and click on the Next button
5. Go on and install the certificate into the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store
6. Then complete the certificate import
The client certificate is used to authenticate the user of the console or of the distributed command. A role must be assigned to it to define the authorized actions.
This must be defined in the file sslgroup.conf that can contain the 3 groups Admin, Control, Monitor. Users in these groups will have the corresponding roles.
Each line of the group file must contain the group name followed by a colon, followed by the member users name separated by spaces. See the example above. |
1. get the value of the subfield CN (Common Name) into the subject field of the certificate 2. add CN with the desired role ü for the console certificates, it can be any role: Admin, Control or Monitor ü for the distributed command certificates, the role must be Admin |
On S1 and S2 if groups are set:
In the following example, and are the CN value for distributed command certificates ; the other names are the CN value for console certificates:
Admin : ”” “” ”MARY SMITH” admin Control: ”NAD ROU” “DAVID JOHNS” manager Monitor : monitor |
To enable client certificates authentication (where SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C: ; and SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux):
On S1 and S2:
# Define useldap … # Define usefile
httpadminport (9010) |
On S1 and S2:
The setup is complete; you can now test that it is operational.
Test the web console
Once certificates are imported on the user workstation, the web console can be used.
1. Start a browser on the user’s workstation
2. Connect it to the default URL http://servername:9010 (where servername is the name or Ip address of one of the SafeKit nodes). Since HTTPS is configured, there is an automatic redirection to https://servername:9453
3. Depending on the browser and the server IP address, you may sometimes need to select the client certificate to use (the friendly name is displayed)
4. The loaded page contains only the tabs allowed according to the user's role
Test the distributed command
1. Connect on S1 or S2 as administrator/root
2. Open a system console (PowerShell, shell, …)
3. Change directory to SAFE
4. Run safekit -H "*" level
that should return the level for all nodes
This section is a summary of the configuration with an external PKI. It shows the configuration of HTTPS and authentication based on users' personal certificates, for the following example:
This simplified setup is only available under certain conditions described below. For all other cases, please refer to 11.3.2 page 188 for the HTTPS setup and to 11.4.4 page 204 for the user authentication setup based on client certificates.
SafeKit cluster configuration
Configure the SafeKit cluster, into SAFEVAR/cluster/cluster.xml, as below:
version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
name="default" console="on" framework="on">
<node name="s1" addr=""/>
<node name="s2" addr=""/>
Server certificates
Request from your PKI, for each SafeKit node, the files for the certificate and the associated key.
Review the certificate content:
ü Check that Enhanced Key Usage field contains Client Authentication
ü Check that addr values in cluster.xml is present into the Subject Alternate Name field
ü With SafeKit <=, check that server’s name is present into the Subject Alternate Name field
ü Note the CN value into the Subject field, that is used later to fill the sslgroup.conf file
Server certificate for S1 server1.crt and server1.key files |
Server certificate for S2 server2.crt and server2.key files |
Personal certificate for the users
It should be present on the user’s workstation, inside the certificates store (certmgr.msc) under “Certificates - Current User\Personal\Certificates”
Review the certificate content:
ü Check that Enhanced Key Usage field contains Client Authentication
ü Note the CN value into the Subject field, that is used later to fill the sslgroup.conf file
Personal certificate for Mary Smith |
Personal certificate for David Johns |
Apply the following steps to setup HTTPS and client authentication with personal certificates.
server1.crt server1.key |
On S1:
ü copy server1.crt to SAFE/web/conf/server.crt ü copy server1.key to SAFE/web/conf/server.key
ü copy server1.crt to SAFE/web/conf/admin.crt ü copy server1.key to SAFE/web/conf/admin.key |
server2.crt server2.key |
On S2:
ü copy server2.crt to SAFE/web/conf/server.crt ü copy server2.key to SAFE/web/conf/server.key
ü copy server2.crt to SAFE/web/conf/admin.crt ü copy server2.key to SAFE/web/conf/admin.key |
proxy.crtkey |
On S1 and S2:
Build the SAFE/web/conf/proxy.crtkey file as follow: ü convert admin.key in rsa format by running SAFE/web/bin/openssl rsa -in SAFE/web/conf/admin.key -out SAFE/web/conf/rsa-admin.key ü concatenate admin.crt and rsa-admin.key files into the SAFE/web/conf/proxy.crtkey file using a text editor or command line |
cacert.crt |
Get the Certification Authority certificate used to issue the server certificates (the certificate chain of the root and intermediates CAs if any). If you do not have it, you can build it as follow: ü “View Certificate” of the root and intermediates to export them into a file in the “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)” format ü Concatenate 1, 2 into cacert.crt |
On S1 and S2:
clcacert.crt |
Get the Certification Authority certificate used to issue the personal certificates (the certificate chain of the root and intermediates CAs if any). If you do not have it, you can build it as follow: “View Certificate” of the root and intermediates to export them into a file in the “Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)” format. Concatenate 1, 2 into personalcacert.crt |
On S1 and S2:
On S1 and S2:
Admin:"" "" "MARY SMITH" Control:"DAVID JOHNS" |
On S1 and S2:
# Define useldap … # Define usefile
httpadminport (9010) |
On S1 and S2:
On S1 and S2:
Firewall |
On S1 and S2:
The HTTPS and authentication setup is complete; you can now test that it is operational.
Test the web console
1. Start a browser on Mary Smith or David Johns workstation
2. Connect it to or
3. Depending on the browser and the server IP address, you may sometimes need to select the client certificate to use (the friendly name is displayed)
4. The loaded page contains only the tabs allowed according to the user's role
ü Mary
Smith, with Admin role, can access to Configuration,
Monitoring and
Advanced Configuration tabs
ü David
Johns, with Control role, can access to Control and
Monitoring tabs
1. Connect on S1 or S2 as administrator/root
2. Open a system console (PowerShell, shell, …)
3. Change directory to SAFE
4. Run safekit -H "*" level
that should return the level for all nodes
First, choose one SafeKit node to act as the Certificate Authority server. The selected node will be hereafter called the CA server. The other cluster nodes are called non-CA server. Then go through all the next subsections to activate the HTTPS configuration with the SafeKit PKI.
Verify that the system clock is set to the current date and time on all SafeKit nodes and workstations that will run the HTTPS SafeKit web console. Certificates are timestamped, and a time difference between systems may have an impact on certificate validity. |
Apply the same procedure as the one described in page 183, for starting the CA web service (safecaserv service).
During this step, the environment for generating certificates is set up: certificate authority, local server and client certificates are created; and server-side certificates are installed in their expected location.
Verify that the system clock is set to the current date and time on the server. Certificates are timestamped, and a time difference between systems may have an impact on certificate validity. |
By default, the server certificate includes all the locally defined IP addresses and DNS names. They are listed into the files: SAFE/web/conf/ipv4.json, SAFE/web/conf/ipv6.json and SAFE/web/conf/ipnames.json. These files are built by the command that start the CA web service, called in the previous step.
If the service will be accessed using another DNS name or IP address, edit the corresponding file to insert the new value before executing the initssl command. This is required for instance in the clouds using NAT, where the server has a public address mapped on a private address. |
On the CA server:
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
2. Change to the directory SAFE/web/bin
./initssl ca
This command creates a Certificate Authority certificate with the default subject name (that is “SafeKit Local Certificate Authority”). To customize the subject name, run the command with an extra parameter:
./initssl ca “/O=My Company/OU=My Entity/CN=My Company Private Certificate Authority”
When prompted, enter a password to protect the three default role client certificates and key pairs:
Enter the password for the Admin role pkcs12 file (../conf/ca/private/user_Admin_administrator.p12) twice:
Enter the password for the Control role pkcs12 file (../conf/ca/private/user_Control_manager.p12) twice:
Enter the password for the Monitor role pkcs12 file (../conf/ca/private/user_Monitor_operator.p12) twice:
The passwords entered at this stage will be needed later to import the client certificates on the client workstation (described in section page 201). |
copy the generated client certificates (.p12 files), that you
want to publish, into ../conf/ca/certs. Also
copy the CA certificate
During this step, on non-CA servers, local certificate requests are created, signed certificates are retrieved from the CA server, and finally certificates are installed at their expected locations.
Apply the following procedure sequentially on each non-CA servers:
1. Log on as administrator/root and open a command shell window
2. Change to the directory SAFE/web/bin
3. List server DNS names and IP addresses
By default, the server certificate includes all the locally defined IP addresses and DNS names. They are listed into the files: SAFE/web/conf/ipv4.json, SAFE/web/conf/ipv6.json and SAFE/web/conf/ipnames.json. For building these files, run the command:
In Linux
This command relies on the host command delivered with the bind-utils package. Install it if necessary or manually fill the DNS names into the file SAFE/web/conf/ipnames.json.
In Windows
If the service will be accessed using another DNS name or IP address, edit the corresponding file to insert the new value before executing the initssl command. This is required for instance in the clouds using NAT, where the server has a public address mapped on a private address. |
4. Run the command:
./initssl req https://CAserverIP:9001 CA_admin
where CAserverIP is the DNS name or IP address of the CA server. Then enter, each time it is required, the password you specified when you started the CA web service on the CA server (for instance, PasW0rD)
./initssl req https://CAserverIP:9001 CA_admin:PasW0rD
If you get the error "Certificate is not yet valid", it means the system clock of the server is not synchronized with the system clock of the CA server. You should synchronize your server clocks and re-run the initssl command if the time difference is not acceptable. |
Once certificates are generated on the CA server and each non-CA servers, the SafeKit web service (safewebserver service) can be configured for HTTPS. Apply the procedure described in 10.6.4 page 170, on all the servers.
When the SafeKit web service runs in HTTPS mode, it is safe to allow network communication with this server and configure the firewall. For this, apply the instructions described in 10.3 page 156.
1. Download from the CA server the client (.p12 files) and the CA certificates (cacert.crt file) located into SAFE/web/conf/ca/certs
2. Import the set of certificates as described in page 201 and page 202
Once all SafeKit nodes and clients have been configured, it is recommended to bring the CA web service (safecaserv service) offline on the CA server, to limit the risk of accidental or malicious access to the configuration wizard.
For stopping the SafeKit CA web service with the command line:
1. Log as administrator/root and open a command shell window
2. Change to the directory SAFE/web/bin
3. Run the command ./stopcaserv
On Windows, this command also removes the service entry to prevent any accidental start of the service afterwards. On Linux, the 9001 port is automatically closed on local firewall. |
When all foreseeable certificate generation and installation is done, it is a good practice to make sure files unnecessary at production time are not accessible. This step is not mandatory.
The files that constitute the CA, i.e., the SAFE/web/conf/ca file tree (especially the private keys stored under SAFE/web/conf/ca/private/*.keys) should be stored for future use on a removable storage media and removed from the server. Store the removable media in a secure place (i.e., a vault). This also applies to the files located under the SAFE/web/conf/ca directory of non-CA servers. The CA files should be restored into the same location before using the CA again (for example, if adding a new SafeKit cluster node).
Every certificate has an expiration date. The default expiration date of the CA certificate is set to 10 years after the CA installation date. The default expiration date of the server and client certificates is set to 5 years after the certificate request date.
Expired client certificates cannot be used to log on to the console, and expired server certificates will trigger warnings when the browser connects to the server. Expired CA certificates cannot be used to validate issued certificates.
It is possible to renew certificates using the original certificate requests and the private keys stored under the SAFE/web/conf/ca directory tree. You may also create a new certificate request using the existing private key. The procedure to do so is beyond the scope of this document, see openssl (or your certificate authority) documentation.
Creating a new set of certificates (and private keys) will have the side effect of renewing all certificates. To create a new set of certificates:
1. Erase the web/conf/ca directory on all SafeKit servers related to the CA, including the CA SafeKit server itself
2. Suppress existing certificates from the client machines certificate stores
3. Apply the full procedures described in 11.3.1 page 183 and 11.4.3 page 197
It is possible to modify the SafeKit web service configuration to use a CRL containing the revoked certificates list. Setting up such a configuration is beyond the scope of this document. Refer to the Apache and openssl documentation.
Creating a new set of certificates and replacing the old set with the new one will have the side effect of effectively revoking the previous certificate set, since the CA certificate is different.
Commands are located, and must be executed from, the SAFE/web/bin directory.
initssl ca [<subject>] |
Parameters <Subject>: the CA certificate subject, that identify in human readable form the owner of the CA. Example initssl ca "/O=My Company/OU=My Unit/CN=My Company Private Certificate Authority" Description All paths below are relative to SAFE/web directory. This command creates a conf/ca file tree needed for the openssl certificate authority related commands. Generated certificates will be stored in conf/ca/certs. Generated private keys will be stored in conf/ca/private.
ü conf/ca/private/user_Admin_administrator.p12 ü conf/ca/private/user_Control_manager.p12 ü conf/ca/private/user_Monitor_operator.p12 Client certificates are used as an authentication method on an HTTPS server. They are transmitted to the web service by the browser and verified on the server as part of the HTTPS connection handshake. A certificate corresponding to the desired role must be installed in the browser certificate store before the SafeKit web console can be used.
initssl req <url> <user>[:<password>]] |
Parameters <url>: Url of the CA service. ( <user>,<password>: user and password used to authenticate against the CA web service. <user> preconfigured value is CA_admin. <password> is the one entered by the administrator at the start of CA web service. If this optional field is not present, the password will be asked interactively several times, when needed. Example initssl req CA_admin:PasW0rD Description All paths below are relative to SAFE/web directory. <hostname> is the local server's hostname.
initssl req |
Parameters None Description All paths below are relative to SAFE/web directory. In this form, the command stops after having generated the certificate requests corresponding to:
Those certificate requests are stored in a base64 encoded file ready to be submitted to an external certificate authority such as Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services (refer to the Microsoft documentation on how to submit a base64 encoded certificate request file). |
makeusercert <name> <role> |
Parameters <name> is the subject's CN name of the certificate, usually the subject's username. <role> is subject's role as a console user. The valid value is Admin or Control or Monitor. Examples makeusercert administrator Admin makeusercert manager Control makeusercert operator Monitor Description All paths below are relative to SAFE/web directory. Creates a client certificate request (and certificate + pkcs12 file containing certificate and key if started on the CA SafeKit server) for the <name> and <role>. When the pkcs12 file is generated, the command asks twice for a password to protect the file. The generated unencrypted private key is stored into conf/ca/private/user_<role>_<name>.key file. If applicable, the generated certificate and pkcs12 files are stored into conf/ca/certs/user_<role>_<name>.crt and conf/ca/private/user_<role>_<name>.p12 files respectively. |
The SafeKit CA web service configuration is stored in SAFE/web/conf/httpd.caserv.conf file.
This service implements limited PKI functionalities as well as a configuration wizard:
The configuration
wizard is accessible at the https://CAserverIP:9001/ URL.
Advanced configuration forms related to external
PKI use cases are also available.
https://CAserverIP:9001/advanced.html is a form allowing uploading externally generated certificates and keys to the local server.
https://CAserverIP:9001/getcsr.html is a form allowing to retrieve locally generated certificates, certificate requests, and p12 files and to request the signature by the local Certification Authority of an externally generated user certificate request (.csr file).
CA certificates are accessible at the https://CAserverIP>:9001/certs/<certificate
name>.crt URL.
For example, the CA certificate is accessible at https://CAserverrIP>:9001/certs/cacert.crt.
Certificate signature requests are processed by posting a form at the URL: https://<CA server IP>:9001/caserv.
The form takes the following parameters:
action = signrequest
name = <certificate name>
servercsr = <file content of the server certificate request>
usercsr = <file content of the client certificate request>
12.1 “Cluster.xml file” page 227
12.2 “SafeKit cluster Configuration” page 231
SafeKit uses the configuration file cluster.xml. This file defines all the servers that make up the SafeKit cluster as well as the IP address (or name) of these servers on the networks used to communicate with the cluster nodes. This file also allows specifying the use of networks:
ü a framework network (framework="on") is a network used for internal communications within the SafeKit framework.
These are global cluster and module internal communications; these communications are encrypted. This network is also used for executing distributed commands. You must define at least one framework network that includes all nodes in the cluster. It is recommended to define several framework networks to tolerate at least one network failure.
ü a console network (console = "on”) is a network on which the SafeKit web console can connect for cluster and module configuration and administration.
This type of network must include all the nodes that make up the SafeKit cluster. You can define multiple console networks according to administrative requirements and network topology.
By default, a network is for the console and the framework communications.
Each network (lan) has a logical name that will be used in the configuration of the modules to name the monitoring networks (this network must be configured with framework = "on"):
into the heartbeat section for a mirror module (for
details, see 13.3 page 239)
into the lan section for a farm module (for
details, see 13.4 page 241)
The node name is the one that is used by the SafeKit administration service (safeadmin) for uniquely identifying a SafeKit node. You must always use the same name for designing a given server on different networks. This name is also used by the SafeKit web console when displaying the server name.
In the example below, both networks can be used for the console and the framework communications (by default, console = "on" framework = "on").
<lan name="default">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
<node name="node3" addr=""/>
<node name="node4" addr=""/>
<lan name="repli">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
<node name="node3" addr=""/>
<node name="node4" addr=""/>
In the example below, the private network cannot be used by the console since it does not include all the nodes in the cluster. This is for example a dedicated replication link for a mirror module.
<lan name="default">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
<node name="node3" addr=""/>
<node name="node4" addr=""/>
<lan name="repli" console="off">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
In the example below, the public network is used only for administration via the console. This is for example a public network that cannot be used for framework communications.
<lan name="default">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
<lan name="public" framework=”off”>
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
In the example below, a unique network is used, but in a Network address translation (NAT) configuration. For each node two addresses must be defined: the local one (defined on local interface) and the external one (as seen by other servers)
<lan name="default">
<node name="node1" addr="" laddr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr="" laddr=""/>
ü All nodes must be able to communicate to the others via the NATted addresses.
