
Evidian > Products > High Availability Software - Zero Extra Hardware > High Availability Architectures and Best Practices

High Availability Architectures and Best Practices

Evidian SafeKit

What are the high availability architectures and the best practices?


This article explores the different high availability architectures and the best practices by given the pros and cons of each architecture.

High availability architectures and best practices

The following comparative tables explain in detail the SafeKit high availability architecture and its best practices (SafeKit is a software high availability product).

What are the high availability architectures?

There are two types of high availability architectures: those for backend applications such as databases and those for frontend applications such as web services.

High availability architectures for backend are based on 2 servers sharing or replicating data with an automatic application failover in the event of hardware of software failures.

High availability architectures for frontend are based on a farm of servers (2 servers or more). The load balancing is made by hardware or software and distributes the TCP sessions to the available servers in the farm.

Moreover, you have to choose between high availability at the application level or at the virtual machine level.

Comparative tables on high availability architectures and best practices

Pros and cons of high availability architectures

Software clustering vs hardware clustering
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A software cluster with SafeKit installed on two servers Hardware clustering with external shared storage

Shared nothing vs a shared disk cluster
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SafeKit shared-nothing cluster: easy to deploy even in remote sites Shared disk cluster: complex to deploy

Application High Availability vs Full Virtual Machine High Availability
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High availability at application level High availability at virtual machine level

High availability vs fault tolerance
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SafeKit high availability vs fault-tolerance Fault tolerance system

Synchronous replication vs asynchronous replication
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SafeKit synchronous replication with no data in case of failure Asynchronous replication with data loss on failure

Byte-level file replication vs block-level disk replication
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Byte-level file replication between two servers Block-level disk replication between two servers

Heartbeat, failover and quorum to avoid 2 master nodes
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Simple quorum in a SafeKit cluster with a split brain checker configured on a router Complex quorum in other clusters: third machine, special quorum disk, remote hardware reset

Virtual IP address primary/secondary, network load balancing, failover
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No special network configuration in a SafeKit cluster Special network configuration in other clusters

SafeKit Solutions and Quick Installation Guides

New application (real-time replication and failover)

New application (network load balancing and failover)

Database (real-time replication and failover)

Web (network load balancing and failover)

Full VM or container real-time replication and failover

Amazon AWS

Google GCP

Microsoft Azure

Other clouds

Physical security (real-time replication and failover)

Siemens (real-time replication and failover)