
Evidian > Products > Evidian Identity Governance and Administration

  • Identity Governance and Administation

    Manage access and authorization of all your users in your company

  60% of users

        have undue access right


25% of the breaches

involved internal actors

Identity Governance and Administration

Evidian Identity Governance and Administration leverages your organization by getting your Identity Management processes accurate, efficient and reliable.

  • Identify and manage all the users accessing to your applications 
  • Make operational people owners of access and rights decisions 
  • Reduce operational risk and ensure compliance 
  •  Define and Implement a security and operational policy 
  •  Speed up delivery of access to the required business applications

Zero Trust: Do your users have the required level of accreditation to access the applications?

How to ensure that users accessing an application are accredited with required training, certification, charter signature, and how to ensure that this accreditation is still valid?

In many organizations, particularly in healthcare, defense, and finance, access to applications doesn’t depend solely on the user's business profile but also on their level of accreditation. A certain level of accreditation (training, certification, signing a charter) may be required to be in compliance with current legislations, insurance, company charters, etc.
During audits, compliance reports may also be requested.

To meet these requirements, Evidian IGA integrates a new feature to verify when assigning rights that a user has the required level of accreditation. This feature also makes it possible to take into account changes in the level of accreditation over time: granting rights upon obtaining accreditation or revoking them upon expiration of accreditation.

For more informations contact us.

Be agile and reliable in your Business

Evidian Identity Governance and Administration is a comprehensive and easy to deploy Identity and Access Governance solution that provides customers with many benefits.

          Operational Risk management     -     Efficiency and operational cost reduction

          Improved governance     -     Availability & standardization     -     Easy deployment

  • Security


Governance and Automation

Evidian Identity Governance and Administration lets you manage the entire identities life cycle management.

Identity management - Security Policy definition
End user self-service and process management
Access management to applications - Compliance & Reporting


Certification and compliance

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Analytics and Intelligence

Effective cybersecurity now demands automation and analytics to work in conjunction for threat identification, mitigation and management. As businesses move to become digital enterprises they must continually scrutinize their operations, security processes and IT environments.

  • Transforms access and identity raw data into actionable intelligence

  • In line with compliance regulations, business security policies & corporate risk management objective

  • Tracks down and analyze access data

  • Extracts trends to report

  • Acts to improve right assignment management policy

ID Synchronization for a multi-directory identity repository

User information is often stored in many places: Active Directory, HR applications, Oracle and SQL Server, e-mail base, LDAP sources…

How to get a single, reliable identity repository?
By reconciling existing sources automatically, directory synchronization helps to maintain a central identity repository for all users.

  • Create a single trusted identity repository 
  • Draw information from the most reliable sources 
  • Retain your existing procedures 
  • Improve the quality of all your user databases 

Evidian Products - Protect your company from cyber attacks by unauthorized users


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Identity Governance and Administration

Manage access and authorization of all your users in your company

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Web Access Manager

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Authentication Manager

Authentication Manager

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Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO)

Secure access to legacy and web apps on PCs & mobiles with SSO

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Self Service Password Reset (SSPR)

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Evidian IAM leader in the French and German markets and in U.S. Public Sector

Evidian IAM

Evidian IAM cyber security tools and solutions – Leader in Identity and Access Management in France

Evidian IAM

Evidian IAM cyber security tools and solutions – Leader in Identity and Access Management in Germany

Evidian IAM

Evidian IAM cyber security tools and solutions – Leader in Identity and Access Management in U.S. Public Sector

What are IAM cyber security tools and solutions?