ü If a NATted lan is used as console lan, the Web console must be able to communicate to the nodes via the external’s addresses.
ü Configuration with NATted addresses could not be done via the Web console, only with the CLI (described in section 12.2.2 page 232).
<lans [port="4800"]>
<lan name="lan_name" [console="on|off"] [framework="on|off"]
[command="on|off"] >
<node name="node_name" addr="IP1_address"|"IP1_name"
[ laddr="local_IP1_address" ]/>
<node name="node_name" addr="IP2_address"|"IP2_name"
[ laddr="local_IP2_address" ] />
<lans |
Begin the definition of the SafeKit cluster nodes and network topology. |
[port="xxxx"] |
Defines the UDP port with which the membership protocol is exchanged. Default: 4800 |
[pulse=”xxxx”] |
Defines the period of the membership protocol messages emission. Longer pulse makes the membership protocol use less bandwidth but react more slowly. |
[mlost_count=”xx”] |
Defines the number of periods elapsed without message before electing a new leader. |
[slost_count=”xx”] |
Defines the number of periods elapsed without messages before declaring a follower node offline. |
<lan |
Definition of a LAN (i.e., IPv4 broadcast domain, IPv6 link) on which the membership protocol will be transmitted. At least one LAN must be defined. Define one such tag per used LAN. |
name="lan name" |
Single logical name for the lan. This name is used into module configuration to name networks used by the module. |
framework="on"|"off" |
Set framework="off" to not use this network for SafeKit framework communications. In this case, this network cannot be used in the configuration of a module. By default, framework="on". You can define multiple <lan> sections with framework="on" or framework="off". You must define at least one <lan> section with framework="on", which includes all nodes in the cluster Default: on |
console="on"|"off" |
Set console="off" to not use this network for connecting the SafeKit web console. By default, console ="on". When console="on", the <lan> section must include all the nodes in the cluster. You can define multiple <lan> sections with console="on" or console="off". If you want to use the web console, you must define at least one <lan> section with console="on". Default: on |
command="on"|"off" |
Set command="on" to use this network for running distributed commands on the cluster. In this case, this <lan> section must include all nodes in the cluster and have framework="on". You can set only one <lan> section with command="on". When this attribute is not set, it is the first <lan> section with framework ="on" that is used for running distributed commands on the cluster. Default: off |
<node |
Definition of one node in the SafeKit cluster. Define as many <node> tags as there are nodes in the cluster (at least 2). |
name="node name" |
Single logical name to the SafeKit server. You must always use the same name for designing a given server on different lans. |
addr= |
IPv4 or IPv6 address, or name of the node as it is known by other nodes on this LAN (IP address recommended to be independent from a DNS server). On NAT configuration, it must be the external address. When defining an IPv6 address, use literal format: the address is enclosed in square brackets (e.g. [2001::7334]) |
laddr= |
Local IP address on this LAN. To be used only on NAT configurations, where local address is different from external one. IPv4 address or literal IPv6 address. |
The SafeKit web console provides a graphical user interface for editing the cluster.xml file and applying the configuration on all the cluster nodes. See section 3.2 page 37 for a full description.
Click on
Cluster Configuration to open the
panel. It displays the list of cluster nodes
Edit the configuration. In Simple edit mode, you can edit only the web console
connection network. Switch to Advanced edit mode,
for editing all the networks.
Click on the Apply button
for saving and applying your configuration on all nodes and generating new key
for encrypting communications
In Simple Edit mode,
this button is enabled only if you have done changes. If you want to generate
new key or apply the configuration again, switch to the Advanced Edit mode, then click on the Apply
The commands line equivalent for configuring the SafeKit cluster with a new cryptographic key are:
1. safekit cluster config [<filepath>]
where filepath is the path for the new cluster.xml
when filepath is not set, the current configuration is kept and only encryption key is generated
it applies the local configuration on all SafeKit nodes defined into cluster.xml
The commands line for re-configuring without cryptographic key are:
1. safekit cluster delkey
2. safekit –H "*" -G
The commands for re-generating the cryptographic key are:
1. safekit cluster genkey
2. safekit –H "*" -G
For the full description of commands, refer to 9.3 page 144.
When changing the SafeKit cluster configuration, the new configuration must be applied on all the servers of the cluster. When the configuration is applied only on a subset of the nodes present into the cluster configuration, only this subset will be able to communicate with each other. This is also the case when the cryptographic key is not identical on all nodes. This can have the effect of disrupting the operation of the modules installed on servers.
For a correct behavior, you must re-apply the configuration on all the nodes that belong to the cluster as described above.
You can check the configuration by running the command safekit cluster confinfo on each node (see section 9.3 page 144). When the configuration is operational, this command must return on all nodes, the same list of nodes and the same value for the configuration signature. |
Changing the cluster configuration could have important impact on module configurations since the lan names set into the SafeKit configuration are used into the module’s configuration. Any change in the cluster configuration, will trigger modules updates: each module will reload its configuration to adapt the changes. Such changes could lead to module stop in case of incompatibility (for example if a lan used by a module is removed from the cluster configuration). So, great care must be taken when modifying cluster configuration when modules are running.
13.1 “Macro definition (<macro> tag)” page 236
13.2 “Farm or mirror module (<service> tag)” page 236
13.3 “Heartbeats (<heart>, <heartbeat > tags)” page 239
13.4 “Farm topology (<farm>, <lan> tags)” page 241
13.5 “Virtual IP address (<vip> tag)” page 243
13.6 “File replication (<rfs>, <replicated> tags)” page 251
13.7 “Enable user scripts (<user>, <var> tags)” page 268
13.8 “Virtual hostname (<vhost>, <virtualhostname> tags)” page 269
13.9 “Process or service death detection (<errd>, <proc> tags)” page 271
13.10 “Checkers (<check> tag)” page 277
13.11 “TCP checker (<tcp> tags)” page 278
13.12 “Ping checker (<ping> tags)” page 280
13.13 “Interface checker (<intf> tags)” page 281
13.14 “IP checker (<ip> tags)” page 282
13.15 “Custom checker (<custom> tags)” page 283
13.16 “Module checker (<module> tags)” page 285
13.17 “Splitbrain checker (<splitbrain> tag)” page 287
13.18 “Failover machine (<failover> tag)” page 288
userconfig.xml modifications must be applied to all the servers of the cluster onto which the module is deployed. Apply the new configuration with: ü web console/ ü or
web console/ ü or safekit config –m AM command (replace AM by the module name) It is possible to apply a new configuration while the module is running, but only in ALONE or WAIT (red) states. This feature is called dynamic configuration. Only a restricted subset of parameters could be changed. If the new configuration cannot be deployed, an error message is displayed. The attributes that can be dynamically modified are reported hereafter.
Example of userconfig.xml <safe> <!-- Insert below <macro> <service> tags --> </safe> |
<macro name="ADDR1" value=""/>
An example of macros usage is given in 15.4 page 303.
<macro |
name="identifier" |
A character string that identifies the macro. |
value="value" |
The value that will replace each occurrence of %identifier% in the rest of userconfig.xml. |
/> |
The syntax %identifier% can also be used in userconfig.xml to represent the value of an environment variable named identifier. In case of conflict, it is the macro value that is expanded. |
Example for a mirror module:
<service mode="mirror" defaultprim="alone" maxloop="3" loop_interval="24" failover="on">
<!-- Insert below <hearbeat> <rfs> <vip> <user> <vhost> <errd> <check> <failover> tags -->
Example for a farm module:
<service mode="farm" maxloop="3" loop_interval="24">
<!-- Insert below <farm> <vip> <user> <vhost> <errd> <check> <failover> tags -->
See examples of <service> definition for a mirror module in 15.1 page 300 and, for a farm module, in 15.2 page 301.
<service mode="mirror"|"farm"|"light"
[maxloop="3"] [loop_interval="24"]
Only boot, maxloop, loop_interval and automatic_reboot attributes can be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
<service |
Top level section of userconfig.xml |
mode= |
The mirror keyword sets the module behavior to mirror architecture mode. The synchronization protocol between the 2 servers is defined in section 13.3 page 239. See application module for an example. The farm keyword sets the module behavior to farm architecture mode. The definition of the synchronization protocol between servers is described in section 13.4 page 241. See application module for an example. The light keyword sets the module behavior to the minimum needed for one server with software error detection and local restart only |
[boot= |
If set to on, the module is automatically started at boot time. If set to off, the module is not started at boot time. If set to auto, the module is automatically started at boot time, if it was started before the reboot. Before SafeKit 7.5, the configuration to start the module at boot was done with the command safekit boot -m AM on | off (which had to be executed on each node). If you prefer to continue using this command, remove the boot attribute or set it to ignore (the default). The module will not be started at boot time unless the safekit boot -m AM on command is executed. The state of
the boot configuration is visible in the usersetting.boot resource.
The status of resources is visible in web console/ Default value: ignore |
[boot_delay="0"] |
The delay, in seconds, before starting the module at boot. Default value: 0 (no delay) |
[failover= |
For mirror module only. If set to on, an automatic failover on the secondary server is triggered if the primary fails or stops. If set to off, when the primary server fails or stops, the secondary server waits (no automatic failover is triggered). Only the prim command can start the secondary server as primary. See description in 5.7 page 101 Default value: on |
[defaultprim= |
For mirror module only. defaultprim specifies which server among two servers is the default primary server for an application module. This option is useful when a module is ALONE on a server and the module is started on the other server. With defaultprim="alone", the ALONE module becomes PRIM while the module on the other server becomes SECOND. Value recommended avoiding swap of application after reintegration. With defaultprim="server_name", when the module is running on two servers, the primary server among the two servers is the one set in defaultprim. This value can be useful for active/active or N-1 architectures see section 1.5.1 page 20 or section 1.5.2 page 21. With defaultprim="lastprim", the restarted module becomes PRIM if it was PRIM before its last stop. Default value: alone |
[maxloop="3"] |
Number of successive error detections before stop. This attribute defines the maximum number of "restart" or "stopstart" sequences that can be automatically triggered by failure detectors before the module locally stops. The counter is reset to its initial value at the expiration of the loop_interval timeout and upon safekit start, restart, swap, stopstart… administrative commands execution. Note that a safekit command sent by a detector passes the -i identity parameter and decrements the counter, whereas administrator issued commands do not. For more information, see 13.18.4 page 289.
Since SafeKit 7.5, the maxloop is represented by the resource heart.stopstartloop. Its current value corresponds to the date on which the counter was initialized (in the form of a Unix Epoch timestamp); and its assignment date corresponds either to its initialization or to a stopstart, restart. View the resource history to see each increment of the loop counter.
Default value: 3 |
[loop_interval |
Time interval during which maxloop applies. If set to 0, the maxloop counter becomes inactive. Default value: 24 hours.
[automatic_reboot |
If set to on, "stopstart" triggers a reboot instead of stopping and restarting the module. Default value: off
Heartbeats must be used only for mirror architecture. For farm architecture, see section 13.4 page 241.
The basic mechanism for synchronizing two servers and detecting server failures is the heartbeat, which is a monitoring data flow on a network shared by a pair of servers. Normally, there are as many heartbeats as there are networks shared by the two servers. In normal operation, the two servers exchange their states (PRIM, SECOND, the resource states) through the heartbeat mechanism and synchronizes their application start and stop procedures.
If all heartbeats are lost, it is interpreted as if the other server was down, and the local server switches to the ALONE state. Although not mandatory, it is better to have two heartbeat channels on two different networks for synchronizing the two servers to avoid the split-brain case.
<heartbeat name=”default” ident="Hb1" />
<heartbeat name=”net2” ident="Hb2" />
[pulse="700"] [timeout="30000"]
[port="xxxx"] [pulse="700"] [timeout="30000"] name=”network” [ident="name"]
[<!-- syntax for SafeKit < 7.2 -->
<server addr="IP1_address"|"IP1_name" />
<server addr="IP2_address"|"IP2_name" />
The <heart> tag and full subtree can be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
<heart |
[port="xxxx"] |
UDP port on which all the heartbeats are exchanged. Default: depends on the id of the application module. Returned by the safekit module getports command. |
[pulse="700"] |
The delay, in milliseconds, between two heartbeat packets. Default value: 700 ms |
[timeout="30000"] |
Timeout value for heartbeat loss detection. Default value: 30 000 ms |
<heartbeat |
Definition of one heartbeat. There are as many <heartbeat> tags as there are networks used to probe servers’ mutual connectivity. At least one heartbeat must be defined. |
[port="xxxx"] |
Redefines the UDP port for the heartbeat. Default value is the same as the one defined in <heart> tag. |
[pulse="700"] |
Redefines the delay in milliseconds between two heartbeat packets. Default value is the same as the one defined in <heart> tag. |
[timeout= |
Redefines the timeout value for heartbeat loss detection. Default value is the same as the one defined in <heart> tag. |
name="network" |
Network named used by the heartbeat. network must be the name of a network set into the SafeKit cluster configuration (for details, see 12 page 227). This attribute is mandatory in new config syntax (since SafeKit 7.2). |
[ident="name"] |
Set how the heartbeat will be labelled in the web console and in internal “resources”, i.e.: The internal resource can be used in the failover machine described in 13.18 page 288. If no ident attribute is present the value of the name attribute will be used.
[permanent_arp= |
Regularly, heart sets a permanent ARP entry for the ip addresses associated with the heartbeats. On some Linux systems, it may cause heart to freeze. Set this parameter to off in this case and manually set permanent arp for the remote server on boot. On Linux, this can be done by inserting the following line into a script that is executed at boot: arp -s hostname hw_addr Default value: on |
[<server addr= |
Definition of the server address in the heartbeat. The <server> tag is a legacy syntax used in previous SafeKit version (before SafeKit 7.2). It’s supported for compatibility reason but must not be used for new modules.
The basic mechanism to synchronize a farm of servers is a group communication protocol which automatically detects the available members of the farm. Normally, the membership protocol is configured on all networks connecting the N servers.
<lan name=”default” />
<lan name=”net2” />
For examples of <farm> configuration, see section 15.5 page 304.
<farm [port="xxxx"]>
<lan name=”network” >
[<!-- syntax for SafeKit < 7.2 -->
<node name="server1" addr="IP1_address" />
<node name="server2" addr="IP2_address" />
The <farm> tag and subtree cannot be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
<farm |
Begin the definition of a farm topology. |
[port="xxxx"] |
UDP port with which the membership protocol is exchanged. Default: depends on the id of the application module. Returned by the command safekit module getports. |
[pulse=”xxxx”] |
The period of the membership protocol messages emission. Longer pulse makes the membership protocol use less bandwidth but reacts more slowly. |
[mlost_count=”xx”] |
Number of periods elapsed without message before electing a new leader. |
[slost_count=”xx”] |
Number of periods elapsed without messages before declaring a follower node offline. |
<lan |
Definition of a LAN (i.e., IPv4 broadcast domain, IPv6 link) on which the membership protocol will be transmitted. At least one LAN must be defined. Define one such tag per used LAN. |
name="network" |
Define the name of network used. network must be the name of a network set into the SafeKit cluster configuration (see 12 page 227). This attribute is mandatory in new config syntax (since SafeKit 7.2). |
[<node name=”identity” addr= "IP1_address" />] |
Address and name of the node on this lan. The node tag is a legacy syntax used in previous SafeKit version (before SafeKit 7.2). It’s supported for compatibility reason but must not be used for new modules.
If you install and run several application modules on the same server, the virtual IP addresses must be different for each application module. |
The following example configures load balancing to port 80 and virtual IP address between nodes in an on-premises cluster:
<interface check="on" arpreroute="on" arpinterval="60" arpelapse="10">
<virtual_interface type="vmac_directed">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="alias" check="on"/>
<group name="FarmProto">
<rule port="80" proto="tcp" filter="on_port"/>
See also the example in section 15.2 page 301.
The following example configures the virtual IP address on the primary node of an on-premises cluster:
<interface check="off" arpreroute="on">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="one_side_alias" check="on"/>
See also the example in 15.1 page 300.
The configuration of a virtual IP address with a <vip> section in userconfig.xml requires servers in the same IP network (network rerouting and load balancing made at level 2).
If servers are in different IP networks, the <vip> section cannot be configured. In this case, an alternative is to configure the virtual IP in a load balancer. The load balancer routes packets to the physical IP addresses of servers by testing an URL status named health check and managed by SafeKit.
So, SafeKit provides a health check for SafeKit modules. For this, configure the health check in the load balancer with:
HTTP protocol
port 9010, the SafeKit web service port
URL /var/modules/AM/ready.txt, where AM is the
module name
In a mirror module, the health check:
returns OK, that means that the instance is
healthy, when the module state is
PRIM (green) or
ALONE (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means that the instance
is unhealthy, in all other states
In a farm module, the health check:
returns OK, that means that the instance is
healthy, when the farm module state is
UP (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means that the instance
is out of service, in all other states
Another alternative is that you implement a special DNS configuration and a DNS rerouting command inserted in the SafeKit restart scripts.
