
Evidian > Products > High Availability Software - Zero Extra Hardware > Amazon AWS: The Simplest Load Balancing Cluster with Failover on Windows and Linux

Amazon AWS: The Simplest Load Balancing Cluster with Failover on Windows and Linux

Evidian SafeKit

How the Evidian SafeKit software simply implements a load balancing cluster with failover in Amazon AWS?

The solution in Amazon AWS

Evidian SafeKit brings load balancing and failover in Amazon AWS between two Windows or Linux redundant servers or more.

This article explains how to implement quickly a Amazon AWS cluster without specific skills.

A generic product

Note that SafeKit is a generic product on Windows and Linux.

You can implement with the same product real-time replication and failover of any file directory and service, database, complete Hyper-V or KVM virtual machines, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud applications (see all solutions).


How the Evidian SafeKit farm cluster implements load balancing and failover in Amazon AWS?

How it works in Amazon AWS?

  • The servers are running in different availability zones.
  • The critical application is running in all servers of the farm.
  • Users are connected to a virtual IP address which is configured in the Amazon AWS load balancer.
  • SafeKit provides a generic health check for the load balancer.
    When the farm module is stopped in a server, the health check returns NOK to the load balancer which stops the load balancing of requests to the server.
    The same behavior happens when there is a hardware failure.
  • In each server, SafeKit monitors the critical application with process checkers and custom checkers.
  • SafeKit restarts automatically the critical application in a server when there is a software failure thanks to restart scripts.
  • A connector for the SafeKit web console is installed in each server.
    Thus, the load balancing cluster can be managed in a very simple way to avoid human errors.

SafeKit High Availability Differentiators