<vip [tcpreset="off"|"on"]>
<group name="group_name"
<host name="node_name" power="integer" />
The <vip> tag and subtree cannot be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
For on-premises SafeKit cluster:
<vip [tcpreset="off"|"on"]>
<vip |
[tcpreset="off"|"on"] |
Before unconfiguring the virtual IP address, all connections with the virtual IP address as IP source are reset. The reset is disabled when set to off. Default value: on |
<interface_list> |
<interface |
Definition of an interface with virtual IP addresses. Define as many <interface> sections as there are network interfaces to configure. |
[check="off"|"on"] |
Set an interface checker on the interface to stop the service and put it in the WAIT state when the interface is down. The name of the interface checker is intf.<network_IP_mask> (intf. Default value: on For more information, see 13.13 page 281. |
[arpreroute="off"|"on"] |
Automatically broadcast gratuitous ARP on virtual IP addresses defined in <real_interface> section. Default value: off. |
[arpinterval="60"] |
Time in seconds between two gratuitous ARP. Default value: 60 s |
[arpelapse="1200"] |
Time during which gratuitous ARP are sent. Default value: 1200 s |
[name="interface name"] |
Linux only. You can specify the name of the network interface on which the
virtual IP addresses will be set. Default: no value, SafeKit detects the network interface with virtual IP addresses set on it. |
Use with farm modules for virtual IP load-balancing:
<virtual_interface |
Definition of virtual IP addresses configured on an Ethernet interface. |
type= "vmac_directed"| "vmac_invisible" |
vmac_directed: advertise the MAC address of one of the servers as the associated mac address, as with normal traffic. No promiscuous mode needed. For details, see page 250. vmac_invisible: virtual MAC address never visible in Ethernet headers to allow broadcasting of switch. Needs promiscuous mode. For details, see page 250 Note: can be used for a mirror module with a need of transparent rerouting. |
[addr="xx:xx:xx:xx:xx"] |
Unicast virtual MAC address value. If not set, default is the concatenation of "5A:FE" (Safe) and the first configured virtual IP address in hexadecimal. Ignored in vmac_directed mode. |
<virtual_addr |
Definition of one Virtual IP address. Set as many <virtual_addr> sections as there are virtual IP addresses on the interface. |
addr="virtual_IP_name"| |
Name or address of the virtual IP (prefer an IP address to be independent from the name server). IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
where="alias" |
Configuration for farm module: the virtual IP address is defined on all servers as an alias IP address. Load balancing rules apply only for this type of virtual IP addresses. Note : when VMAC is used with a mirror module, set here where="one_side_alias" |
[check="off"|"on"] |
Defines an ip checker on the virtual IP address to stopstart the module when the virtual IP is deleted or in conflict. The name of the ip checker is ip.<addr value> (ip. Default value: on For more information, see 13.14 page 282 |
[connections="off"|"on"] |
Enables counting of the number of active connections on the virtual address. This count is stored in the resource named connections.<virtual addr value> (for example: connections. which is assigned every 10 seconds. This value is provided as a guideline only. Default value: off |
netmask="defaultnetmask" |
Linux and IPV4 only. By default, the netmask of the network interface on which the virtual IP address is set. Set the netmask if there are several netmasks on the interface. |
</virtual_interface> |
Use with mirror modules for virtual IP failover:
<real_interface> |
Definition of virtual IP addresses associated with the real MAC address of the interface. |
<virtual_addr |
Definition of one virtual IP address. Set as many virtual_addr sections as there are virtual IP addresses on the interface. |
addr= |
Name or address of the virtual IP (prefer an IP address to be independent from the name server). IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
where="one_side_alias" |
The Virtual IP address will be aliased on the server on which the module becomes PRIM or ALONE. |
[check="off"|"on"] |
Defines an ip checker on the virtual IP address to stopstart the module when the virtual IP is deleted or in conflict. The name of the ip checker is ip.<addr value> (ip. Default value: on For more information, see 13.14 page 282. |
[connections="off"|"on"] |
Enables counting of the number of active connections on the virtual address. This count is stored in the resource named connections.<virtual addr value> (for example: connections. which is assigned every 10 seconds. This value is provided as a guideline only. Default value: off |
netmask="defaultnetmask" |
Linux and IPV4 only. By default, the netmask of the network interface on which the virtual IP address is set. Set the netmask if there are several netmasks on the interface. |
</real_interface> |
For load-balancing examples, see 15.5 page 304.
Use with farm module.
<loadbalancing_list> |
<group |
Definition of a load balancing group. Define as many sections as there are groups. An example is given in 15.5.3 page 305. |
name="group_name" |
Name of the load balancing group. |
<cluster |
Definition of the server set on which the load current group balancing will be applied. If no <cluster> section is defined, the rules apply to all servers of the farm. |
<host |
Definition of one node in the cluster. Define as many hosts sections as there are nodes configured for the module. |
name = "node_name" |
Define the name of the host. node_name must be the name of a node name set into the SafeKit cluster configuration (see 12 page 227). |
power = "value" |
Relative weight to apply to the current node in this load balancing group’s cluster. Can be equal to 0, which means no traffic will be dispatched to this node. See section page 250 for more information. |
</cluster> |
<rule |
Definition of a load balancing rule for the group. Define as many sections as there are load balancing rules for this group. |
[virtual_addr= |
Virtual IP name or address scope of the rule. By default, all virtual IP addresses: * |
[port="*"|"value"] |
TCP or UDP port to which the load balancing rule applies. By default, all ports: * |
proto="udp" | "tcp" | "arp" |
proto="udp" Load balancing rule applies to the UDP protocol. proto="tcp" Load balancing rule applies to the TCP protocol. proto="arp" Load balancing rule applies to the IP<->MAC resolution protocol (arp or neighbour discovery) |
| |
filter="on_addr" Load balancing criteria is the source IP address (client, far end of the connection) (see 15.5.1 page 304). filter="on_port" Load balancing criteria is the source port (client, far end of the connection) (see 15.5.1 page 304). filter="on_ipid" Load balancing is made on the client ip_id at input. Useful for UDP. No sense for TCP and for IPv6 addresses (see example in 15.5.2 page 305).
See network prerequisites described in 2.3.2 page 30.
When type=“vmac_invisible”, a virtual MAC address is mapped on the virtual IP address with a unicast MAC Ethernet address on several network nodes. When a network device tries to resolve the virtual IP address into its corresponding MAC address, the SafeKit servers respond with the virtual MAC address. However, SafeKit servers use its physical MAC address to communicate. To “see” the packets sent to the virtual MAC address the interface is set to promiscuous mode. So, the virtual MAC address is invisible to layer 2 network devices. Ethernet switches therefore forward virtual MAC address directed packets to all the ports in the same vlan as the source, reaching all the servers of the farm. A kernel module running on each farm server is responsible for filtering out the packets that should not be processed by a given farm node, according to the load balancing rules defined.
With the virtual MAC address technology, the failover time is null. There is no network rerouting after a failure: all network equipment keeps their mapping virtual IP address, virtual MAC address.
To test a virtual MAC address in your network, see 4.3.7 page 84
When type=“vmac_directed”, there is in fact no virtual MAC address. Farm servers reply to virtual IP resolution requests with their own physical MAC address. A kernel module running on each farm server is responsible for filtering and dispatching the packets to their designated target farm node according to the load balancing rules defined. In vmac_directed mode there is a short failover time for clients that have resolved the virtual IP address as the MAC address of the failed server. This is comparable to what happens in “real interface” mode. Clients that have another farm server’s MAC address in their cache are not affected.
To help minimize failover time in ipv4, set the arpreroute attribute to “on” on the corresponding “<interface>” tag, and tune the arpelapse and arpinterval attributes to the desired values. Ipv6 does not need arpreroute, it has a built-in mechanism that takes care of the failover.
On all the servers of the farm, the load balancing algorithm filters received packets according to the identity of the sender. The criteria to check is defined by configuration in userconfig.xml: client IP address, client port… (i.e.: level 3 load balancing), or requestor address (arp rules, i.e., level 2 load balancing). The criteria are hashed into a value representing the server on which the packet is to be accepted.
When a server fails, the membership protocol reconfigures the filters to re-balance the traffic of the failed server on the available servers.
Each server can have a power (=1, 2…) and then takes more or less traffic. The power is implemented by the number of bits set to 1 in the hash table (a bitmap of 256 bits).
A bitmap example is given in 4.3.5 page 82.
For mirror modules only.
In Linux, you must set the same value for uid/gid on the two nodes for replicating file permissions. When replicating a filesystem mount point, you must apply a special procedure described in page 259.
In Windows, it is strongly recommended to enable the USN journal on the drive that contains the replicated directory as described in page 261.
If you install and run several application modules on the same server, the replicated directories must be different for each application module. |
Example in Windows:
<rfs async="second">
<replicated dir="c:\safedir" mode="read_only"/>
Example in Linux:
<rfs async="second">
<replicated dir="/safedir" mode="read_only"/>
See also the example in 15.4 page 303.
[iotimeout="nb seconds"]
[syncdelta=”nb minutes”]
[syncat=”synchronization scheduling”]
[<flow name=”network” >
[<!-- syntax for SafeKit < 7.2 -->
<server addr="IP_address_1" />
<server addr="IP_address_2" />
<replicated dir="absolute path of a directory"
<tocheck path="relative path of a file or subdir" />
<notreplicated path="relative path of a file or subdir" />
<notreplicated regexpath="regular expression on relative path of a file or subdir" />
Only async, nbrei, reitimeout and reidetail attributes of <rfs> tag can be changed with a dynamic configuration. The <flow> tag, describing the replication flow, can also be changed dynamically. |
<rfs |
[mountoversuffix= "suffix"] |
Linux only. During the module configuration, the replicated directory "/a/dir" is renamed "/a/dirsuffix". The directory /a/dir is created and it is:
By default, suffix value is “_For_SafeKit_Replication”.
[acl= |
Setting acl to on activate the replication of ACL on files and directories. Default value: off
[async= |
Setting async mode to second is a way to improve file replication performances: modification operations are cached on the secondary server and the acknowledgements are sent more quickly to the primary server. Setting async mode to none ensures more robustness: modification operations are put on disk of the secondary before sending acknowledgement to the primary. With async="second", in case of double failure at the same time of both PRIM and SECOND servers, if the PRIM server cannot restart, then the SECOND server does not have up-to-date data on its disk. There is data loss if the SECOND server is forced to start as primary with the prim command. Default value: second
[packetsize] |
Linux only. Maximum size in bytes for NFS replication packets. It must be lower than the maximum size allowed by the NFS server of both servers. When it is set into the configuration, it is used as mount options for rsize and wsize. By default, the size is the one of the NFS server. |
[reipacketsize="8388608"] |
Maximum size in bytes of reintegration packets. In Linux, this value must be less or equal to packetsize. Default value in Linux: value of packetsize if it is set into the configuration and is lower than 8388608; else 8388608 Default value in Windows: 8388608 bytes |
[ruzone_blocksize="8388608"] |
Size of a zone for the modification bitmap of a file. It must be a multiple of reipacketsize attribute. Default value: value of reipacketsize if it is set into the configuration; else 8388608 |
[iotimeout] |
Windows only. IO time out in seconds in the Windows file system filter. If an IO cannot be replicated and if the timeout expires in the filter, then the PRIM server becomes ALONE. If not set, the default value is dynamically calculated. |
[roflags="0x10"| "0x10000"]
Windows only. To ensure the consistency of the data replicated on the 2 servers, the modification of the replicated directories/files must only take place on the PRIM server. If changes are made on the SECOND server, they are notified in the module log with the identification of the process responsible so that the administrator can correct this anomaly. This is the behavior with roflags="0x10". Since SafeKit, the module can also be stopped on the SECOND server by setting roflags="0x10000". Default value: 0x10 |
[locktimeout= |
Timeout in seconds for replication requests. If a request cannot be served within this timeout, the PRIM server becomes ALONE. Default value: 100 seconds |
[sendtimeout= |
Since SafeKit > Timeout in seconds for sending TCP packets to the remote node. If a packet cannot be sent within this timeout, the PRIM server becomes ALONE. Increase this value in case of low networks. Default value: 30 seconds
[nbrei="3"] |
Number of reintegration threads running in parallel for resynchronizing files. Default value: 3
[namespacepolicy="0"|"1"|"3"|"4"] |
In Windows, with namespacepolicy="1", zone reintegration after reboot when the module has been properly stopped is not active. To enable it in Windows, set namespacepolicy="3". It activates the USN change journal on the volume containing the replicated directories (see fsutil usn command for creating USN change journal on a volume). Even with this configuration, full reintegration is used instead of zone reintegration when:
When zone synchronization is not possible (on the first reintegration or when zones are not available), the files that need to be synchronized are fully copied. If this reintegration does not complete, the next one will copy again these files. To avoid this, set namespacepolicy="4". This option also enables USN journal checking in Windows. Set namespacepolicy="0" to deactivate the zone reintegration on Windows or Linux. Default value: 4 since SafeKit > (not supported in previous releases) |
[reitimeout= |
Timeout in seconds for reintegration requests. The timeout can be increased to avoid reintegration failure on heavy load of the primary server. Default value: 150 seconds
[reicommit="0"] |
Linux only. Set reicommit="nb blocks" to commit every (nb blocks)* reipacketsize when reintegrating one file (in addition to the commit at the end of the copy). This can help to succeed reintegration of big files but slows down reintegration time. Default value: 0 that means no intermediate commit |
[reidetail= |
Detailed logging for reintegration. Default value: off
[allocthreshold= |
Windows only. Size in Gb to apply the allocation policy before reintegration. When allocthreshold> 0, enable fast allocation of disk space for files to be synchronized on the secondary node. This feature avoids a timeout when the primary writes at the end of the file, when the file is very large (> 200 Gb) and not yet completely copied. Since SafeKit, the allocation policy has changed and is applied for:
Default value: 0 (that disables the feature) |
[nbremconn="1"] |
Number of TCP connections between the primary and the secondary nodes. This value may be increased to improve the replication and synchronization throughput when the network has high latency (in cloud for instance). Default value: 1 |
[checktime= |
Linux only. Timeout in milliseconds for the null request that checks the local replicated file system. Run the safekit stopstart command when the timeout is reached. Default value: 220 000 milliseconds |
[checkintv= |
Linux only. Interval in seconds between two null requests. Default value: 120 seconds |
nfsbox_options="cross"|"nocross" |
Windows only. It specifies the policy to apply when a reparse point of type MOUNT_POINT is present in the replicated directory tree. This policy applies to all replicated directories. MOUNT_POINT reparse points in NTFS can represent two types of objects: an NTFS mount point (for example the D:\ directory) or an NTFS "directory junction" (a form of "symbolic link" to another part of the file system namespace). When nfsbox_options="cross", the MOUNT_POINT reparse point object itself is not replicated/reintegrated. It is evaluated, and the reintegration/replication process the target content as it would do for the content of a standard directory. This is useful for instance when a replicated directory is a mount point (e.g., replicating a "drive letter" root). This is the default configuration value. When nfsbox_options="nocross", the MOUNT_POINT reparse point object itself is replicated/reintegrated, but not evaluated. Reintegration does not descend into the target of the reparse point. This is useful for instance when a replicated directory tree contains NTFS "junctions" that point to another part of the replicated tree (e.g., when replicating a PostgreSQL database, as PostgreSQL is known to need such objects). Default value: cross |
[scripts= |
scripts="on" activates _rfs_* script callbacks used to implement external data replication management (see Linux module for more information) Default value: off |
[reiallowedbw=”20000”] |
When defined, this attribute specifies the maximum bandwidth that the reintegration phase may use (for instance 20000 KB/s), in kilo bytes per second (KB/s). Due to implementation trade-off, a +/-10% fluctuation of the effectively used bandwidth is to be expected.
By default, the attribute is not defined, and the bandwidth used by the reintegration is not limited |
[syncdelta=”nb minutes”] |
When <=1, the attribute is ignored and the default failover and start policy is applied: only an up-to-date server can start as primary or run a failover. When >1, it changes the default failover and start policy. The not up-to-date server can become primary but only if the elapsed time, in minutes, since the last synchronization is lower than the syncdelta value (see page 261). Default value: 0 minutes |
[syncat="synchronization scheduling"] |
Default: real-time replication and automatic synchronization (no scheduling) Use syncat for scheduling the synchronization of replicated directories on the secondary node (see page 268). The module must be started for enabling this feature. Once synchronized, the module blocks in the WAIT (red) state until the next synchronization. The scheduling is based on native job scheduler:
You must configure syncat with the syntax of the native job scheduler. For instance, for synchronizing daily, after midnight:
syncat="/SC DAILY /ST 00:01:00"
syncat="01 0 * * *"
name =”network”> |
Obsolete configuration preserved for backwards compatibility. When this section is not defined, the replication flow uses the same network as the heartbeat with ident="flow" if there is one, if not it uses the first heartbeat (see 13.3 page 239). If you define this section, be coherent with heartbeat ident="flow", if there is one, because default failover rules apply to this heartbeat (see 13.18.5 page 290).
The name attribute of <flow> define the network used for replication flow. It must present in global cluster configuration (see 12 page 227). The <server> tag is a legacy syntax used in previous SafeKit version (before 7.2). It’s supported for compatibility reason but must not be used for new modules.
<replicated |
Begin the
definition of replicated directories. |
dir="/abs_path" |
Absolute path of a directory to replicate. |
[mode= |
Read-only access rights on the secondary machine for replicated directories to avoid corruption |
<notreplicated |
Relative path of a file or sub-directory in a replicated directory. The file (or sub-directory) is not replicated. Set as many lines as there are non-replicated files or sub-directories. |
<notreplicated |
Linux only. Regular expression to define non-replicated files or sub-directories in the replicated directory. Example (for more information, type "man regex"): <replicated dir="/safedir"> In this example, /safedir/conf/config.tmp and /safedir/log.tmp are not replicated while /safedir/conf/config.tmp.bak is replicated. |
<tocheck |
Relative path of a file or sub-directory in a replicated directory. Checks the presence of the file or sub-directory before starting the replication mechanism. Avoids errors such as starting replication on an empty file system. Set as many lines as there are files or sub-directories to check. |
See file replication prerequisites described in 2.2.4 page 29.
On Linux, interception of data is based on a local NFS mount. And the replication flow between servers is based on NFS v3 / TCP protocol.
The NFS mount of replicated directories from remote Unix clients is not supported. The NFS mount of other directories can be made with standard commands.
Procedure for replicating a mount point
When replicating a mount point in Linux, the module configuration fails with the error:
Error: Device or resource busy
In the following, we take the example of PostgreSQL module that set as replicated directories /var/lib/pgsql/var and /var/lib/pgsql/data. The userconfig.xml of the module contains:
<rfs … >
<replicated dir="/var/lib/pgsql/var" mode="read_only" />
<replicated dir="/var/lib/pgsql/data" mode="read_only" />
These directories are mount points as shown by the result of the command df –H. It returns for instance:
/dev/mapper/vg01-lv_pgs_var … /var/lib/pgsql/var
/dev/mapper/vg02-lv_pgs_data … /var/lib/pgsql/data
You must apply the following procedure for configuring the module to replicate these directories.
It is the same procedure for all mounts points that must be replicated.
umount the file systems by running the commands:
umount /var/lib/pgsql/var
umount /var/lib/pgsql/data
configure the module by running the command:
/opt/safekit/safekit config –m postgresql
The configuration should succeed (no errors)
check the symbolic links created by running the
command ls -l /var/lib. It returns:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root var -> var_For_SafeKit_Replication
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root data -> data_For_SafeKit_Replication
edit /etc/fstab and change the two lines:
/dev/mapper/vg01-lv_pgs_var /var/lib/pgsql/var ext4…
/dev/mapper/vg02-lv_pgs_data /var/lib/pgsql/data ext4…
/dev/mapper/vg01-lv_pgs_var /var/lib/pgsql/var_For_SafeKit_Replication ext4…
/dev/mapper/vg02-lv_pgs_data /var/lib/pgsql/data_For_SafeKit_Replication ext4..
mount the file systems by running the commands:
mount /var/lib/pgsql/var_For_SafeKit_Replication
mount /var/lib/pgsql/data_For_SafeKit_Replication
Apply this procedure on both nodes if replicated directories are mount point on both nodes. Once applied, you can use the module as usual: i.e., safekit start stop etc ... |
To protect the start of the module on a non-mounted and empty directory, you can insert in userconfig.xml the checking of a file inside the replicated directory. Example for /var/lib/pgsql/var (do the same for /var/lib/pgsql/data with a file inside this directory which is always present): <replicated dir="/var/lib/pgsql/var" mode="read_only"> <tocheck path="postgresql.conf" /> </replicated> |
If you want to unconfigure the module (or uninstall whole SafeKit package), you must reverse this procedure by:
umount the file systems with:
umount /var/lib/pgsql/var_For_SafeKit_Replication
umount /var/lib/pgsql/data_For_SafeKit_Replication
de-configure the module with /opt/safekit/safekit deconfig -m
edit /etc/fstab to undo previous editing
mount the file systems with:
mount /var/lib/pgsql/var
mount /var/lib/pgsql/data
On Windows, interception of data is based on a file system filter. And the replication flow between servers is based on NFS v3 / TCP protocol.
The <rfs> filter may not work correctly with some anti-viruses.
On Windows, you can mount remotely a replicated directory from a workstation. If you want to mount with the virtual name instead of the digital virtual IP address, you must set the two following registry keys on the server side:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa] "DisableLoopbackCheck"=dword:00000001
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters] "DisableStrictNameChecking"=dword:00000001
In Windows, to enable zone reintegration after server reboot, when the module has been successfully stopped, the <rfs> component uses the NTFS USN log to verify that the information recorded on the zones is still valid after the reboot. When the control succeeds, the zone reintegration can be applied to the file; otherwise, the file must be fully copied.
By default, only the system drive has a USN log active. If the replicated directories are located on a different drive than the system drive, you must create the log (with fsutil usn command). See SK-0066 for an example.
With its file-replication function, mirror architecture is particularly suitable for providing high availability for back-end applications with critical data to protect against failure. The reason is that the secondary server data is strongly synchronized with the primary server data. A synchronized server is considered as up-to-date and only an up-to-date server can start as primary or run a failover.
If the application availability is more critical than the application data, this default policy can be relaxed by allowing a server to become primary if the time elapsed since the last synchronization is below a configurable delay. This is configured by setting the syncdelta attribute of the <rfs> tag:
syncdelta <= 1
The attribute is ignored and the default failover and start policy is applied. The default value is 0.
syncdelta > 1
When the last up-to-date server is not responding, the not up-to-date server can become primary but only if the elapsed time since the last synchronization is lower than the syncdelta value (in minutes).
This feature is implemented with:
rfs.synced resource
When syncdelta is > 1, the rfs.synced resource is managed. This resource is UP if the replicated data are consistent and if the elapsed time, in minute since the last synchronization is lower than the syncdelta value.
syncedcheck checker
When syncdelta is > 1, this checker is running. It sets the value for the rfs.synced resource.
rfs_forceuptodate failover rule
When syncdelta is > 1, the following failover rule is valid:
rfs_forceuptodate: if (heartbeat.* == down && cluster() == down && rfs.synced == up && rfs.uptodate == down) then rfs.uptodate=up;
This rule leads to the primary start of the server when the up-to-date server is not responding and if the server is isolated and can be considered as synchronized according to syncdelta value.
You can check for the module, named AM, that files are identical on the primary and the secondary, by running the following command on the SECOND server: safekit rfsverify –m AM. Run safekit rfsverify –m AM > log to redirect the command output into the file named log.
This output of the command is a log like that of the reintegration in which the files to be copied (therefore different) are indicated. When on the primary, there is activity on the replicated directories, an anomaly may be detected while there is no difference between the files in the following cases:
on Windows because modifications are made on
disk before being replicated
with async="second" (default)
because reads can bypass the asynchronous writes.
To check if there is really an inconsistency, you must re-run the command on the secondary server making sure that there is no more activity on the primary.
On Windows, some files are systematically seen as erroneous by the verifier while there is no difference. This occurs when files are modified with SetvalidData: files are extended without resetting the new extension and the reads return random data from the disk.
It is strongly recommended to run this command only when there are no accesses to the replicated directories on the primary. |
Before starting a secondary server, it may be useful to evaluate the number of files and data that have been changed on the primary server since the secondary server has stopped. This feature is provided by running the following command on the ALONE server: safekit rfsdiff –m AM. Run safekit rfsdiff –m AM > log to redirect the command output into the file named log.
This command runs on-line checks of regular files content of the module AM. It scans the entire replicated tree and displays the number of files that have been modified as well as the size that need to be copied. It also displays estimation for the synchronization duration. This is only estimation since only regular files are scanned and some other modifications may occur until the synchronization is run by the secondary server.
This command must be used with caution on a production server since it leads to an overhead on the server (for reading trees and files with locking). On Windows, rename of files can fail during the evaluation.
It is strongly recommended to run this command only when there are no accesses to the replicated directories. |
The replication component monitors, on the PRIM server, the bandwidth used by replication and reintegration write requests.
Two resources (rfs.rep_bandwidth and rfs.rei_bandwidth) reflect the average bandwidth used by replication and reintegration respectively during the last 3 seconds, expressed in kilo bytes per second (KB/s).
In SafeKit < 7.5, these resources were named rfs_bandwidth.replication and rfs_bandwidth.reintegration. |
If the replication load is IO intensive, the reintegration phase may saturate the network link and significantly slow down the application. In such a case, the <rfs> reiallowedbw attribute may be used to limit the bandwidth taken by the reintegration phase (see 13.6.3 page 252). Please note that limiting the reintegration bandwidth will make the reintegration phase longer.
Since SafeKit 7.5, there are 2 new resources that reflect the network bandwidth (in in Kbytes/sec) used between nfsbox processes, that run on each node to implement replication and reintegration:
rfs.netout_bandwidth is the network output bandwidth
rfs.netin_bandwidth is the network input bandwidth
You can observe the value of rfs.netout_bandwidth on the primary or rfs.netin_bandwidth on the secondary to know the modification rate at the time of observation (write, create, delete, …). The history of the resource values gives an overview of its evolution over time.
The value of the bandwidth depends on the application, system, and network activity. Its measurement is available for information purposes only.
SafeKit 7.2 offers a new command safekit secondforce –d date –m AM that forces the module AM to start as secondary after copying only files modified after the specified date.
This command must be used with cautions since the synchronization will not copy files modified before the specified date. It is the administrator’s responsibility to ensure that these files are consistent and up-to-date. |
The date is in the format of YYYY-MM-DD[Z] or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss[Z]" or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[Z], where:
For instance:
This command may be useful in the following case:
In this case, only the files modified since the backup date will be copied (full copy), instead of the full copy of all files.
In Windows, the file modification date on the secondary server is changed when the file is copied by the synchronization process. Therefore, safekit secondforce –d date –m AM, where date is prior to the last reintegration on this server, has no interest. |
On the first synchronization, all replicated files are fully copied from the primary node to the secondary node. During the following synchronizations, necessary when the secondary node comes back, only zones modified, during the secondary downtime, of files that have been modified on the primary node during the secondary node downtime. When the replicated directories are voluminous, the first synchronization can take a lot of time especially if the network is slow. For this reason, since SafeKit>, SafeKit provides a new feature to synchronize a large amount of data that must be used in conjunction with a backup tool.
On the primary node, simply back up the replicated directories and pass the synchronization policy to the external mode. The backup is transported (using an external drive for instance) and restored to the secondary node, which is also configured to perform external synchronization. When the module is started on the secondary node, it copies only the file areas that were modified on the primary node since the backup
The external synchronization relies on a new SafeKit command safekit rfssync that must be applied on both nodes to set the synchronization policy to external. This command requires as arguments:
External synchronization procedure
The external synchronization procedure, described below, is the procedure to be followed in the case of a cold backup of the replicated directories. In this case, the application must be stopped, and any modification of the replicated directories is prohibited until the module and the application are started, in ALONE - green. The order of operations must be strictly adhered to.
The external synchronization procedure, described below, is the procedure to be followed in the case of a hot backup of replicated directories. In this case, the module is ALONE - green; the application is started and changes to the contents of the replicated directories are allowed. The order of operations must be strictly adhered to.
safekit rfssync command
safekit rfssync external prim <uid> [–m AM] |
Set the synchronization policy to external. It is identified by the value of uid (at max 24 char). The node is the primary one, the source for synchronizing data. |
safekit rfssync external second <uid> [–m AM] |
Set the synchronization policy to external. It is identified by the value of uid (at max 24 char). The node is the secondary one, the destination for synchronizing data |
safekit rfssync –d prim <uid> [–m AM] safekit rfssync –d second <uid> [–m AM] |
Disable the replicated directories change detection between the cold backup/restore and the start of the module.
safekit rfssync full [–m AM] |
Set the synchronization policy to full. This will copy all files in their entirety on the next synchronization. |
safekit rfssync |
Display the current synchronization policy |
The synchronization policy is represented by module’s resources: usersetting.rfssyncmode, usersetting.rfssyncrole, usersetting.rfssyncuid and rfs.rfssync:
(usersetting.rfssyncrole=”default”, usersetting.rfssyncuid=”default”)
These values are associated with the standard synchronization policy, which is applied by default. It consists of copying only the modified areas of the files. When this policy cannot be applied, the modified files are copied in their entirety.
(usersetting.rfssyncrole=”default”, usersetting.rfssyncuid=”default”)
These values are associated with the full synchronization policy. It is applied:
o the first time the module is started after its first configuration
o on safekit commands (safekit second fullsync ; safekit rfssync full ; safekit primforce ; safekit config ; safekit deconfig)
o on change of pairing for the module
The full synchronization policy will copy all files in their entirety on the next synchronization.
usersetting.rfssyncmode=”external”, usersetting.rfssyncrole=”prim
| second” and usersetting.rfssyncuid=”uid”
These values are associated with the external synchronization policy assigned with the commands safekit rfssync external prim uid and safekit rfssync external second uid. The next synchronization will apply the external synchronization policy.
| down”
This resource is only up when the synchronization policy, defined by the previous resources, can be applied.
When the synchronization policy is not the default policy, the synchronization policy automatically returns to the default mode after successful synchronization.
In some cases, external synchronization cannot be applied, and the secondary node stops with an error specified in the module log. In this situation, you must either:
complete the external synchronization procedure
if this has not been done in its entirety on the 2 nodes
fully reapply the external synchronization
procedure on the 2 nodes
revert to the full synchronization
policy (safekit
rfssync full command)
apply the synchronization by date, using the
date of the backup (see page 264). Unlike external synchronization, synchronization by date will copy
the files, modified on the primary node, in their entirety (instead of just
modified parts).
By default, SafeKit provides real-time file replication and automatic synchronization. On heavy loaded server or high latency network, you may want to let the secondary node weakly synchronized. For this, you can use the syncat attribute for scheduling replicated directories synchronization on the secondary node. The module must be started for enabling this feature. Once synchronized, the module blocks in the WAIT (red) state until the next synchronization schedule. It is implemented with:
the resource rfs.syncat that is
set to up on the scheduled dates and set to down after the data
the failover rule rfs_syncat_wait that
blocks the module into the WAIT state (red) until the rfs.syncat resource is up
If you want to manually force the synchronization, you can run the command: safekit set –r rfs.syncat –v up –m AM while the module is in the WAIT (red) state.
With syncat, you just have to configure the scheduled time for the synchronization with the syntax of the native job scheduler: crontab in Linux and schtasks.exe in Windows (see 13.6.3 page 252).
This section describes only the configuration options available for <user> tag. Refer to 14 page 293 for a full description of user scripts.
<user logging="userlog" >
<var name="VARENV" value="V1" />
See also the mirror module example in 15.1 page 300.
<var name="ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_1" value="VALUE_1" />
The <user> tag and full subtree can be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
<user |
[nicestoptimeout="300"] |
Timeout delay in seconds to execute the stop_xx script. Default value: 300 seconds |
[forcestoptimeout="300"] |
Timeout delay in seconds to execute the stop_xx –force script. Default value: 300 seconds |
[logging="userlog"|"none"] |
stdout and stderr messages of the application started in scripts. When logging="userlog", messages are redirected into the log SAFEVAR/modules/AM/userlog.ulog where AM is the module name (SAFEVAR=C:\safekit\var on Windows and SAFEVAR=/var/safekit on LINUX). When logging="none", messages are not logged. Default value: userlog |
[userlogsize="2048"] |
Limit in KB of the size of the userlog On module start, the file is truncated to 0 if the size has reached this limit. Default value: 2048 KB |
<var |
The environment variable and its value are exported before the execution of user scripts. Define as many var sections as there are environment variables to export. |
<virtualhostname name="vhostname" envfile="vhostenv"/>
See also the example in 15.6 page 306.
The <vhost> tag and subtree cannot be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
<vhost> |
<virtualhostname |
name="virtual_hostname" |
Definition of the virtual hostname. |
envfile="path_of_envfile" |
Path of the environment file automatically generated by SafeKit during configuration command If the path of the file is relative, the file will be generated in the runtime environment of the application module i.e.: SAFEUSERBIN This generated environment file is used in user scripts to set the virtual hostname before starting and stopping the application. See the module template delivered with Linux and Windows package. |
[when="prim"|"second"|"both"] |
Define when the virtual hostname must be returned to the application instead of the physical one. Default value: prim means when the server is primary (PRIM or ALONE). |
/> |
</vhost> |
Some applications need to see the same hostname on all SafeKit servers (typically, because it is stored in a replicated file). With the virtual hostname, these applications see the virtual name whereas other applications see the physical name.
See 15.6 page 306 for a complete example.
On Linux
Implementation is based on the LD_PRELOAD environment variable: gethostname and uname functions are overloaded.
On Windows
Implementation is based on the CLUSTER_NETWORK_NAME_ environment variable: the query API (GetComputerName, GetComputerNameEx, gethostname) functions take this variable into account. To use vhost for a service, use the command vhostservice <service> [<file>] before/after the service start/stop.
<errd> section requires <user/> section. |
Linux and Windows, myproc is the command name of the process to monitor:
<proc name="myproc" atleast="1" action="restart" class="prim"/>
Linux only (since SafeKit >, oracle_.* is a regular expression on the command name of the process to monitor:
<proc name="oracle" nameregex="oracle_.*" atleast="1" action="restart" class="prim"/>
See also the example in 15.7 page 308.
myservice is the name of the Windows service (since safekit > 7.3) or Linux systemd service (since safekit > to monitor:
<proc name="myservice" service="yes" atleast="1" action="restart" class="prim" />
<proc name="command name and/or resource name for the monitored process (or service in Windows)"
[nameregex=="regular expression on the command name"]
[argregex="regular expression on process arguments, including command name"]
[start_after="nb polling cycles"]
The <errd> tag and full subtree can be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
<errd |
polltimer="30" |
Time delay, in seconds, between two polls of the list of processes. Default value: 30 seconds |
<proc |
Definition of a process to monitor. Set as many proc sections as there are processes. A resource is associated with each <proc>, it is named proc.<value of the attribute name> (e. g proc.process_name). The resource is up when the monitoring condition is true; else down if false. |
Or name="command_name" nameregex="regular expression on the command name"
Or name="service_name" service="yes"
name is the command name of the process to monitor. It is also the name of the resource associated with the monitored process. At max 15 characters in Linux (the command name can be truncated); 63 in Windows. Example: on Linux, name="vi" and on Windows name="notepad.exe".
See 13.9.4 page 275 for help on retrieving the process command name.
Linux only nameregex is a regular expression applied on the command name for selecting the process to monitor. name is name of the resource associated with the monitored process. .
Example: set nameregex="oracle _. *" name="oracle" for monitoring oracle process that match the regular expression The associated resource is The nameregex attribute is optional
name is the name of the service to monitor. It is also the name of the resource associated with the monitored service. At max 63 characters. Example: set name="W32Time" service="yes" for monitoring the Windows Time service set name="ntpd" service="yes" for monitoring the Linux Time service (systemd ntpd.service)
The service attribute is optional, and the default value is no |
class= "prim"| "both"| "pre"| "sec"| "othername" |
The process belongs to a class. The monitoring of a class starts only when the command safekit errd enable "classname" -m AM is executed. Activation/deactivation of prim, both, pre, second, and sec classes are automatically done by SafeKit in the <user/> component with start_prim/stop_prim, start_both/stop_both, start_second/stop_second, start_sec/stop_sec. For scripts details, see 14 page 293. With another class name, you must explicitly activate/deactivate process monitoring after/before the start/stop of the process. |
[argregex="regular expression on process arguments"] |
Regular expression matching the list of arguments of the process to monitor, including the executable name. Optional parameter. See 13.9.4 page 275 for help on retrieving the list of arguments of a process. Linux examples with vi editor on myfile ("man regex" for more information): name="vi" argregex=".*myfile.*" name="vi" argregex="/myrep/myfile.*" name="vi" argregex="/myrep/myfile" Windows examples with notepad editor on myfile ("class CatlRegExp" for more information): name="notepad.exe" argregex=".*myfile.*" name="notepad.exe" argregex="c:\\myrep\\myfile.*" name="notepad.exe" argregex="c:\\myrep\\myfile"
atleast="1" |
Minimum number of processes that must be running. If this minimum is not reached, then SafeKit triggers an action Example: name="oracle" argregex=".*db1.*" atleast="1" means that an action will be triggered if less than one oracle instance is running on db1. When set to -1, this criterion is meaningless. Default value: 1 |
Action (or handler) to execute on the application module. noaction means logging a message, restart triggers a local restart and stopstart triggers a failover. To avoid a loop on reproducible fault, a maxloop counter is incremented at each restart/stopstart command. For the maxloop definition, see section 13.2 page 236. To define a special handler, either set an absolute path or a path relative to the "bin" directory of the module: SAFE/modules/AM/bin/. We recommend a relative path and a handler defined inside the module. When defining a special handler, a new class name must be associated with the monitored process. For a special handler on Linux, on success, end with exit 0 For a special handler on Windows, on success, end with %SAFEBIN%\exitcode 0 With a different value, SafeKit performs a stopstart command. When running special handlers, the maxloop counter is not incremented. To increment it: safekit incloop –m AM –i <handler name> This command increments the counter and returns 1 when the limit has been reached. Default value: stopstart |
start_after=[nb polling cycles] |
Without the start_after attribute the monitoring of processes is immediately effective. Otherwise, it is delayed for (n-1)*polltimer (in seconds) where:
For example, if start_after="3", the server is delayed for 60 seconds ((3-1)*30). The start_after parameter is useful if the process takes a certain time to start. Default value: 0 |
Advanced parameters |
atmax="-1" |
Maximum number of processes that can run. If this maximum is reached, then SafeKit triggers an action. atmax="-1" means that this criterion is meaningless. With atmax="0", an action is triggered each time the process is started. Default value: -1 this criterion is meaningless |
</errd> |
If the command is used inside a user script, then the SAFEMODULE environment variable is set and the -m AM parameter is not necessary |
safekit –r errdpoll_running |
This command prints into the file SAFEVAR/errdpoll_reserrd (SAFEVAR=/var/safekit on Linux and SAFEVAR=c:\safekit\var on Windows if c: is the installation drive), one line for each running process with following fields: <pid> <command name> <command full name and arguments list> (parent=<parent pid>) In Windows, the command name is displayed in lower case. Useful to find the process name and its arguments for an <errd> configuration |
safekit errd disable "classname" –m AM |
Suspends the monitoring of the processes included in the class classname (for the application module AM). Must be explicitly done in stop_... scripts before stopping the application, for processes in class different from prim, both, second, sec. |
safekit errd enable "classname" –m AM |
Resumes the monitoring of the processes defined with the class classname (for the application module AM). Must be explicitly done in start_... scripts after starting the application, for processes in class different from prim, both, second, sec. |
safekit errd suspend –m AM
Suspends the monitoring of all processes except SafeKit processes (for the application module AM). Useful when stopping manually the application without triggering error detection. |
safekit errd resume –m AM
Resumes the monitoring of processes suspended with safekit errd suspend (for the application module AM). |
safekit errd list –m AM |
Lists all processes monitored by SafeKit (including SafeKit processes) and defined in the application module AM. The list displayed may be truncated due to internal limits. The full list can be found in the file SAFEVAR/modules/AM/errdlist. SAFEVAR=/var/safekit on Linux and SAFEVAR=c:\safekit\var on Windows if c: is the installation drive. |
kill |
<errd> component must run. level="test": only display the process list level="terminate": kill processes level="9": send SIGKILL signal to processes (Linux only) level="15": send SIGTERM signal to processes (Linux only) Windows examples ("class CatlRegExp" for more information): safekit kill –name="notepad.exe" safekit kill –name="notepad.exe" Linux examples ("man regex" for more information) : safekit kill –name="vi" safekit kill –name="vi" |
SafeKit brings built-in checkers with failover rules (for default failover rules details, see 13.18.5 page 290). The checkers are:
13.11 “TCP checker (<tcp> tags)” page 278
13.12 “Ping checker (<ping> tags)” page 280
13.13 “Interface checker (<intf> tags)” page 281
13.14 “IP checker (<ip> tags)” page 282
13.15 “Custom checker (<custom> tags)” page 283
13.16 “Module checker (<module> tags)” page 285
13.17 “Splitbrain checker (<splitbrain> tag)” page 287
All built-in checkers are configured under a single <check> section:
<!-- Insert below <tcp> <ping> <intf> <ip> <custom> <module> <splitbrain> tags -->
<tcp …>
<to …/>
<ping …>
<to …/>
<intf …>
<to …/>
<ip …>
<to …/>
<custom …/>
<module …>
[<to …/>]
<splitbrain …/>
The <check> tag and full subtree can be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
By default, a <tcp> checker makes a local restart of the application when the checked tcp service is down. |
<tcp ident="R1test" when="prim" >
<to addr="R1" port="80"/>
Insert the <tcp> tag into the <check> section if this one is already defined. |
See also example in 15.8 page 310.
addr="IP_address" or "name_to_check"
<tcp |
Set as many <tcp> sections as there are TCP checkers. |
ident="tcp_checker_name" |
TCP checker name. |
when="prim|second|both" |
Use this value for a TCP checker related to the application. The when value sets the checker start and stop schedule respectively after and before the application’s eponym start and stop scripts (start_prim/stop_prim, start_second/stop_second, start_both/stop_both). Action in case of failure: safekit restart of the application module. For default failover rules detail, see 13.18.5 page 290. At each restart, the maxloop counter is incremented. For its definition, see 13.2.3 page 237. |
when="pre" |
Use this value for a TCP checker not related to the application. The checker is started/stopped after/before user scripts prestart/poststop. You must add a special failover rule for this "tcp" checker. Typically: external_tcp_service: if (tcp.tcp_checker_name == down) then wait(); This rule executes a stopwait and puts the application module in the WAIT state while the external TCP service is not responding. See 13.18 page 288 for more information. At each stopwait, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition). |
<to |
addr="IP_@" or "name" |
IP address or name to check (ex.: for a local service). IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
port="value" |
TCP port to check. |
[interval="10"] |
Interval in seconds between two connections trials. Default value: 10 seconds |
[timeout="5"] |
Connection establishment timeout in seconds. Default value: 5 seconds |
</tcp> |
By default, a <ping> checker stops the module and waits for the ping to be up. |
<ping ident="testR2" >
<to addr="R2"/>
Insert the <ping> tag into the <check> section if this one is already defined. |
See also the example in 15.9 page 310.
addr="IP_address" or "name_to_check"
<ping |
Set as many ping sections as there are ping checkers. |
ident="ping_checker_name" |
Ping checker name as displayed in the command safekit state -v –m AM. Name of checkers must be unique. |
[when="pre"] |
Default if not set. Started/stopped after/before user scripts prestart/poststop. Executes a stopwait and puts the application module in the WAIT state if there is no reply to the ICMP ping requests (see default failover rules definition in 13.18.5 page 290). At each stopwait, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition). |
<to |
addr="IP_@ or name" |
External IP address or name to check. IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
[interval="10"] |
Interval in seconds between two ping requests. Default value: 10 seconds |
[timeout="5"] |
Reply timeout in seconds to the ping. Default value: 5 seconds |
</ping> |
By default, a <intf> checker stops the module and waits for the network interface to come back up. |
<intf ident="test_eth0">
<to local_addr=""/>
Insert the <intf> tag into the <check> section if this one is already defined. |
See also the example in 15.10 page 310.
<intf |
ident="intf_checker_name" |
Interface checker name |
[when="pre"] |
Default. Started/stopped after/before user scripts prestart/poststop. Execute a stopwait and put the application module in the WAIT state if intf is "down" (see the default failover rules in 13.18.5 page 290). At each stopwait, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition). |
<to local_addr="IP_@ /> |
Physical IP address configured on the network interface to check. IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
</intf> |
In LINUX and Windows, this checker checks that the IP address is locally defined; in Windows it also detects IP conflicts.
By default, a <ip> checker makes a local stopstart of the module when the checked ip address is down. |
<ip ident="ip_check" >
<to addr="" />
Insert the <ip> tag into the <check> section if this one is already defined. |
See also the example in 15.11 page 311.
addr="IP_address" or "name_to_check"
<ip |
Set as many ip sections as there are ip checkers. |
ident="ip_checker_name" |
ip checker name as displayed in the safekit state -v –m AM command. Name of checkers must be unique. |
[when="prim"] |
Default if not set. The checker is started/stopped after/before the user scripts start_prim/stop_prim. Action in case of failure: safekit stopstart of the application module (see the default failover rules in 13.18.5 page 290). At each stopstart, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition). |
<to |
addr="IP_@ or name" |
Local IP address or name to check. IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
[interval="10"] |
Interval in seconds between two checks. Default value: 10 seconds |
</ip> |
A custom checker is a program (script or other) that you develop for your module. It is a loop performing a test at an appropriate periodicity. According to the result of the test, the program sets the state of a resource ("up" or "down"). Then a special failover rule decides which action must be taken when the resource is down.
<custom ident="AppChecker" when="prim" exec="mychecker"/>
Insert the <custom> tag into the <check> section if this one is already defined. Moreover, define the customized checker as well as the associated failover rule. |
See the example in 15.12 page 312.
arg="executable_arguments" />
<custom |
Set as many custom sections as there are custom checkers. |
ident="custom_checker_name" |
Custom checker name (network IP address). A custom checker must set its associated resource state itself, using the command safekit set –r custom.custom_checker_name –v up|down. |
when="pre" |
The checker is started/stopped after/before user scripts prestart/poststop. You must add a special failover rule associated with the custom checker’s resource. Typically: wait_custom_checker: if (custom.custom_checker_name == down) then wait(); This rule executes a stopwait and puts the application module in the WAIT state while the resource is down. Note that SafeKit automatically initializes the state of the associated resource to "init", and the failover machine stays in the WAIT state as long as the state of the custom checker is not evaluated to "up" or "down". For more information on the failover machine, see 13.18 page 288. At each stopwait, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition). |
when="prim"|"second"|"both" |
The checker is started/stopped after/before user scripts start_prim/stop_prim, start_second/stop_second, start_both/stop_both. You must add a special failover rule associated with the custom checker’s resource. Typically: restart_custom_checker: if (custom.custom_checker_name == down) then restart(); See 13.18 page 288 for more information. At each restart, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition). |
exec="executable_path" |
Defines the executable path of the custom checker. Can be a binary executable or a script file. When the path of executable_path is relative, it is relative to SAFEUSERBIN. In this case, put your executable file in SAFE/modules/AM/bin/ of your application module and use a relative path. See 10.1 page 153 for more information on path values. We recommend a relative path and an executable inside the module. In Windows, the executable can be a binary or a ps1, vbs or cmd script In Linux, the executable can be a binary or a shell script |
arg="executable_arguments" |
Defines the executable arguments when the custom checker is started. |
The module checker checks the availability of another module. It is started/stopped in the prestart /poststop phase before the start of the application. When the module checker detects that the external module is down, SafeKit executes a stopwait and puts the server in the WAIT state until the external module is detected as up by the module checker. The module checker also triggers a stopstart when it detects that the external module is stopping or has been restarted (either by a SafeKit stopstart, restart or failover). See 13.18.5 page 290 for the default failover rules.
At each stopwait or stopstart, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition).
The module checker connects to the SafeKit web service on the node running the module to get the module state (see 10.6 page 167 for details on the web service).
Example for the default configuration of the SafeKit web service (protocol: HTTP, port: 9010):
<module name="mirror">
<to addr="M1host"/>
Example for the secured configuration of the SafeKit web service (protocol: HTTPS, port: 9453):
<module name="mirror">
<to addr="M1host" port="9453" secure="on"/>
Insert the <module> tag into the <check> section if this one is already defined. |
For examples, see 15.3 page 303 and 15.13 page 314.
addr=" IP_@ or name the Safekit server running the external module"
[port=port of the SafeKit httpd server"]
<module |
Set as many <module> sections as there are module checkers. |
name="external_module_name"] |
Name of the module checker. |
[ident="module_checker_name"] |
Name of the external SafeKit module to check. Default: external_module_name_<IP_@ or name of the server> |
[<to |
Definition of the server(s) running the external module to check. Default is the local server. |
addr="IP_@ or name of the server" |
IP address or name of the external module. IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
[port=port of the SafeKit web service"] |
Port of the SafeKit web service. Default: 9010 |
[interval="10"] |
Interval in seconds between two checks. Default value: 10 seconds. |
[timeout="5"] |
Check reply timeout in seconds. Default value: 5 seconds |
[secure="on"|"off"] |
Use HTTP protocol (secure="off") or HTTPS (secure="on") Default value: off |
/>] |
</module> |
SafeKit provides a splitbrain checker that is suits mirror architectures. Split brain is a situation where, due to temporary failure of all network links between SafeKit nodes, and possibly due to software or human error, both nodes switched to the primary role while isolated. This is a potentially harmful state, as it implies that the application is running on both nodes. Moreover, when file replication is enabled, modifications to the data are made on the two nodes.
The split-brain checker detects the loss of all connectivity between nodes and selects only one node to become the primary. The other node is not up-to-date anymore and goes into the WAIT state until:
the heartbeat becomes available again
the administrator runs safekit commands to
force the start as primary (safekit
stop then safekit prim).
The primary node election is based on the ping of an IP address, called the witness. The network topology must be designed so that only one node can ping the witness in case of split brain. If this is not the case, both nodes will go primary.
Ping between nodes and witness must be enabled. |
<splitbrain ident="SBtest" exec="ping" arg=""/>
Insert the <splitbrain> tag into the <check> section if this one is already defined. |
arg=" witness IP address "
<splitbrain |
Set only one splitbrain checker. |
ident="witness" |
Name displayed in the safekit state -v –m AM command for the witness state. |
[when="pre"] |
Fixed value. Started/stopped after/before user scripts prestart/poststop. The witness state is stored in splitbrain.witness. It can be displayed using the safekit state -v –m AM command. On splitbrain detection, the server with splitbrain.witness=”up” goes primary; the other one with splitbrain.witness=”down” sets the resource splitbrain.uptodate to down and goes into the WAIT state (for default failover rules, see 13.18.5 page 290). At each stopwait, the maxloop counter is incremented (see 13.2.3 page 237 for its definition). |
exec="ping" |
Fixed value. Use a pinger to ping the witness and set splitbrain.witness state. |
arg="IP_@ or name" |
External IP address or name for the witness to ping. IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
</splitbrain> |
SafeKit comes with checkers (network interface, ping, TCP, custom, module checkers) which regularly (by default every 10 seconds) check resources and set the state to up or down (see 13.10 page 277 for checkers definition). The failover machine regularly (by default every 5 seconds) evaluates the global state of all resources and triggers a failover according to failover rules programmed in a simple language.
In farm architecture, the failover machine can work only on the states of local resources whereas in mirror architecture, the failover machine can work on the states of local and remote resources. As the states of resources are exchanged on heartbeat channels, it is better to have several heartbeat channels (see 13.3 page 239 for heartbeats definition).
ping_failure: if (ping.testR2 == down) then stopstart();
<failover [extends="yes"] [period="5000"] [handle_time="15000"]>
label: if (expression) then action;
The <failover> tag and subtree cannot be changed with a dynamic configuration. |
<failover |
[extends="yes"|"no"] |
If set to yes, the new failover rules extend the default failover rules (see 13.18.5 page 290 for its definition). If set to "no", the new failover rules overwrite the default one (avoid this configuration). Default value: yes. |
[period="5000"] |
Period in milliseconds between two evaluations of failover rules. Default value: 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds) |
[handle_time="15000"] |
A failover action must be stable (the same) at least during the time handle_time (in milliseconds) before being applied by the failover machine. Default value: 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds). handle_time must be a multiple of the period value. |
safekit set [–m AM] -r resource_class.resource_id -v resource_state
[-n] [-l] |
This command sets the state of one resource: Examples: safekit set -r custom.myresource -v up safekit set -r custom.myresource -v down Since SafeKit 7.5, each assignment of the main resources is stored in a log to keep track of their status. Use -n to disable this logging or -l to force it. |
safekit stopwait -i "identity" |
Equivalent to wait() command of the failover machine (see 13.18 page 288). With stopwait, (1) poststop and prestart scripts are not executed and (2) checkers when="pre" are not stopped. |
The other commands (restart(), stopstart(), stop(), swap()) of the failover machine are equivalent to control commands (with the -i identity parameter) described in 9.4 page 146.
maxloop / loop_interval / automatic_reboot are applied if -i identity is passed to commands (for these attributes details, see 13.2 page 236). This is the case when called from the failover machine. |
The default failover rules for the SafeKit checkers are:
/* rule for module checkers */
module_failure: if (module.? == down) then wait();
/* rule for interface checkers */
interface_failure: if (intf.? == down) then wait();
/* rule for ping checkers */
ping_failure: if (ping.? == down) then wait();
/* rule for tcp checkers */
tcp_failure: if (tcp.? == down) then restart();
/* rule for ip checkers */
ip_failure: if (ip.? == down) then stopstart();
/* rules for splitbrain */
splitbrain_failure: if (splitbrain.uptodate == down) then wait();
They are defined into SAFE/private/conf/include/failover.xml.
There are also failover rules dedicated to file replication management.
The WAKEUP command is automatically generated when no wait() rule applies.
Since SafeKit 7.5, default failover rules are using a new syntax, and rules for the rfs component are set into the file SAFE/private/conf/include/rfs.xml. |
In addition to the default rules, the user can define his own rules (for a custom checker for example) using the following syntax:
label: if ( expression ) then action;
label ::= string
action ::=
stop() | stopstart() | wait() | restart() | swap()
expression ::=
( expression )
| ! expression
| expression && expression
| expression || expression
| expression == expression
| expression != expression
| resource ::= [local. | remote.] 0/1resource_class.resource_id
| resource_state
The syntax to design the resources is as follows:
resource ::= [local. | remote.] 0/1resource_class.resource_id (default: local)
resource_class ::= ping | intf | tcp | custom | module | heartbeat | rfs
resource_id ::= * | ? | name
resource_state ::= init | down | up | unknown
init |
Special initialization state of a resource when the checker is not started. If a resource in the init state is used in a failover rule, SafeKit does evaluate the rule. |
up |
Resource OK. |
down |
Resource KO. |
unknown |
Special state of a remote resource; the remote state is unknown at the test time (ex.: when the remote module is stopped). |
14.1 “List of scripts” page 293
14.2 “Script execution automaton” page 295
14.3 “Variables and arguments passed to scripts” page 296
14.4 “SafeKit special commands for user scripts” page 296
To enable user scripts call, <user> tag must be defined in userconfig.xml as described in 13.7 page 268. This tag could be added or removed dynamically.
Scripts must executables:
ü in Windows, an executable with the extension and type: .cmd, .vbs, .ps1,.bat or .exe
ü in Linux, any type of executable
Each time you update scripts, you must apply the module configuration onto the servers (with the SafeKit console or command).
Examples of scripts are given in 15.1 page 300 for a mirror module, and in 15.2 page 301 for a farm module.
During the configuration phase, scripts are copied from SAFE/modules/AM/bin in the execution environment directory SAFE/private/modules/AM/bin (=SAFEUSERBIN, do not touch scripts at this place) where AM is the module name. |
Below the list of scripts that can be defined by the user. The essential scripts start/stop are those that start and stop the application within the module.
start_prim |
Scripts for a mirror module. To start & stop application on the ALONE or PRIM server |
start_both |
Scripts for a farm module. To start & stop application on all UP servers in a farm cluster In the special case they are defined in a mirror module, they are also executed on both servers (PRIM, SECOND or ALONE) |
start_second |
Special scripts for a mirror module To start & stop application on the "SECOND" server
start_sec |
Special scripts for a mirror module
stop_[both, |
Scripts for all modules The stop scripts are called twice: once for a graceful shutdown of the application (without force as first argument), a second time with a force parameter for a rapid shutdown (with force as first argument). |
prestart |
Scripts for all modules Executed at the very beginning of the module start and at its end. By default, prestart contains stop_sec, stop_second, stop_prim, stop_both to stop application before starting the module under the control of SafeKit. |
transition |
Script for all modules This script is executed on state transitions described in 14.2 page 295 |
config |
config is called when executing the safekit config –m AM command on the application module. You can make a special application configuration in this script. |
deconfig |
deconfig is called when executing the safekit deconfig –m AM command, which is itself called at the application module uninstallation. You can remove a special application configuration made previously in the config script. |
confcheck |
confcheck is called when executing the safekit confcheck –m AM command on the application module. You can add in this script some tests for checking changes on the application configuration files. |
state |
state is called when executing the safekit state –v –m AM command on the application module. You can display a special state of the application. |
level |
level is called when executing the safekit level –m AM command on the application module. You can display the application version. |
Example: first transition from STOP to WAIT calls the script transition STOP WAIT start is called. Most of the time, stop scripts are called twice (without the force parameter and then with the force parameter). In that case the script name is written in italic. |
All scripts are called with 3 parameters:
ü the current state (STOP,WAIT,ALONE,PRIM,SECOND,UP),
ü the action (start, stop, stopstart or stopwait).
The stop scripts are called twice:
ü a first time for a graceful shutdown of the application
ü a second time with a force parameter for a forced shutdown (with force as first argument)
The environment variables that can be used inside scripts are:
ü all variables defined in <user> tag of userconfig.xml (see 13.7 page 268).
Special commands are installed under SAFE/private/bin. Special commands can be called directly in user scripts with %SAFEBIN%\specialcommand or $SAFEBIN/specialcommand. Outside user scripts, use safekit -r command.
-r |
<special command> <args> executed within the SafeKit environment. When the command name is not an absolute path, the command is searched in SAFEBIN=SAFE/private/bin directory.
On Windows, you can use the following basic commands:
<timeout value in seconds>
To be used inside stop scripts because net stop service is not synchronous
<exit value>
To return an error value when the script exits
\\.\<drive letter:>
To sync file system cache of a disk
%SAFEBIN%/namealias [-n | -s ] <alias name>
–n to add a new NetBIOS name (set into start_prim) or -s to suppress the NetBIOS name (set into stop_prim)
You can also use the SafeKit command netnames (or the windows command nbtstat) to list NetBIOS information.
$SAFEBIN/gencron |
[del | add] |
del to disable the entries in stop_prim (by inserting comments) or add to enable the entries in start_prim (by removing comments). |
<user name> |
User name in the crontab. |
[all |<command name>] |
all: to apply on all entries or to apply on the name of the command |
-c "<comment>" |
Header of the comment that will be inserted. |
For example, to disable/enable the entry from the admin's crontab,
5 0 * * * $HOME/bin/daily.job >> $HOME/tmp/out 2>&1
Insert into stop_prim:
$SAFEBIN/gencron del admin daily.job -c "SafeKit configuration for $SAFEMODULE"
And insert into start_prim:
$SAFEBIN/gencron add admin daily.job -c "SafeKit configuration for $SAFEMODULE"
$SAFEBIN/boundcmd <timeout value> <command path> [<args>]
Bound a command with a timeout
boundcmd returns the exit code of the command when the command terminates before the timeout; otherwise, it exits with the value 2.
For example, to flush data on disk with a timeout of 30 seconds, run:
$SAFEBIN/boundcmd 30 /bin/sync 1>/dev/null 2>&1
List running processes as a tree (except for all) and optional kill
List all running processes.
List all running processes with the specified command name.
List and kill all running processes with the specified command name.
List (and kill) all running process with the specified command name and arguments.
Windows examples ("class CatlRegExp" for more information): safekit –r processtree kill notepad.exe ".*myfile.*" safekit –r processtree list all “mirror” Linux examples ("man regex" for more information) : safekit –r processtree kill vi ".*myfile.*" safekit –r processtree list all “mirror” |
safekit incloop -m AM –i <handler name> |
SafeKit provides a maxloop counter, the number of restart and stopstart of the module on error detection. The module is stopped when this counter reaches the maxloop value over the loop_interval period. When running special handlers, the maxloop counter is not incremented. To increment it, use the command: safekit incloop –m AM –i <handler name> It increments the maxloop counter for the module AM and returns 1 when the limit has been reached. |
safekit resetloop -m AM [–i <handler name>] |
Reset the maxloop counter to the value 0 |
safekit checkloop -m AM |
For checking the maxloop counter for the module AM, use the command: safekit checkloop –m AM
15.1 “Generic mirror module example with” page 300
15.2 “Generic farm module example with” page 301
15.3 “A Farm module depending on a mirror module example” page 303
15.4 “Dedicated replication network example” page 303
15.5 “Network load balancing examples in a farm module” page 304
15.6 “Virtual hostname example with” page 306
15.7 “Software error detection example with” page 308
15.8 “TCP checker example” page 310
15.9 “Ping checker example” page
15.10 “Interface checker example” page 310
15.11 “IP checker example” page 311
15.12 “Custom checker example with” page 312
15.13 “Module checker example with and” page 314
Some examples are taken from the modules delivered with the SafeKit package, under SAFE/Application_Modules. You can install them with the web console (see 3.7.4 page 62) to examine the configuration file and user scripts in detail.
Other examples of integration are described under
The .safe are platform dependent and therefore different in Windows and Linux. |
In the following, the examples use this global cluster configuration:
<lan name="net3">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
<node name="node3" addr=""/>
<lan name="default" console="off">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
<lan name="repli" console="off">
<node name="node1" addr=""/>
<node name="node2" addr=""/>
Below is the configuration file and user scripts of the generic mirror module,, in Windows. For Linux, please refer to the delivered with the Linux package.
conf/serconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<!-- Mirror Architecture with Real Time File Replication and Failover -->
<!DOCTYPE safe>
<service mode="mirror" defaultprim="alone" maxloop="3" loop_interval="24" failover="on">
<heart pulse="700" timeout="30000">
<heartbeat name=”default” ident=”flow”/>
<rfs async="second" acl="off" locktimeout="100" nbrei="3" iotimeout="300">
<replicated dir="c:\test1replicated" mode="read_only"/>
<replicated dir="c:\test2replicated" mode="read_only"/>
<interface check="on" arpreroute="on">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="one_side_alias"/>
<user nicestoptimeout="300" forcestoptimeout="300" logging="userlog"/>
bin/start_prim.cmd - see 14 page 293
@echo off
rem Script called on the primary server for starting application services
rem For logging into SafeKit log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running start_prim %*"
set res=0
rem Fill with your services start call
rem net start "myservice" /Y
set res=%errorlevel%
if %res% == 0 goto end
"%SAFE%\safekit" printe "start_prim failed"
rem uncomment to stop SafeKit when critical
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" stop -i "start_prim"
bin/stop_prim.cmd - see 14 page 293
@echo off
rem Script called on the primary server for stopping application services
rem For logging into SafeKit log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
rem 2 stop modes:
rem - graceful stop
rem call standard application stop with net stop
rem - force stop (%1=force)
rem kill application's processes
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running stop_prim %*"
set res=0
rem default: no action on forcestop
if "%1" == "force" goto end
rem Fill with your service(s) stop call
rem net stop "myservice" /Y
rem If necessary, uncomment to wait for the stop of the services
rem "%SAFEBIN%\sleep" 10
if %res% == 0 goto end
"%SAFE%\safekit" printe "stop_prim failed"
Below is the configuration file and user scripts for the generic farm module,, in Windows. For Linux, please refer to the delivered with the Linux package.
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<!-- Farm Architecture with Load-Balancing and Failover -->
<!DOCTYPE safe>
<service mode="farm" maxloop="3" loop_interval="24">
<!-- Cluster Configuration -->
<!-- Set nodes on your network -->
<lan name=”default” />
<lan name =”net3” />
<interface check="on" arpreroute=”on”>
<virtual_interface type="vmac_directed">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="alias"/>
<group name="FarmProto">
<!-- Set load-balancing rule -->
<rule port="9010" proto="tcp" filter="on_port"/>
<user nicestoptimeout="300" forcestoptimeout="300" logging="userlog"/>
bin/start_both.cmd - see 14 page 293
@echo off
rem Script called on all servers for starting applications
rem For logging into SafeKit log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running start_both %*"
set res=0
rem Fill with your services start call
rem net start "myservice" /Y
set res=%errorlevel%
if %res% == 0 goto end
set res=%errorlevel%
"%SAFE%\safekit" printe "start_both failed"
rem uncomment to stop SafeKit when critical
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" stop -i "start_both"
bin/stop_both.cmd - see 14 page 293
@echo off
rem Script called on all servers for stopping application
rem For logging into SafeKit log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
rem 2 stop modes:
rem - graceful stop
rem call standard application stop with net stop
rem - force stop (%1=force)
rem kill application's processes
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running stop_both %*"
set res=0
rem default: no action on forcestop
if "%1" == "force" goto end
rem Fill with your services stop call
rem net stop "myservice" /Y
rem If necessary, uncomment to wait for the stop of the services
rem "%SAFEBIN%\sleep" 10
if %res% == 0 goto end
"%SAFE%\safekit" printe "stop_both failed"
In the example below, the farm module can only start if the mirror module is started. This architecture can be used to link an IIS farm module to a Microsoft SQL server mirror module. It is based on the configuration of a module checker in the farm module. For details, see 13.16 page 285.
farm/conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<!-- Checker Configuration: module dependency to mirror + local TCP checker -->
<module name="mirror">
<to addr=""/>
Note that the module dependency can be used when you deploy farm and mirror modules on the same SafeKit cluster or when you deploy farm and mirror modules on two different clusters. |
The attribute ident="flow" on the heartbeat, allows to identify the replication flow. For details, see 13.6 page 251.
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<heartbeat name=”default” />
<!— 2nd heartbeat special for dedicated replicated network -->
<heartbeat name=”repli” ident="flow" />
With the following userconfig.xml configuration file, you are defining a farm of 3 servers with network load balancing and failover on TCP services 9010 (SafeKit web service), 23 (Telnet), 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS), 8080 (HTTP proxy) and 389 (LDAP).
With HTTP and HTTPS, network load balancing is set on the client IP address ("on_addr") and not on the client TCP port ("on_port"), to ensure that the same client is always on the same server over several TCP connections (stateful versus stateless servers: see 1.4 page 19) |
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<!DOCTYPE safe>
<service mode="farm">
<lan name=”net3” />
<interface check="on" arpreroute=”on>
<virtual_interface type="vmac_directed">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="alias" />
<group name="tcpservices" >
<host name="node1" power="1" />
<host name="node2" power="1" />
<host name="node3" power="1" />
<rule port="9010" proto="tcp" filter="on_port" />
<rule port="23" proto="tcp" filter="on_port" />
<rule port="80" proto="tcp" filter="on_addr" />
<rule port="443" proto="tcp" filter="on_addr" />
<rule port="8080" proto="tcp" filter="on_addr" />
<rule port="389" proto="tcp" filter="on_port" />
With the following userconfig.xml configuration file, you are defining a farm of 3 servers with network load balancing and failover on UDP services 53 (DNS), 1645 (RADIUS).
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<!DOCTYPE safe>
<service mode="farm">
<lan name=”net3” />
<interface check="on">
<virtual_interface type="vmac_invisible">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="alias" />
<group name="udpservices" >
<host name="node1" power="1" />
<host name="node2" power="1" />
<host name="node3" power="1" />
<rule port="53" proto="udp" filter="on_ipid" />
<rule port="1645" proto="udp" filter="on_ipid" />
With "on_ipid", the load balancing is made on the IP identifier filed in the packet IP header. The load balancing works even if the client always presents the same client IP address and client port at input. |
With the following userconfig.xml configuration file, you are defining a farm of 3 servers with a priority for HTTP traffic on the 1st server, HTTPS on the 2nd server and proxy HTTP on the 3rd server.
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<!DOCTYPE safe>
<service mode="farm">
<lan name=”net3” />
<interface check="on" arpreroute=”on”>
<virtual_interface type="vmac_directed">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="alias" />
<group name="http_service" >
<host name="node1" power="3" />
<host name="node2" power="1" />
<host name="node3" power="1" />
<rule port="80" proto="tcp" filter="on_addr" />
<group name="https_service" >
<host name="node1" power="1" />
<host name="node2" power="3" />
<host name="node3" power="1" />
<rule port="443" proto="tcp" filter="on_addr" />
<group name="httpproxy_service" >
<host name="node1" power="1" />
<host name="node2" power="1" />
<host name="node3" power="3" />
<rule port="8080" proto="tcp" filter="on_addr" />
The demonstration module shows how to set a virtual hostname (for details, see 13.8 page 269)
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<virtualhostname name="virtualname" envfile="vhostenv.cmd" />
In addition to this configuration, special commands must be executed in the user scripts. Below is an example of Windows scripts. For Linux, please refer to the delivered with the Linux package.
bin/start_prim.cmd - see 14 page 293
@echo off
rem Script called on the primary server for starting application services
rem For logging into SafeKit log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running start_prim %*"
rem Set virtual hostname
CALL "%SAFEUSERBIN%\vhostenv.cmd"
rem Next commands use the virtual hostname
FOR /F %%x IN ('hostname') DO SET servername=%%x
echo "hostname is "%servername%
rem WARNING: previous virtual hostname setting is insufficient to change the hostname for services
rem If one service needs the virtual hostname, you need also to uncomment the rem following
rem "%SAFE%\private\bin\vhostservice" SERVICE_TO_BE_DEFINED
set res=0
rem Fill with your services start call
set res=%errorlevel%
if %res% == 0 goto end
"%SAFE%\safekit" printe "start_prim failed"
rem uncomment to stop SafeKit when critical
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" stop -i "start_prim"
bin/stop_prim.cmd - see 14 page 293
@echo off
rem Script called on the primary server for stopping application services
rem For logging into SafeKit log use:
rem "%SAFE%\safekit" printi | printe "message"
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
rem 2 stop modes:
rem - graceful stop
rem call standard application stop with net stop
rem - force stop (%1=force)
rem kill application's processes
rem ----------------------------------------------------------
rem stdout goes into Application log
echo "Running stop_prim %*"
set res=0
rem Reset virtual hostname
CALL "%SAFEUSERBIN%\vhostenv.cmd"
rem Next commands use the real hostname
FOR /F %%x IN ('hostname') DO SET servername=%%x
echo "hostname is "%servername%
rem default: no action on forcestop
if "%1" == "force" goto end
rem Fill with your services stop call
rem If necessary, uncomment to wait for the stop of the services
rem "%SAFEBIN%\sleep" 10
if %res% == 0 goto end
"%SAFE%\safekit" printi "stop_prim failed"
rem WARNING: if the virtual hostname was set for services in start_prim.cmd,
rem uncomment the following to restore the real hostname in last stop phase :
rem "%SAFE%\private\bin\vhostservice" SERVICE_TO_BE_DEFINED
The module is a demonstration of the software error detection for mirror architecture (for configuration details , see 13.9 page 271).
The module monitors the presence of:
mybin and myappli started/stopped on the primary node with start_prim/stop_prim
myotherbin started/stopped on the secondary node with start_second/stop_second
Detecting the shutdown of:
mybin causes the module to restart
myappli causes the execution of a special handler restart_myappli.cmd.
This script increments the maxloop counter and restarts the myappli process
myotherbin causes a stop of the module
The tests consist in killing the mybin, myotherbin or myappli processes with the safekit kill command.
Below is an extract of for Windows. For Linux, look at the one delivered with the Linux package.
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<proc name="mybin.exe" atleast="1" action="restart" class="prim"/>
<proc name="myotherbin.exe" atleast="1" action="stop" class="second"/>
<proc name="myappli.exe" atleast="1" action="restart_myappli" class="myappli"/>
bin/start_prim.cmd - see 14 page 293
Note the call to %SAFE%\safekit errd enable myappli for starting the monitoring of the processes with class="myappli"
@echo off
%SAFE%\safekit printi "start mybin"
start %SAFEUSERBIN%\mybin.exe 10000000
%SAFE%\safekit printi "start myappli"
start %SAFEUSERBIN%\myappli.exe 10000000
%SAFE%\safekit errd enable myappli
bin/stop_prim.cmd - see 14 page 293
Note the call to %SAFE%\safekit errd disable myappli for stopping the monitoring of the processes with class="myappli"
@echo on
rem default: no action on forcestop
if "%1" == "force" goto end
%SAFE%\safekit printi "stop mybin"
%SAFE%\safekit kill -level="terminate" -name="mybin.exe"
%SAFE%\safekit printi "stop myappli"
%SAFE%\safekit errd disable myappli
%SAFE%\safekit kill -level="terminate" -name="restart_myappli.cmd"
%SAFE%\safekit kill -level="terminate" -name="myappli.exe"
Note the increment of the loop counter and the stop of the module when maxloop is reached
@echo off
rem Template for script called by errd on error detection instead of standard restart
%SAFE%\safekit printi "restart_myappli"
rem first disable monitoring of the application
%SAFE%\safekit errd disable myappli
rem increment loop counter
%SAFE%\safekit incloop -i "restart_myappli"
if %errorlevel% == 0 goto next
rem max loop reached
%SAFE%\safekit stop -i "restart_myappli"
%SAFEBIN%\exitcode 0
rem max loop not reached : go on restarting the application
%SAFE%\safekit printi "Restart myappli"
%SAFE%\safekit kill -level="terminate" -name="myappli.exe"
start %SAFEUSERBIN%\myappli.exe 10000000
rem finally, enable monitoring of the application
%SAFE%\safekit errd enable myappli
Below is an example of tcp checker definition that tests the Apache web service (for configuration details, see 13.11 page 278).
The default action when the tcp service is down is to restart locally the module (see 13.18.5 page 290 for the default failover rules description).
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
The next example is the configuration of a ping checker that tests a router at IP address (for configuration details, see 13.12 page 280). The default action when the router is down is to stop locally the module and to wait for the ping to be up (see 13.18.5 page 290 for the default failover rules description).
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<check >
<ping ident="router">
<to addr=""/>
Below is the example of an interface checker configuration automatically generated when <interface check="on"> is set (for configuration details, see 13.5 page 243). In the userconfig.xml, the virtual IP address is defined as follows:
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<interface check="on">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="one_side_alias"/>
The default action when the interface checker is down is to stop locally the module and to wait for the interface to be up (see 13.18.5 page 290 for the default failover rules).
To generate the configuration of the interface checker, SafeKit computes the hardware network interface, network and first IP address corresponding to the virtual IP address.
configuration generated in Windows
<intf when="pre" ident=""
<to local_addr=""/>
Where {8358A0EE-2F3F-4FEE-A33B-EDC406C0C858} is the identity of the network interface for the network and with the IP address as first IP address (safekit –r vip_if_ctrl –L).
configuration generated in Linux
For instance, a configuration generated on Linux is:
<intf when="pre" ident="" intf="eth2">
<to local_addr=""/>
where eth2 is the identity of the network interface for the network with the IP address as first IP address (all this information is get from the ifconfig –a ipconfig or ip addr show command).
For configuration details, see 13.13 page 281.
Below is the example of an ip checker configuration automatically generated when <virtual_addr check="on" …> is set (for configuration details, see 13.5 page 243). In the userconfig.xml, the virtual IP address is defined as follows:
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<interface check="on" arpreroute="on">
<virtual_addr addr="" where="one_side_alias" check="on"/>
The default action when the ip checker is down is to stopstart locally the module (see 13.18.5 page 290 for the default failover rules).
configuration generated in Windows and Linux
The ip checker configuration generated is (for more information, see 13.14 page 282):
<ip ident="" when="prim">
<to addr=""/>
The module is a demonstration module of a custom checker (see 13.15 page 283).
This custom checker tests the presence of a file
on the primary server (when="prim"). The associated resource is called custom.checkfile (ident="checkfile"). It is set to up (file present) or down (file missing)
The associated failover rule (configured in <failover>), is named custom_failure and causes the module to restart if the resource is down (see 13.18.5 page 290 for failover
This example can be used as a basis for writing your own checker.
conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<custom ident="checkfile" exec="checker.ps1"
if( custom.checkfile == down ) then restart();
Note the call to safekit set -r custom.checkfile -m AM to set the resource status (up or down)
param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true, position=1)][String]$ModName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true, position=2)][String]$RName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeLine = $true, position=3)][String]$Arg1Value,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false, position=4)][String]$Grace="2",
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeLine = $false, position=5)][String] $Period="5"
# return up on success | down on failure
Function test([String]$Arg1Value)
# Replace the following by your test
if (Test-Path "$Arg1Value")
return $res
# wait a little
Start-Sleep $Period
while ($true){
Start-Sleep $Period
$rstate = test($Arg1Value)
if($rstate -eq "down"){
$gracecount = 0
if($prevrstate -ne $rstate){
& $safekit set -r "$RName" -v $rstate -i $customchecker -m $ModName
$prevrstate = $rstate
if($gracecount -ge $Grace){
if($prevrstate -ne $rstate){
& $safekit set -r "$RName" -v $rstate -i $customchecker -m $ModName
$prevrstate = $rstate
$gracecount = 0
The executable associated with the checker is automatically called with at least 2 arguments:
The 1st argument is the module name
The 2nd is the name of the resource to be
If the <custom> configuration contains the arg attribute, its value is passed as the next arguments.
The checker script is written with the following precautions:
The resource is only assigned if its value has
When the resource is down, the checker
consolidates this state (grace times) before assigning it. This can help to avoid false error
Each time you modify the custom checker script in SAFE/modules/AM/bin/, you must apply the new configuration.
This example describes the two application modules and delivered with SafeKit:
The leader module defines shared SafeKit
resources between followers like virtual IP addresses and replicated
The follower modules contain individual start
and stop of several applications that are then isolated in different modules. Each
follower module can be started and stopped independently without stopping the
other modules.
The leader module is configured for a mirror architecture. It also includes the start and stop of the follower modules.
Each follower module is configured for a light architecture with user scripts and error detectors. The follower modules depend on the leader failover with the following module checker:
follower/conf/userconfig.xml - see 13 page 235
<module name="leader"/>
This is a shortcut for:
<module name="leader">
<to addr="" port="9010"/>
If you change the listening port for the SafeKit web service (as described in 10.6 page 167), replace the short configuration with the full one and change the port value. |
16.1 “SafeKit cluster in Amazon AWS” page 315
16.2 “SafeKit cluster in Microsoft Azure” page 321
16.3 “SafeKit cluster in Google GCP” page 327
You can install, configure, and administer SafeKit modules that run on virtual servers in the cloud instead of on-premises physical servers. This requires a minimum of cloud and/or server settings, especially to implement the virtual IP address. These settings are automatically done with SafeKit AWS CloudFormation template and Azure templates. Templates provide a very fast and easy way to install and preconfigure a SafeKit cluster in AWS, Azure or Google clouds.
For a quick start, refer to:
ü mirror cluster in AWS or farm cluster in AWS
ü mirror cluster in Azure or farm cluster in Azure
ü mirror cluster in GCP or farm cluster in GCP
In the following, we suppose that you are familiar with:
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) that offers
computing capacity in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. For more information
about the features of Amazon EC2, see the Amazon EC2
product page
AWS CloudFormation that helps deploying instances
and applications on Amazon EC2. It permits to save a lot of time and effort so
that you can spend less time managing EC2 resources and more time focusing on
your applications that run in AWS.
SafeKit provides an AWS CloudFormation templates for AWS QuickStart that are a very fast and easy way for implementing the SafeKit clustering solution. It offers 2 templates:
one template for deploying a mirror cluster,
with some specific settings described in 16.1.3 page 318
one template for deploying a farm cluster, with
some specific settings described in 16.1.4 page 319
deploys two EC2 instances (up to four) in the same region but distributed
across multiple availability zones. You can choose the instance type and
operating system (Windows 2016 or CentOS 7)
configures one virtual network (virtual private cloud, VPC)
ü it includes a public address (Elastic IP, EIP) and a private address for each instance. The private addresses are used for the SafeKit framework communications
ü It configures the AWS security groups for accepting remote connection from the administrator (remote desktop for Windows, ssh for Linux) and from the SafeKit web console (https://EIP:9453). It also accepts all communications on the private addresses.
configures an AWS load balancer for implementing the virtual IP of the mirror
or the farm module according to the chosen template
it runs
all operations to make SafeKit ready for use:
ü it installs the SafeKit package
ü it fills the SafeKit cluster configuration and applies it on all nodes (for details on cluster configuration, see 12 page 227)
ü it applies the HTTPS configuration for securing the SafeKit web console (for details on HTTPS configuration, see 11 page 177)
ü it installs, configures, and starts a mirror or farm module according to the chosen template
At the end of the SafeKit AWS CloudFormation template deployment, simply connect a web browser to the URL specified in the model's application output. This URL connects to the configuration wizard described in 11.4.3 page 197. Apply the described procedure for using the secure SafeKit web console with your browser (connected to https://EIP:9453, where EIP is the public address of one cluster node). You can then exploit SafeKit as an on-premises installation by installing, configuring, and administering a mirror or farm module in the AWS cloud.
You can implement SafeKit on AWS instances created outside the AWS CloudFormation template for SafeKit. In this case, before implementing a SafeKit module, the administrator must manually make settings for AWS, instances, and SafeKit. Then you have specific settings for implementing your SafeKit module:
for mirror cluster, see 16.1.3 page 318
for farm cluster, see 16.1.4 page 319
AWS settings
You must set AWS to:
associate public addresses to each instance if
you want to administer them with the SafeKit web console from the internet
configure the security groups associated with
network(s) to enable the communications of the SafeKit framework and the
SafeKit web console. The ports to open are described in page 159
use a high-bandwidth, low-latency network if
real-time replication is used in a mirror module
Instances settings
In each instance, you must also:
apply the HTTPS configuration to secure the
SafeKit web console (described in 11 page 177)
SafeKit settings
Finally, you must enter the SafeKit cluster configuration and apply it to all nodes (for details on cluster configuration, see 12 page 227). For each network, it can be specified if it can be used by the console and/or the framework. By default, a network can be used by both the console and the framework (console = "on" framework = "on"). In the case of the public network accessible from the internet, it is preferable not to use it for the communications of the SafeKit framework but only for the console (console = "on" framework = "off").
For example, the SafeKit cluster configuration file would be:
<lan name="Public" console="on" framework="off">
<node name="Server1" addr=""/>
<node name="Server2" addr=""/>
<lan name="Private" console="on" framework="on">
<node name="Server1" addr=""/>
<node name="Server2" addr=""/>
The first lan definition is only for the SafeKit web console; the second one is also for the SafeKit framework between cluster nodes.
Mirror module features are operational in the AWS cloud (real-time file replication, failover, process death detection, checkers, …), except the virtual IP address failover. Anyway, you can set up a SafeKit mirror module on the cluster and use the Elastic load balancing provided by AWS (see Elastic load balancing products in AWS) in such way that all the traffic is routed only to the primary node. An IP address and/or DNS name is associated with the load balancer that plays the role of the virtual IP. The AWS CloudFormation template for SafeKit configures a network load balancer and applies all the required setup. You just must set the load balancing rule and security group for your application.
If you set up the mirror module outside the AWS CloudFormation template for SafeKit, you must configure yourself the AWS load balancer and the security group.
For the load balancer, you must:
specify the rules for your application
set the SafeKit cluster nodes in the target
configure the health check. This
one tests whether the instance is in a healthy state or an unhealthy state.
The load-balancer routes the traffic only to healthy instances. It resumes routing requests to the instance when this one has been restored to a healthy state.
SafeKit provides a health checker for SafeKit modules. For this, configure it in the load balancer with:
HTTP protocol
port 9010, the SafeKit web service port
URL /var/modules/AM/ready.txt, where AM is the module name
In a mirror module, the health checker:
returns OK, that means that
the instance is healthy, when the module state is
PRIM (green) or
ALONE (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means
that the instance is out of service, in all other states
The AWS network security group must be at least configured to enable communications for the following protocols and ports:
UDP - 4800 for the safeadmin service
(between SafeKit cluster nodes)
UDP - 8888 for the module heartbeat (between SafeKit cluster nodes)
TCP – 5600 for the module real time file
replication (between SafeKit nodes)
TCP – 9010 for the load-balancer health check and
the SafeKit web console in HTTP
TCP – 9453 for the SafeKit web console in HTTPS
TCP – 9001 for configuring the SafeKit web
console for HTTPS
The module’s port value depends on the module id (for details, see page 159).The previous values are the one for the first module installed on the node. |
Most farm module features are operational in the AWS cloud (process death detection, checkers), except the virtual IP address with load-balancing. Anyway, you can set up a SafeKit farm module on the cluster and use the Elastic load balancing provided by AWS (see Elastic load balancing products in AWS). An IP address and/or DNS name is associated with the load balancer that plays the role of the virtual IP. The AWS CloudFormation template for SafeKit configures a network load balancer and applies all the required setup. You just must set the load balancing rule and security group for your application.
If you set up the farm module outside the AWS CloudFormation template for SafeKit, you must configure yourself the AWS load balancer and the security group.
For the load balancer, you must:
specify the rules for your application
set the SafeKit cluster nodes in the target
configure the health check. This
one tests whether the instance is in a healthy state or an unhealthy state.
The load-balancer routes the traffic only to healthy instances. It resumes routing requests to the instance when this one has been restored to a healthy state.
SafeKit provides a health check for SafeKit modules. For this, configure it in the load balancer with:
HTTP protocol
port 9010, the SafeKit web service port
URL /var/modules/AM/ready.txt, where AM is
the module name
In a farm module, the health check:
returns OK, that means that
the instance is healthy, when the module state is
UP (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means
that the instance is out of service, in all other states
The AWS network security group must be at least configured to enable communications for the following protocols and ports:
UDP - 4800 for the safeadmin service
(between SafeKit cluster nodes)
TCP – 9010 for the load-balancer health check
and the SafeKit web console in HTTP
TCP – 9453 for the SafeKit web console in HTTPS
TCP – 9001 for configuring the SafeKit web
console for HTTPS
In the following, we suppose that you are familiar with Microsoft Azure that is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through a global network of Microsoft-managed data centers. For more information about the features and use of Azure, see the Microsoft Azure portal.
SafeKit provides an Azure resource template that is a very fast and easy way for implementing the SafeKit clustering solution. It offers 2 templates:
one template for deploying a mirror cluster,
with some specific settings described in 16.2.3 page 323
one template for deploying a farm cluster, with
some specific settings described in 16.2.4 page 325
deploys a resource group that defines all the resources necessary for
implementing the SafeKit cluster in one location but separate availability
resource group contains two virtual machines (up to four) running in different
availability zones. You can choose the operating system (Windows
2016, Linux CentOS 7). Each virtual machine has an internet access through
a public IP address and DNS name
resource group contains a private virtual network for SafeKit framework
configures the network security group for accepting only remote connection from
the administrator (remote desktop for Windows, ssh for Linux) and from the
SafeKit web console (https://DNS:9453) on the public addresses.
configures an Azure load balancer for implementing the virtual IP of the mirror
or the farm module according to the chosen template
runs all operations to make SafeKit ready for use:
ü it installs the SafeKit package
ü it fills the SafeKit cluster configuration and applies it on all nodes (for details on cluster configuration, see 12 page 227)
ü it applies the HTTPS configuration for securing the SafeKit web console (for details on HTTPS configuration, see 11 page 177)
ü it installs, configures, and starts a mirror or farm module according to the chosen template
At the end of the SafeKit Azure template deployment, simply connect a web browser to the URL specified in the template’s application output. This URL connects to the configuration wizard described in 11.4.3 page 197. Apply the described procedure for using the secure SafeKit web console with your browser (connected to https://DNS:9453, where DNS is the DNS name of one cluster node). You can then exploit SafeKit as an on-premises installation by installing, configuring, and administering a mirror or farm module in the Azure cloud.
You can implement SafeKit on Azure virtual machines created outside the Azure resource template for SafeKit. In this case, before implementing a SafeKit module, the administrator must manually make settings for Azure, virtual machines and SafeKit. Then you have specific settings for implementing your SafeKit module:
for mirror cluster, see 16.2.3 page 323
for farm cluster, see 16.2.4 page 325
Azure settings
You must set Azure to:
associate public IP addresses and DNS name to virtual
machines if you want to administer them with the SafeKit web console from the
configure the network security group to enable
the communications of the SafeKit framework and the SafeKit web console. The
ports to open are described in page 159
use a high-bandwidth, low-latency network if
real-time replication is used in a mirror module
Virtual machines settings
On each virtual machine, you must also:
install the SafeKit package
apply the HTTPS configuration to secure the
SafeKit web console (described in 11 page 177)
SafeKit settings
Finally, you must enter the SafeKit cluster configuration and apply it to all nodes (for details on cluster configuration, see 12 page 227). For each network, it can be specified if it can be used by the console and/or the framework. By default, a network can be used by both the console and the framework (console = "on" framework = "on"). In the case of the public network accessible from the internet, it is preferable not to use it for the communications of the SafeKit framework but only for the console (console = "on" framework = "off"). For example, the SafeKit cluster configuration file would be:
<lan name="Public" console="on" framework="off">
<node name="Server1" addr=""/>
<node name="Server2" addr=""/>
<lan name="Private" console="on" framework="on">
<node name="Server1" addr=""/>
<node name="Server2" addr=""/>
The first lan definition is only for the SafeKit web console; the second one is also for the SafeKit framework between cluster nodes.
Mirror module features are operational in the Azure cloud (real-time file replication, failover, process death detection, checkers, …) except the virtual IP address failover. Anyway, you can set up a SafeKit mirror module on the cluster and use the load balancing provided by Azure (see Load Balancer in Azure) and route request only to the primary node. An IP is associated with the load balancer that plays the role of the virtual IP. The Azure resource template for SafeKit configures a network load balancer and applies all the required setup. You just must set the load balancing rule and network security group for your application.
If you set up the mirror module outside the Azure resource template for SafeKit, you must configure yourself the Azure load balancer and the network security group.
For the load balancer, you must:
specify the rules for your application
set the SafeKit cluster nodes into the backend
configure the probe. This one tests
whether the instance is in a healthy state or an unhealthy state.
The load balancer routes traffic only to healthy instances. It resumes routing requests to the instance when the instance has been restored to a healthy state.
SafeKit provides a probe for SafeKit modules. For this, configure the probe in the load balancer with:
HTTP protocol
port 9010, the SafeKit web service port
URL /var/modules/AM/ready.txt, where AM is
the module name
In a mirror module, the probe:
returns OK, that means that
the instance is healthy, when the module state is
PRIM (green) or
ALONE (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means
that the instance is out of service, in all other states
The Azure network security group must be at least configured to enable communications for the following protocols and ports:
UDP - 4800 for the safeadmin service
(between SafeKit cluster nodes)
UDP - 8888 for the module heartbeat (between SafeKit cluster nodes)
TCP – 5600 for the module real time file
replication (between SafeKit nodes)
TCP – 9010 for the load-balancer health check
and the SafeKit web console in HTTP
TCP – 9453 for the SafeKit web console in HTTPS
TCP – 9001 for configuring the SafeKit web
console for HTTPS
The module’s port value depends on the module id (see page 159).The previous values are the one for the first module installed on the node. |
Most farm module features are operational in the Azure cloud (process death detection, checkers), except the virtual IP address with load-balancing. Anyway, you can set up a SafeKit farm module on the cluster and use the load balancing provided by Azure (see Load Balancer in Azure). An IP is associated with the load balancer that plays the role of the virtual IP. The Azure resource template for SafeKit configures a network load balancer and applies all the required setup. You just must set the load balancing rule and network security group for your application.
If you set up the farm module outside the Azure resource template for SafeKit, you must configure yourself the Azure load balancer and the network security group.
For the load balancer, you must:
specify the rules for your application
set the SafeKit cluster nodes as backend
configure the probe. This one tests
whether the instance is in a healthy state or an unhealthy state.
The load balancer routes traffic only to healthy instances. It resumes routing requests to the instance when the instance has been restored to a healthy state.
SafeKit provides a probe for SafeKit modules. For this, configure the probe in the load balancer with:
HTTP protocol
port 9010, the SafeKit web service port
URL /var/modules/AM/ready.txt, where AM is
the module name
In a farm module, the probe:
returns OK, that means that
the instance is healthy, when the farm module state is
UP (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means
that the instance is out of service, in all other states
The Azure network security group must be at least configured to enable communications for the following protocols and ports:
UDP - 4800 for the safeadmin service
(between SafeKit cluster nodes)
TCP – 9010 for the load-balancer health check
and the SafeKit web console in HTTP
TCP – 9453 for the SafeKit web console in HTTPS
TCP – 9001 for configuring the SafeKit web
console for HTTPS
In the following, we suppose that you are familiar with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) that delivers virtual machines running in Google's innovative data centers and worldwide fiber network. For more information about the features and use of Google Cloud Platform, see the Google Cloud Computing documentation.
SafeKit provides solutions in the Google Marketplace that are a very fast and easy way for implementing the SafeKit clustering solution. It offers 4 solutions:
2 solutions for deploying a mirror cluster (one
solution for Windows and one solution for Linux), with some specific settings
described in 16.3.3 page 329
2 solutions for deploying a farm cluster (one solution for Windows and one solution for Linux), with some specific settings described in 16.3.4 page 331
See Startup Guide for a full description of these solutions’ deployment.
deploys two virtual machine instances in the same region but distributed across
two zones. You can choose the instance type and operating system (Windows 2019 or
CentOS 7)
it uses
one virtual network (virtual private cloud, VPC) attached to the project in
which the solution is deployed
ü it includes a public address (External IP, EIP) and a private address for each instance. The private addresses are used for the SafeKit framework communications
ü It configures the firewall for accepting remote connection from the administrator (remote desktop for Windows, ssh for Linux) and from the SafeKit web console (https://EIP:9453). It also accepts all communications on the private addresses.
configures an GCP load balancer for implementing the virtual IP of the mirror
or the farm module according the chosen solution
runs all operations to make SafeKit ready for use:
ü it includes the SafeKit package into the VM image
ü it fills the SafeKit cluster configuration and applies it on all nodes (for details on cluster configuration, see 12 page 227)
ü if HTTPS is selected for the deployment, it applies the HTTPS configuration for securing the SafeKit web console (for details on HTTPS configuration, see 11 page 177)
ü it installs, configures, and starts a mirror or farm module according to the chosen solution
At the end of the SafeKit Google Marketplace solution deployment, simply follow the recommendations listed into “Suggested next steps”. This must be done if you have selected HTTPS for the SafeKit console access mode. You must connect a web browser to the URL specified for opening the configuration wizard described in 11.4.3 page 197. Apply the procedure for using the secure SafeKit web console with your browser (connected to https://EIP:9453, where EIP is the public address of one cluster node). You can then exploit SafeKit as an on-premises installation by installing, configuring, and administering a mirror or farm module in the Google GCP cloud.
You can implement SafeKit on Google virtual machines created outside the Google Marketplace solution for SafeKit. In this case, before implementing a SafeKit module, the administrator must manually make settings for Google Compute Engine, virtual machines and SafeKit. Then you have specific settings for implementing your SafeKit module:
for mirror cluster, see 16.3.3 page 329
for farm cluster, see 16.3.4 page 331
GCP settings
You must set GCP to:
associate an external IP address (and optionally
DNS name) to each virtual machine instance if you want to administer them with
the SafeKit web console from the internet
configure the firewall rules for the Virtual
Private Cloud (VPC) network to enable the communications of the SafeKit
framework and the SafeKit web console. The ports to open are described in page 159
use a high-bandwidth, low-latency network if
real-time replication is used in a mirror module
Virtual machines settings
On each virtual machine, you must also:
install the SafeKit package
apply the HTTPS configuration to secure the
SafeKit web console (described in 11 page 177)
SafeKit settings
Finally, you must enter the SafeKit cluster configuration and apply it to all nodes (for details on cluster configuration, see 12 page 227). For each network, it can be specified if it can be used by the console and/or the framework. By default, a network can be used by both the console and the framework (console = "on" framework = "on"). In the case of the public network accessible from the internet, it is preferable not to use it for the communications of the SafeKit framework but only for the console (console = "on" framework = "off").
For example, the SafeKit cluster configuration file would be:
<lan name="Public" console="on" framework="off">
<node name="Inst1" addr=""/>
<node name=" Inst2" addr=""/>
<lan name="Private" console="on" framework="on">
<node name=" Inst1" addr=""/>
<node name=" Inst2" addr=""/>
The first lan definition is only for the SafeKit web console; the second one is also for the SafeKit framework between cluster nodes.
Mirror module features are operational in the Google Cloud Platform (real-time file replication, failover, process death detection, checkers, …) except the virtual IP address failover. Anyway, you can set up a SafeKit mirror module on the cluster and use the load balancing provided by GCP (see Load Balancer in GCP) and route request only to the primary node. An IP is associated with the load balancer that plays the role of the virtual IP. The Google Marketplace solution for SafeKit configures a network load balancer and applies all the required setup. You just have to set the load balancing rule and network security group for your application.
If you set up the mirror module outside the Google Marketplace solution for SafeKit, you must configure yourself the Google load balancer and the network firewall.
For the load balancer, you must:
specify the rules for your application
set the SafeKit cluster nodes as backend
configure the health check. This
one tests whether the instance is in a healthy state or an unhealthy state.
The load balancer routes traffic only to healthy instances. It resumes routing requests to the instance when the instance has been restored to a healthy state.
SafeKit provides a health check for SafeKit modules. For this, configure the health check in the load balancer with:
HTTP protocol
port 9010, the SafeKit web service port
URL /var/modules/AM/ready.txt, where AM is
the module name
In a mirror module, the health check:
returns OK, that means that
the instance is healthy, when the module state is
PRIM (green) or
ALONE (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means
that the instance is unhealthy, in all other states
The network firewall must be at least configured to enable communications for the following protocols and ports:
UDP - 4800 for the safeadmin service
(between SafeKit cluster nodes)
UDP - 8888 for the module heartbeat (between SafeKit cluster nodes)
TCP – 5600 for the module real time file
replication (between SafeKit nodes)
TCP – 9010 for the load-balancer health check
and the SafeKit web console in HTTP
TCP – 9453 for the SafeKit web console in HTTPS
TCP – 9001 for configuring the SafeKit web
console for HTTPS
The module’s port value depends on the module id (see page 159).The previous values are the one for the first module installed on the node. |
Most farm module features are operational in the Google Cloud Platform (process death detection, checkers), except the virtual IP address with load-balancing. Anyway, you can set up a SafeKit farm module on the cluster and use the load balancing provided by GCP (see Load Balancer in GCP). An IP is associated with the load balancer that plays the role of the virtual IP. The Google Marketplace solution for SafeKit configures a network load balancer and applies all the required setup. You just have to set the load balancing rule and network security group for your application
If you set up the farm module outside the Google Marketplace solution for SafeKit, you must configure yourself the Google load balancer and the network firewall.
For the load balancer, you must:
specify the rules for your application
set the SafeKit cluster nodes as backend
configure the health check. This
one tests whether the instance is in a healthy state or an unhealthy state.
The load balancer routes traffic only to healthy instances. It resumes routing requests to the instance when the instance has been restored to a healthy state.
SafeKit provides a health check for SafeKit modules. For this, configure the health check in the load balancer with:
HTTP protocol
port 9010, the SafeKit web service port
URL /var/modules/AM/ready.txt, where AM is
the module name
In a farm module, the health check:
returns OK, that means that
the instance is healthy, when the farm module state is
UP (green)
returns NOT FOUND, that means
that the instance is out of service, in all other states
The network firewall must be at least configured to enable communications for the following protocols and ports:
UDP - 4800 for the safeadmin service
(between SafeKit cluster nodes)
TCP – 9010 for the load-balancer health check
and the SafeKit web console in HTTP
TCP – 9453 for the SafeKit web console in HTTPS
TCP – 9001 for configuring the SafeKit web
console for HTTPS
SafeKit uses the third-party software listed below. For licenses details, refer to the links or the license files into the SAFE/licenses directory (SAFE=/opt/safekit in Linux and SAFE=C:\safekit in Windows if %SYSTEMDRIVE%=C:).
libxml |
MIT license - Used by the SafeKit framework |
libxslt |
MIT license - Used by the SafeKit framework |
Net-SNMP | BSD like and BSD license - Used by SafeKit SNMP agent |
HTTP server |
Apache license - Used by the SafeKit web service for the web console, the deprecated java console, the distributed commands, and the checkers between modules |
Apache license - Used by the Apache HTTP server |
BSD license - Used by the Apache HTTP server |
libexpat | BSD license - Used by the Apache HTTP server |
cURL |
Curl license - Used by the distributed commands and the module checker |
ANSI C library for CGI Programming Cgic license - Credits and License Terms Used by the SafeKit web service |
dual OpenSSL and SSLeay license - Used when securing the web console, the distributed commands, and the checkers between modules |
MIT license - Used by safekit config command and the web console |
BSD like license - Used to pack/unpack a .safe template |
Packet Construction and Injection Libnet license - license Used for arpreroute and ping |
SafeKit uses the following third-party packages only for the SafeKit web console:
jquery |
MIT license - jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library |
jquery-ui |
MIT license - jQuery UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library |
jquery-lang | MIT license - Used for translating the messages of the web console from a default language to other languages |
jquery-ui-tabs.paging |
jquery-ui-tabs-paging - MIT license Used for translating the messages of the web console from a default language to other languages |
codemirror |
MIT-style license - Text editor widget by Marijn Haverbeke. Used in the SafeKit Web console for file edition |
codemirror-ui | MIT License - Simple interface written by Jeremy Green to act as a wrapper around the codemirror widget |
bootstrap icons | - MIT license – |
Thanks to iTweek ( for the Knob buttons toolbar icons.
"Action forcestop called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root", 114, 146
"Action prim called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root",97, 146
"Action primforce called by SYSTEM/root", 104
"Action restart called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root",73, 79, 114, 146
"Action restart|stopstart called by customscript", 92, 118, 146
"Action restart|stopstart called by errd", 86, 118, 146
"Action restart|stopstart from failover rule tcp_failure", 87, 118, 146
"Action second called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root", 97, 146
"Action shutdown called by SYSTEM", 76, 85, 142
"Action start called at boot time", 76, 77, 85, 142
"Action start called automatically", 86, 87, 92
"Action start called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root", 72, 79, 114, 146
"Action stop called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root", 72, 79, 114, 146
"Action stopstart called by failover-off", 101, 146
"Action stopstart called by modulecheck", 91, 146
"Action stopstart called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root", 114, 146
"Action stopstart from failover rule customid_failure", 92, 118, 146
"Action swap called by web@<IP>/SYSTEM/root", 73, 114, 146
"Action wait from failover rule customid_failure", 92, 117
"Action wait from failover rule tcpid_failure", 88, 117
"Action wait from failover rule degraded_server", 100
"Action wait from failover rule interface_failure", 89, 117
"Action wait from failover rule module_failure", 91, 117
"Action wait from failover rule notuptodate_server", 99, 117
"Action wait from failover rule ping_failure", 90, 117
"Action wait from failover rule splitbrain_failure", 117
File replication and reintegration messages
"Copied <reintegration statistics>", 75
"Data may be inconsistent for replicated directories (stopped during reintegration)", 104
"Data may not be uptodate for replicated directories (wait for the start of the remote server)", 97, 99, 117
"If you are sure that this server has valid data, run safekit prim to force start as primary", 97, 99, 117
"If you are sure that this server has valid data, run safekit primforce to force start as primary", 104
"Reintegration ended (synchronize)", 75
"Updating directory tree from /replicated", 75
Load-balancing messages
"farm load: 128/256 (group FarmProto)" , 107, 82, 83
"farm membership: node1 (group FarmProto)", 82, 83
"farm membership: node1 node2 (group FarmProto)" , 107, 82, 83
"farm membership: node2 (group FarmProto)", 83
"Local state ALONE green", 96, 72, 78
"Local state PRIM green", 96,72
"Local state SECOND green",96, 72
"Local state UP green",106 ,107
"Local state WAIT red", 117, 101
"Remote state ALONE green", 96,78
"Remote state PRIM green", 96, 72
"Remote state SECOND green",96, 72
"Remote state UNKNOWN grey", 77, 78
"Resource set to down by customscript", 92, 117, 118
"Resource set to up by customscript", 92
"Resource heartbeat.0 set to down by heart", 77, 78
"Resource heartbeat.flow set to down by heart", 77, 78
"Resource intf.ip.0 set to down by intfcheck", 89, 117
"Resource intf.ip.0 set to up by intfcheck", 89
"Resource module.othermodule_ip set to down by modulecheck", 91, 117
"Resource module.othermodule_ip set to up by modulecheck", 91
"Resource set to down by pingcheck", 90, 117
"Resource set to up by pingcheck", 90
"Resource rfs.degraded set to up by nfsadmin", 100
"Resource set to down by tcpcheck", 87, 88, 117, 118
"Resource set to up by tcpcheck", 88
"Script start_prim", 293, 72, 73, 76, 77
"Script stop_prim", 293, 72, 76, 78
"Script start_both", 293, 79, 85
"Transition RESTART|STOPSTART from failover rule customid_failure", 92
"Transition STOPSTART from failover-off", 101
"Transition SWAP from defaultprim", 103
"Transition SWAP from SYSTEM", 73
"Transition WAIT_TR from failover rule customid_failure", 92
"Transition WAIT_TR from failover rule interface_failure", 89
"Transition WAKEUP from failover rule Implicit_WAKEUP", 88, 89, 90, 91, 92
Other messages
"event atleast on proc <appli.exe>", 86, 118
"Failover-off configured", 101
"Previous halt unexpected", 77, 85
"Reason of failover: no heartbeat", 77
"Reason of failover: remote stop", 72, 76
"Requested prim start aborted ", 104
"Split brain recovery: exiting alone", 78
"Split brain recovery: staying alone", 78
"Stopping loop", 119, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 92, 118
"Virtual IP <ip 1.10 of mirror> set", 74
"Virtual IP <ip1.20 of farm> set", 80
Architectures mirror, farm… - 15 cloud - 315
Installation install, upgrade… - 25
Console configuration, control… - 35 securing (https, …) - 177
Advanced Configuration cluster.xml - 227 userconfig.xml - 235 user scripts - 293 examples - 299
Administration mirror - 95 farm - 105 advanced - 153 command line – 141
Support tests - 69 troubleshooting - 109 call desk - 133 log messages - 337
Other table of contents - 5 third-party software – 333 |